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CliTest.php in Entity Share 8.2


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\entity_share_client\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;

 * General functional test class for CLI integration.
 * @group entity_share
 * @group entity_share_client
class CliTest extends EntityShareClientFunctionalTestBase {

   * The state information service.
   * @var \Drupal\entity_share_client\Service\StateInformationInterface
  protected $stateInformation;

   * The CLI service.
   * @var \Drupal\entity_share_client\Service\EntityShareClientCliService
  protected $cliService;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityTypeId = 'node';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityBundleId = 'es_test';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $entityLangcode = 'en';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->stateInformation = $this->container
    $this->cliService = $this->container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getEntitiesDataArray() {
    return [
      'node' => [
        'en' => [
          'es_test_1' => $this
            'status' => [
              'value' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED,
              'checker_callback' => 'getValue',
          'es_test_2' => $this
            'status' => [
              'value' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED,
              'checker_callback' => 'getValue',

   * Test pull command.
  public function testPull() {
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager
    $channel_info = array_shift($channel_infos);
    $channel_url = $channel_info['url'];
      ->pull($this->remote, $channel_url);

   * Test pull command with the update option.
  public function testPullUpdate() {
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager
    $channel_info = array_shift($channel_infos);
    $channel_url = $channel_info['url'];
    $channel_url_uuid = $channel_info['url_uuid'];
    $update_count = $this->cliService
      ->pullUpdates($this->remote, $channel_url, $channel_url_uuid, 'node');
      ->assertEquals(2, $update_count, 'On the first run, the two contents had been pulled.');
    $update_count = $this->cliService
      ->pullUpdates($this->remote, $channel_url, $channel_url_uuid, 'node');
      ->assertEquals(0, $update_count, 'On the second run, no content had been pulled.');

    // Edit the first content (also this emulates a change on the client
    // website).
    $node = $this
      ->loadEntity('node', 'es_test_1');
      ->set('title', $this
    $update_count = $this->cliService
      ->pullUpdates($this->remote, $channel_url, $channel_url_uuid, 'node');
      ->assertEquals(1, $update_count, 'On the third run, only the changed content had been pulled.');
    $update_count = $this->cliService
      ->pullUpdates($this->remote, $channel_url, $channel_url_uuid, 'node');
      ->assertEquals(0, $update_count, 'On the fourth run, no content had been pulled.');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function populateRequestService() {

    // Needs to make the requests when only es_test_1 will be required.
    $selected_entities = [
    $prepared_url = $this
      ->prepareUrlFilteredOnUuids($selected_entities, 'node_es_test_en');
    $http_client = $this->remoteManager
      ->discoverJsonApiEndpoints($http_client, $prepared_url);

    // Needs to make the requests when both contents will be required.
    $selected_entities = [
    $prepared_url = $this
      ->prepareUrlFilteredOnUuids($selected_entities, 'node_es_test_en');
    $http_client = $this->remoteManager
      ->discoverJsonApiEndpoints($http_client, $prepared_url);

    // Because of the offset, needs to parse the url_uuid in a special way.
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager
    $channel_url_uuid = $channel_infos['node_es_test_en']['url_uuid'];
    $offset = 0;
    $parsed_url = UrlHelper::parse($channel_url_uuid);
    $parsed_url['query']['page']['offset'] = $offset;
    $query = UrlHelper::buildQuery($parsed_url['query']);
    $revisions_url = $parsed_url['path'] . '?' . $query;
    $http_client = $this->remoteManager
      ->discoverJsonApiEndpoints($http_client, $revisions_url);



Namesort descending Description
CliTest General functional test class for CLI integration.