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Class for handling taxonomy Export.


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 * @file
 * Class for handling taxonomy Export.

 * A class to export the taxonomy term.
class EntityShareTaxonomyExport extends EntityShareTaxonomyAbstract {

   * Manage taxonomy for the export.
  public function exportDatas() {

    // Check if the field type is managed by the module.
    if (!$this
      ->isManagedFieldType()) {

    // If we already come from content field walk.
    if (isset($this->fieldData['entity_type']) && $this->fieldData['entity_type'] == $this->fieldEntityType) {
      $term = (object) $this->fieldData;
    else {
      $field_data = (object) $this->fieldData;
      $tid = $field_data->tid;
      $term = $this
    $this->fieldData = $term;

   * Load a term with parent infos.
   * @param int $tid
   *   Term Id to load.
   * @return mixed
   *   The term entity.
  protected function getFullyLoadedTerm($tid) {
    $term_ori = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
    $vocabulary = entity_share_taxonomy_get_tree_all_language($term_ori->vid, 0, NULL, TRUE);
    foreach ($vocabulary as $term) {
      if ($term->tid == $tid) {
        $field_export = new EntityShareEntityExport($term);
        $term = $field_export
        $term = $this
        return $term;

   * Clean a term with unneeded datas.
   * @param object $term
   *   Term to clean.
   * @return object
   *   Cleaned term.
  protected function cleanTaxonomyTermExport($term) {
    return $term;

   * Get the parents of a term.
   * @param object $term
   *   Term to extract parent.
   * @return bool|array
   *   Array of the parent terms or FALSE if no parent.
  protected function getParentsTerm($term) {
    if (!isset($term->parents)) {
      $term = $this
    return $term->parents;

   * Load the parent tree.
   * @param object $term
   *   Term to extract parent.
   * @return object
   *   Term to with parents.
  protected function loadParentTree($term) {
    if ($parents = $this
      ->getParentsTerm($term)) {
      foreach ($parents as $tid) {
        if ($tid != 0) {
          $parent = $this
        else {
          $parent = 0;

        // For the entity save.
        $term->parent[] = $parent;
        if (!empty($parent->parents)) {
    return $term;

   * Export the term.
   * @param int $tid
   *   Term Id to load.
   * @return object
   *   The term with all parents loaded.
  protected function exportTerm($tid) {
    $full_term = $this
    return $this



Namesort descending Description
EntityShareTaxonomyExport A class to export the taxonomy term.