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8 string references to YAML keys in entity_share_cron.routing.yml in Entity Share Cron 3.0.x

CronHookHandler::process in src/HookHandler/CronHookHandler.php
Enqueue channels for import if the new execution interval is reached.
EntityShareCronFunctionalTest::testCron in tests/src/Functional/EntityShareCronFunctionalTest.php
Test cron feature.
EntityShareCronService::__construct in src/EntityShareCronService.php
entity_share_cron_update_8101 in ./entity_share_cron.install
Set enabled operations for channels.
entity_share_cron_update_8201 in ./entity_share_cron.install
Switch existing configuration from config to state..
entity_share_cron_update_8301 in ./entity_share_cron.install
Clear the queue and the last cron run and update config.
SettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/SettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
SettingsForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/SettingsForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.