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AuthenticationOAuthTest.php in Entity Share 8.3


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\entity_share_client\Functional;

use Drupal\consumers\Entity\Consumer;
use Drupal\Core\Site\Settings;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\entity_share_client\Entity\RemoteInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\simple_oauth\Functional\SimpleOauthTestTrait;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;
use League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessTokenInterface;

 * Functional test class for import with "OAuth" authorization.
 * @group entity_share
 * @group entity_share_client
class AuthenticationOAuthTest extends AuthenticationTestBase {
  use SimpleOauthTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * Injected key service.
   * @var \Drupal\entity_share_client\Service\KeyProvider
  protected $keyService;

   * The Drupal config factory.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $configFactory;

   * The client secret.
   * @var string
  protected $clientSecret;

   * The client (consumer) entities, one per each user.
   * @var \Drupal\consumers\Entity\Consumer[]
  protected $clients;

   * User role with OAuth permissions and unrestricted node access.
   * @var \Drupal\user\RoleInterface
  protected $clientRole;

   * User role with OAuth permissions.
   * @var \Drupal\user\RoleInterface
  protected $clientRolePlain;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $this->keyService = $this->container

    // Give admin user access to all channels (channel user already has it).
    foreach ($this->channels as $channel) {
      $authorized_users = $channel
      $authorized_users = array_merge($authorized_users, [
        ->set('authorized_users', $authorized_users);

    // Create Keys with users' credentials.
    $this->configFactory = $this->container
    $simple_oauth_settings = $this->configFactory
      ->set('access_token_expiration', 10);
      ->set('refresh_token_expiration', 30);

    // Change the initial remote configuration: it will use the admin user
    // to authenticate. We first test as administrative user because they have
    // access to all nodes, so we can in the beginning of the test pull the
    // channel and use `checkCreatedEntities()`.
    $plugin = $this
      ->createAuthenticationPlugin($this->adminUser, $this->remote);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function createAuthenticationPlugin(UserInterface $user, RemoteInterface $remote) {

    // Create all needed OAuth-related entities on the "server" side.
    $plugin = $this->authPluginManager
    $configuration = $plugin

    // To properly test, delete the cached key used in the previous run.
    if ($this->keyValueStore
      ->get($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin
      ->getPluginId()) instanceof AccessTokenInterface) {
        ->delete($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin

    // Override Guzzle HTTP client options.
    // This is mandatory because otherwise in testing environment there would
    // be a redirection from POST /oauth/token to GET /oauth/token.
    // @see GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware::modifyRequest().
    $request_options = [
      RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => FALSE,
      RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => [
        'strict' => TRUE,
    $site_settings = Settings::getAll();
    $site_settings['http_client_config'] = $request_options;
    new Settings($site_settings);

    // Obtain the access token from server.
    $credentials = [
      'username' => $user
      'password' => $user->passRaw,
      'client_id' => $this->clients[$user
      'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret,
      'authorization_path' => '/oauth/authorize',
      'token_path' => '/oauth/token',
    $access_token = '';
    try {
      $access_token = $plugin
        ->initializeToken($remote, $credentials);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Do nothing.

    // Since this is an important part of OAuth functionality,
    // assert that it is successful.
      ->assertNotEmpty($access_token, 'The access token is not empty.');

    // Remove the username and password.
    $storage_key = $configuration['uuid'];
      ->set($storage_key, $credentials);

    // Save the token.
      ->set($storage_key . '-' . $plugin
      ->getPluginId(), $access_token);

    // We are using key value store for local credentials storage.
    $configuration['data'] = [
      'credential_provider' => 'entity_share',
      'storage_key' => $storage_key,
    return $plugin;

   * Test that correct entities are created with different authentications.
  public function testImport() {

    // 1. Test content creation as administrative
    // user: both published and unpublished nodes should be created.
    // In this run we are also testing the access to private physical files.
    // First, assert that files didn't exist before import.
    foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {
        ->assertFalse(file_exists($file_data['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_data['filename'] . ' has been deleted.');

    // Pull channel and test that all nodes and file entities are there.

    // Some stronger assertions for the uploaded private file.
    foreach (static::$filesData as $file_definition) {
        ->assertTrue(file_exists($file_definition['uri']), 'The physical file ' . $file_definition['filename'] . ' has been pulled and recreated.');
        ->assertEquals(file_get_contents($file_definition['uri']), $file_definition['file_content'], 'The content of physical file ' . $file_definition['filename'] . ' is correct.');

    // 2. Test as a non-administrative user who can't access unpublished nodes.
    // Change the remote so that is uses the channel user's credentials.
    $plugin = $this
      ->createAuthenticationPlugin($this->channelUser, $this->remote);

    // Delete all "client" entities created after the first import.

    // Also clean up all uploaded files.
    foreach (static::$filesData as $file_data) {

    // There is no need to test the physical files anymore, so we will remove
    // them from the entity array.

    // Since the remote ID remains the same, we need to reset some of
    // remote manager's cached values.

    // Prepare the "server" content again.

    // Get channel info so that individual channels can be pulled next.
    $channel_infos = $this->remoteManager

    // Re-import data from JSON:API.

    // Assertions.
    $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $published = $entity_storage
      'uuid' => 'es_test_node_import_published',
      ->assertEquals(count($published), 1, 'The published node was imported.');
    $not_published = $entity_storage
      'uuid' => 'es_test_node_import_not_published',
      ->assertEquals(count($not_published), 0, 'The unpublished node was not imported.');

    // 3. Test as non-administrative user, but with credentials stored using
    // Key module.

