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Class for handling Field Collection Import.


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 * @file
 * Class for handling Field Collection Import.

 * A class to import the field collection.
 * @property EntityShareEntityImport entityShareEntity
class EntityShareFieldCollectionImport extends EntityShareFieldCollectionAbstract {
  const WATCHDOG_TYPE = 'entity_share_fc_import';

   * Manage field collection for the import.
  public function importDatas() {

    // Check if the field type is managed by the module.
    if (!$this
      ->isManagedFieldType()) {

    // Keep some needed data that will be overrided
    // by this code to inject them after.
    if (isset($this->fieldData['entity_share'])) {
      $bck_entity_share = $this->fieldData['entity_share'];

    // Security to not have invalid field collection entities.
    if (!$this
      ->isValidFieldCollectionEntity()) {

    // Get the updated fc entity.
    $fc_entity = $this

    // Set the entity share property from backup.
    if (isset($bck_entity_share)) {
      $fc_entity->entity_share = $bck_entity_share;

    // Attach the field collection to the local entity.
    $this->entity->{$this->fieldName}[$this->fieldLang][$this->fieldDelta] = array(
      'entity' => $fc_entity,

    // Recursion on field import of the field collection
    // to import file etc.

   * Check if valid field collection entity.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the field collection is valid, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function isValidFieldCollectionEntity() {
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($this->fieldEntityType);
    $uuid_key = $entity_info['entity keys']['uuid'];

    /* @var $fc_entity FieldCollectionItemEntity */

    // Uuid.
    $uuid = $this->fieldData[$uuid_key];

    // Security to not have invalid field collection entities.
    return empty($uuid) ? FALSE : TRUE;

   * Get the created or updated field collection entity.
   * @param string $field_entity_type
   *   Entity type of the field.
   * @return object
   *   The field collection entity.
   * @throws EntityShareExportException
   *   Throw exception if there is a problem
   *   with the field collection to import.
  protected function getUpdatedFieldCollection($field_entity_type) {
    $entity_id_info = $this->entityShareEntity
      ->getLocalEntityIds((object) $this->fieldData);

    // Existing field collection.
    if (isset($entity_id_info['entity_id'])) {

      // Update.
      // Load current entity.
      $fc_entity = entity_load($field_entity_type, array(
      if (empty($fc_entity)) {
        watchdog(self::WATCHDOG_TYPE, 'The field collection id %fcid can\'t be loaded', array(
          '%fcid' => $entity_id_info['entity_id'],
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        throw new EntityShareExportException('The field collection id ' . $entity_id_info['entity_id'] . ' can\'t be loaded');
      $fc_entity = $fc_entity[$entity_id_info['entity_id']];

      // Populate entity fields.
      foreach ($fc_entity as $prop => $prop_value) {

        // All field machine name always start with "field_".
        if (substr($prop, 0, 6) == 'field_') {
          $fc_entity->{$prop} = $this->fieldData[$prop];
    else {

      // Create.
      $fc_entity = entity_create($field_entity_type, $this->fieldData);

      // FALSE cos we create the link manually with the host entity
      // to not have unneeded empty field collection.
        ->getEntityType(), $this->entityShareEntity
        ->getEntity(), $this->fieldLang, FALSE);
    return $fc_entity;



Namesort descending Description
EntityShareFieldCollectionImport A class to import the field collection.