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RevisionTest.php in Entity Share 8.3


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\entity_share_client\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\entity_share_client\ImportContext;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * Functional test class to test import plugin "Revision".
 * @group entity_share
 * @group entity_share_client
class RevisionTest extends EntityShareClientFunctionalTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityTypeId = 'node';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityBundleId = 'es_test';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityLangcode = 'en';

   * Array to store JSON:API URLs for different "passes".
   * @var array
  protected $urlsByPass = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Prepare content in the initial state.

    // Modify the content and populate the JSON:API request mapping, but
    // slightly alter the URL so that we have both states cached. The second
    // URL will be fetched when we need to pull the "modified" entities.

    // Now we can delete the "remote" entities.

   * Update all entities by changing the labels, and populate response mapping.
   * @param int $version
   *   The ordinal number of content modification.
  protected function editContentAndRepopulate(int $version) {
    foreach ($this->entities as $entities_per_type) {
      foreach ($entities_per_type as $entity) {
          ->set('title', $entity
          ->label() . " V{$version}")
    foreach ($this->visitedUrlsDuringSetup as $url) {
      $parsed_url = UrlHelper::parse($url);

      // Just add the fake parameter (ie. `&2=2`) which doesn't affect JSON:API
      // response, but is different from the regular JSON:API URL.
      $parsed_url['query'][$version] = $version;
      $query = UrlHelper::buildQuery($parsed_url['query']);
      $prepared_url = $parsed_url['path'] . '?' . $query;

      // Issue the request in order to populate response mapping with different
      // data.
        ->request($this->remote, 'GET', $prepared_url);

      // For convenience, save the N'th version of the URL in a class variable.
      $this->urlsByPass[$url][$version] = $prepared_url;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getImportConfigProcessorSettings() {
    $processors = parent::getImportConfigProcessorSettings();
    $processors['revision'] = [
      'weights' => [
        'process_entity' => 10,
      'enforce_new_revision' => TRUE,
      'translation_affected' => FALSE,
    return $processors;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getEntitiesDataArray() {
    return [
      'node' => [
        'en' => [
          'es_test' => $this
            'status' => [
              'value' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED,
              'checker_callback' => 'getValue',

   * Test the "Revision" Import Processor plugin.
   * Test in enabled and disabled state.
  public function testRevisionPlugin() {

    // Verify that entities can be pulled with this plugin enabled.

    // Verify that pulled entity has just one revision.
    $imported_node = $this
      ->loadEntity('node', 'es_test');
    $revision_ids = $this->entityTypeManager
      ->assertEquals(count($revision_ids), 1, "After the initial import, node " . $imported_node
      ->uuid() . " has only one revision.");

    // Prepare import context.
    $channel_id = static::$entityTypeId . '_' . static::$entityBundleId . '_' . static::$entityLangcode;
    $import_context = new ImportContext($this->remote
      ->id(), $channel_id, $this::IMPORT_CONFIG_ID);

    // Import data from the remote URL: here we are using the 2nd version
    // of the channel URL, which contains data after the modification.
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager
    $channel_url = $channel_infos[$channel_id]['url'];
    $current_pass_url = $this->urlsByPass[$channel_url][2];

    // Verify that pulled entity has two revisions.
    $imported_node = $this
      ->loadEntity('node', 'es_test');
    $revision_ids = $this->entityTypeManager
      ->assertEquals(count($revision_ids), 2, "After the second import, node " . $imported_node
      ->uuid() . " has two revisions.");

    // Disable the import plugin.

    // Reset all content.
    $this->urlsByPass = [];

    // Prepare content twice.

    // Pull twice and the number of revisions should always be one.
    $imported_node = $this
      ->loadEntity('node', 'es_test');
    $revision_ids = $this->entityTypeManager
      ->assertEquals(count($revision_ids), 1, "After the initial import, node " . $imported_node
      ->uuid() . " has only one revision.");
    $import_context = new ImportContext($this->remote
      ->id(), $channel_id, $this::IMPORT_CONFIG_ID);
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager
    $channel_url = $channel_infos[$channel_id]['url'];
    $current_pass_url = $this->urlsByPass[$channel_url][2];
    $imported_node = $this
      ->loadEntity('node', 'es_test');
    $revision_ids = $this->entityTypeManager
      ->assertEquals(count($revision_ids), 1, "After the second import, node " . $imported_node
      ->uuid() . " has only one revision.");



Namesort descending Description
RevisionTest Functional test class to test import plugin "Revision".