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public function FileTest::testBasicPull in Entity Share 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/entity_share_client/tests/src/Functional/FileTest.php \Drupal\Tests\entity_share_client\Functional\FileTest::testBasicPull()

Test basic pull feature.

1 method overrides FileTest::testBasicPull()
FileDeletedTest::testBasicPull in modules/entity_share_client/tests/src/Functional/FileDeletedTest.php
Test basic pull feature.


modules/entity_share_client/tests/src/Functional/FileTest.php, line 316


Functional test class for file field.




public function testBasicPull() {

  // Test again without the import plugin "Physical file".

  // Need to remove all imported content (and files) prior to that.
  foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' has been deleted.');

  // Pull just one entity with attached file, and without this plugin
  // the file should not exist.
  foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' has not been pulled and recreated.');

  // Test rename option.
  // Re-enable the plugin.
    'physical_file' => [
      'rename' => FALSE,
      'weights' => [
        'process_entity' => 0,

  // Need to remove all imported content (and files) prior to that.

  // Pull twice to test that by default there are no duplicated physical
  // files.

  // Test that the files had been recreated without rename.
  foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' has been pulled and recreated.');
    $replaced_file_info = $this
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($replaced_file_info['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $replaced_file_info['filename'] . ' has not been renamed.');

  // Need to remove all imported content (and files) prior to that.

  // Update the 'rename' setting.
    'physical_file' => [
      'rename' => TRUE,
      'weights' => [
        'process_entity' => 0,

  // At the first import there should not be duplicated files.
  foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' has been pulled and recreated.');
    $replaced_file_info = $this
      ->assertFalse(file_exists($replaced_file_info['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $replaced_file_info['filename'] . ' has not been renamed.');

  // At the second import there should be duplicated files.
  foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' still exists.');
    $replaced_file_info = $this
      ->assertTrue(file_exists($replaced_file_info['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $replaced_file_info['filename'] . ' has been created.');