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HookCronTest.php in Entity Share Cron 8

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Kernel/HookCronTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\entity_share_cron\Kernel;

use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;
use Drupal\entity_share_cron\EntityShareCronServiceInterface;

 * Tests the hook_cron() implementation.
 * @group entity_share_cron
class HookCronTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Editable module settings.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Config
  protected $config;

   * Queue of pending channels.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueInterface
  protected $queue;

   * Tests if channels are enqueued.
  public function testEnqueueChannels() {

    // Adjusts configuration to force a synchronization.
      ->set('cron_interval', 1)
      ->set('cron_last_run', -99999);

    // Configuree some remotes and channels.
      ->set('remotes', [
      'remote1' => [
        'enabled' => FALSE,
        'channels' => [
          'channel1' => [
            'enabled' => FALSE,
            'url' => 'url1',
      'remote2' => [
        'enabled' => TRUE,
        'channels' => [
          'channel2' => [
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'url' => 'url2',
          'channel3' => [
            'enabled' => FALSE,
            'url' => 'url3',
          'channel4' => [
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'url' => 'url4',
      'remote3' => [
        'enabled' => FALSE,
      'remote4' => [
        'enabled' => TRUE,
        'channels' => [
          'channel5' => [
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'url' => 'url5',

    // Saves changes to configuration.

    // Invokes the hook.

    // Makes assertions.
      ->assertEquals(3, $this->queue
    $item = $this->queue
      ->assertEquals('remote2', $item->data['remote_id']);
      ->assertEquals('channel2', $item->data['channel_id']);
      ->assertEquals('url2', $item->data['channel_info']['url']);
    $item = $this->queue
      ->assertEquals('remote2', $item->data['remote_id']);
      ->assertEquals('channel4', $item->data['channel_id']);
      ->assertEquals('url4', $item->data['channel_info']['url']);
    $item = $this->queue
      ->assertEquals('remote4', $item->data['remote_id']);
      ->assertEquals('channel5', $item->data['channel_id']);
      ->assertEquals('url5', $item->data['channel_info']['url']);
    $last_run = $this->config
      ->assertGreaterThan(-99999, $last_run);
      ->assertLessThanOrEqual(time(), $last_run);

   * Tests when no remotes are enabled.
  public function testNoRemotesEnabled() {

    // Adjusts configuration to force a synchronization.
      ->set('cron_interval', 1)
      ->set('cron_last_run', -99999);

    // Configure some remotes and channels.
      ->set('remotes', [
      'remote1' => [
        'enabled' => FALSE,
        'channels' => [
          'channel1' => [
            'enabled' => FALSE,
            'url' => 'url1',
      'remote2' => [
        'enabled' => FALSE,

    // Saves changes to configuration.

    // Invokes the hook.

    // Checks if the queue is empty.
      ->assertEquals(0, $this->queue
    $last_run = $this->config
      ->assertGreaterThan(-99999, $last_run);
      ->assertLessThanOrEqual(time(), $last_run);

   * Tests if no channels are enqueuend when the interval has not elapsed.
  public function testRecentExecution() {

    // Adjusts configuration as though a recent synchronization happened.
    $last_run = time();
      ->set('cron_interval', 9999999)
      ->set('cron_last_run', $last_run);

    // Configure some remotes and channels.
      ->set('remotes', [
      'remote1' => [
        'enabled' => TRUE,
        'channels' => [
          'channel1' => [
            'enabled' => TRUE,
            'url' => 'url1',

    // Saves changes to configuration.

    // Invokes the hook.

    // Checks if the queue is empty.
      ->assertEquals(0, $this->queue
      ->assertEquals($last_run, $this->config

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Installs and gets module configuration.
    $this->config = \Drupal::configFactory()

    // Gets the queue.
    $this->queue = \Drupal::queue(EntityShareCronServiceInterface::PENDING_QUEUE_NAME);



Namesort descending Description
HookCronTest Tests the hook_cron() implementation.