    // Assertions.
    $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $published = $entity_storage
      'uuid' => 'es_test_node_import_published',
      ->assertEquals(count($published), 1, 'The published node was imported.');
    $not_published = $entity_storage
      'uuid' => 'es_test_node_import_not_published',
      ->assertEquals(count($not_published), 0, 'The unpublished node was not imported.');

   * Test behavior when access and refresh tokens are revoked.
  public function testTokenExpiration() {

    // 1. Access token is valid.
    $entity_share_entrypoint_url = Url::fromRoute('entity_share_server.resource_list');
    $response = $this->remoteManager
      ->jsonApiRequest($this->remote, 'GET', $entity_share_entrypoint_url
      ->assertNotNull($response, 'No exception caught during request');
      ->assertEquals(200, $response

    // Ensure access token has expired.
    $plugin = $this->remote
    $configuration = $plugin

    /** @var \League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessTokenInterface $access_token */
    $access_token = $this->keyValueStore
      ->get($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin
      ->hasExpired(), 'The access token has not expired yet.');
      ->hasExpired(), 'The access token has expired.');

    // 2. Access token has expired but refresh token is still valid.
    $response = $this->remoteManager
      ->jsonApiRequest($this->remote, 'GET', $entity_share_entrypoint_url
      ->assertNotNull($response, 'No exception caught during request');
      ->assertEquals(200, $response

    // Ensure refresh token has expired.

    // 3. Both access and refresh tokens have expired, so use
    // client_credentials as a last resort.
    $response = $this->remoteManager
      ->jsonApiRequest($this->remote, 'GET', $entity_share_entrypoint_url
      ->assertNotNull($response, 'No exception caught during request');
      ->assertEquals(200, $response

   * Helper function: updates the existing OAuth plugin to use Key storage.
   * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
   *   The user whose credentials will be used for the plugin.
  private function setupAuthorizationPluginWithKey(UserInterface $account) {
    $plugin = $this->remote
    $configuration = $plugin

    // To properly test, delete the cached key used in the previous run.
    if ($this->keyValueStore
      ->get($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin
      ->getPluginId()) instanceof AccessTokenInterface) {
        ->delete($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin

    // Obtain the access token from server again, but now we are using the
    // credentials saved in the Key.
    $credentials = $this->keyService
    $credentials['username'] = $account
    $credentials['password'] = $account->passRaw;
    $request_options = [
      RequestOptions::HTTP_ERRORS => FALSE,
      RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => [
        'strict' => TRUE,
    $access_token = '';
    try {
      $access_token = $plugin
        ->initializeToken($this->remote, $credentials, $request_options);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Do nothing.

    // Since this is an important part of OAuth functionality,
    // assert that it is successful.
      ->assertNotEmpty($access_token, 'The new access token is not empty.');

    // Save the obtained key.
      ->set($configuration['uuid'] . '-' . $plugin
      ->getPluginId(), $access_token);

    // Save the new configuration of the plugin.
    $configuration['data'] = [
      'credential_provider' => 'key',
      'storage_key' => 'key_oauth_' . $account

    // Save the "Remote" config entity.

   * Helper function: creates needed server-side entities needed for OAuth.
  private function serverOauthSetup() {

    // Create OAuth roles and assign these roles to users.
    $this->clientRole = Role::create([
      'id' => $this
        ->name(8, TRUE),
      'label' => $this
      'is_admin' => FALSE,
      ->grantPermission('grant simple_oauth codes');
      ->grantPermission('bypass node access');
    $this->clientRolePlain = Role::create([
      'id' => $this
        ->name(8, TRUE),
      'label' => $this
      'is_admin' => FALSE,
      ->grantPermission('grant simple_oauth codes');

    // Create client secret.
    $this->clientSecret = $this

    // Create OAuth consumers.
      ->createOauthConsumer($this->adminUser, $this->clientRole);
      ->createOauthConsumer($this->channelUser, $this->clientRolePlain);

    // Create private and public keys for the OAuth module.
    // Not to be confused with Key module's storage of credentials.

   * Create a service consumer for OAuth.
   * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
   *   The user whose credentials will be used for the plugin.
   * @param \Drupal\user\RoleInterface $role
   *   The user role for OAuth consumer.
  protected function createOauthConsumer(UserInterface $account, RoleInterface $role) {

    // Create a Consumer.
    $client = Consumer::create([
      'owner_id' => '',
      'user_id' => $account
      'label' => $this
      'secret' => $this->clientSecret,
      'confidential' => FALSE,
      'third_party' => TRUE,
      'roles' => [
          'target_id' => $role
      ->id()] = $client;

   * Create a key of OAuth type.
   * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account
   *   The user whose credentials will be used for the plugin.
  protected function createKey(UserInterface $account) {
      ->createTestKey('key_oauth_' . $account
      ->id(), 'entity_share_oauth', 'config');
    $credentials = [
      'client_id' => $this->clients[$account
      'client_secret' => $this->clientSecret,
      'authorization_path' => '/oauth/authorize',
      'token_path' => '/oauth/token',
    $output = '';
    foreach ($credentials as $name => $value) {
      $output .= "\"{$name}\": \"{$value}\"\n";
    $key_value = <<<EOT
  {<span class="php-variable">$output</span>}}



Namesort descending Description
AuthenticationOAuthTest Functional test class for import with "OAuth" authorization.