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EntityUpdateProgUpTest.php in Entity Update 8


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namespace Drupal\entity_update_tests\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;
use Drupal\entity_update\EntityUpdate;
use Drupal\entity_update_tests\EntityUpdateTestHelper;
use Drupal\entity_update_tests\Entity\EntityUpdateTestsContentEntity;

 * Entity Update module, Update entities programmatically test.
 * @group Entity Update
class EntityUpdateProgUpTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Initialisation process.

    // Set initial fields status (1 enebale, 1 disable).
    EntityUpdateTestHelper::fieldSetType('type', NULL);

    // Update.

    // Create entities.
      'id' => 1,

   * Entity update : add fields.
   * Use this example if you add fields.
   * See the documentation for more details.
  public function testProgUpdateAddFields() {

    // Enable the test field (Only for this test).

    // Entity checking process : Get current entities list.
    $ids_old = \Drupal::entityQuery('entity_update_tests_cnt')

    // Make Update Using full methode.
    if ($res = EntityUpdate::safeUpdateMain()) {

      // Your codes if update success.
    else {

      // Your codes if update false.
      ->assert($res, 'Entity schema has been updated successfully.');

    // Entity checking process : Compare with new list entities list.
    $ids_new = \Drupal::entityQuery('entity_update_tests_cnt')

    // Compare two lists.
    $result = array_diff($ids_old, $ids_new);
    if ($res = empty($result)) {

      // Your codes if update checking process success.
    else {

      // Your codes if update false.
      ->assert($res, 'Entity schema has been updated successfully.');

   * Entity update : remove fields.
   * Use this example if you remove fields.
   * See the documentation for more details.
  public function testProgUpdateRemoveFields() {

    // Disable the test field (Only for this test).

    // Entity checking process : Get current entities list.
    $ids_old = \Drupal::entityQuery('entity_update_tests_cnt')

    // Make Update Using full methode.
    if ($res = EntityUpdate::safeUpdateMain()) {

      // Your codes if update success.
    else {

      // Your codes if update false.
      ->assert($res, 'Entity schema has been updated successfully.');

    // Entity checking process : Compare with new list entities list.
    $ids_new = \Drupal::entityQuery('entity_update_tests_cnt')

    // Compare two lists.
    $result = array_diff($ids_old, $ids_new);
    if ($res = empty($result)) {

      // Your codes if update checking process success.
    else {

      // Your codes if update false.
      ->assert($res, 'Entity schema has been updated successfully.');



Namesort descending Description
EntityUpdateProgUpTest Entity Update module, Update entities programmatically test.