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StateInformation.php in Entity Share 8.3

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  1. 8.2 modules/entity_share_client/src/Service/StateInformation.php


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\entity_share_client\Service;

use Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Exception\UndefinedLinkTemplateException;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Drupal\entity_share\EntityShareUtility;
use Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceType\ResourceTypeRepositoryInterface;

 * Service to handle presentation of import state.
 * @package Drupal\entity_share_client\Service
class StateInformation implements StateInformationInterface {
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * The entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The resource type repository.
   * @var \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceType\ResourceTypeRepositoryInterface
  protected $resourceTypeRepository;

   * The Drupal datetime service.
   * @var \Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface
  protected $time;

   * StateInformation constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   The entity type manager.
   * @param \Drupal\jsonapi\ResourceType\ResourceTypeRepositoryInterface $resource_type_repository
   *   The resource type repository.
   * @param \Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface $time
   *   The Drupal time service.
  public function __construct(EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, ResourceTypeRepositoryInterface $resource_type_repository, TimeInterface $time) {
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->resourceTypeRepository = $resource_type_repository;
    $this->time = $time;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getStatusInfo(array $data) {
    $status_info = $this

    // Get the entity type and entity storage.
    $parsed_type = explode('--', $data['type']);
    $entity_type_id = $parsed_type[0];
    try {
      $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
      $status_info = $this
      return $status_info;

    // Check if an entity already exists.
    $existing_entities = $entity_storage
      'uuid' => $data['id'],
    if (empty($existing_entities)) {
      $status_info = $this
    else {

      /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $existing_entity */
      $existing_entity = array_shift($existing_entities);
      $resource_type = $this->resourceTypeRepository
        ->get($parsed_type[0], $parsed_type[1]);
      $changed_public_name = FALSE;
      if ($resource_type
        ->hasField('changed')) {
        $changed_public_name = $resource_type
      if (!empty($data['attributes'][$changed_public_name]) && method_exists($existing_entity, 'getChangedTime')) {
        $entity_changed_time = EntityShareUtility::convertChangedTime($data['attributes'][$changed_public_name]);
        $entity_keys = $entity_storage

        // Case of translatable entity.
        if (isset($entity_keys['langcode']) && !empty($entity_keys['langcode'])) {
          $entity_language_id = $data['attributes'][$resource_type

          // Entity has the translation.
          if ($existing_entity
            ->hasTranslation($entity_language_id)) {
            $existing_translation = $existing_entity

            // Existing entity.
            if ($this
              ->entityHasChanged($existing_translation, $entity_changed_time)) {
              $status_info = $this
                ->statusInfoArray(StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_CHANGED, $existing_entity);
            else {
              $status_info = $this
                ->statusInfoArray(StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_SYNCHRONIZED, $existing_entity);
          else {
            $status_info = $this
              ->statusInfoArray(StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_NEW_TRANSLATION, $existing_entity);
        else {

          // Existing entity.
          if ($this
            ->entityHasChanged($existing_entity, $entity_changed_time)) {
            $status_info = $this
              ->statusInfoArray(StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_CHANGED, $existing_entity);
          else {
            $status_info = $this
              ->statusInfoArray(StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_SYNCHRONIZED, $existing_entity);
    return $status_info;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getStatusDefinition(string $status_info_id) {
    $definitions = [
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_UNDEFINED => [
        'label' => $this
        'class' => 'undefined',
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_UNKNOWN => [
        'label' => $this
          ->t('Unknown entity type'),
        'class' => 'undefined',
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_NEW => [
        'label' => $this
          ->t('New entity'),
        'class' => 'new',
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_NEW_TRANSLATION => [
        'label' => $this
          ->t('New translation'),
        'class' => 'new',
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_CHANGED => [
        'label' => $this
          ->t('Entities not synchronized'),
        'class' => 'changed',
      StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_SYNCHRONIZED => [
        'label' => $this
          ->t('Entities synchronized'),
        'class' => 'up-to-date',
    return $definitions[$status_info_id] ?? $definitions[StateInformationInterface::INFO_ID_UNDEFINED];

   * Helper function: generates status information for a known status ID.
   * @param string $status_info_id
   *   An identifier of the status info (the value of 'INFO_ID_...' constant).
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   A Drupal content entity.
   * @return array
   *   The same as return value of getStatusInfo().
  protected function statusInfoArray(string $status_info_id, ContentEntityInterface $entity = NULL) {
    $status_definition = $this
    $status_info = [
      'label' => $status_definition['label'],
      'class' => 'entity-share-' . $status_definition['class'],
      'info_id' => $status_info_id,
      'local_entity_link' => NULL,
      'local_revision_id' => NULL,
    if ($entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) {
      try {
        $status_info['local_entity_link'] = $entity
      } catch (UndefinedLinkTemplateException $exception) {

        // Do nothing, the link remains NULL.

      // If entity type is not revisionable, this will remain NULL.
      $status_info['local_revision_id'] = $entity
    return $status_info;

   * Checks if the entity has changed on Remote before import.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity being imported.
   * @param int $remote_changed_time
   *   The timestamp of "changed" date on Remote.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether the entity has changed on Remote before import.
  protected function entityHasChanged(ContentEntityInterface $entity, int $remote_changed_time) {

    // We are determining if the entity has changed by comparing the dates.
    // The last import date must be after the remote changed date, otherwise
    // the entity has changed.
    $import_status_entity = $this
    if ($import_status_entity) {
      return $import_status_entity
        ->getLastImport() < $remote_changed_time;
    else {
      return $entity
        ->getChangedTime() != $remote_changed_time;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function createImportStatusOfEntity(ContentEntityInterface $entity, array $parameters) {
    try {
      $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
      $entity_import_status_data = [
        'entity_id' => $entity
        'entity_uuid' => $entity
        'entity_type_id' => $entity
        'entity_bundle' => $entity
        'last_import' => $this->time
      if ($entity_storage
        ->hasKey('langcode')) {
        $entity_import_status_data['langcode'] = $entity
      foreach ([
      ] as $additional_parameter) {
        if (!empty($parameters[$additional_parameter])) {
          $entity_import_status_data[$additional_parameter] = $parameters[$additional_parameter];
      $import_status_entity = $entity_storage
      return $import_status_entity;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // @todo log the error.
      return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getImportStatusByParameters(string $uuid, string $entity_type_id, string $langcode = NULL) {

    // A content entity can be uniquely identified by entity type, UUID and
    // language code (if entity type supports languages).
    $search_criteria = [
      'entity_uuid' => $uuid,
      'entity_type_id' => $entity_type_id,
    if ($langcode) {
      $search_criteria['langcode'] = $langcode;

    /** @var \Drupal\entity_share_client\Entity\EntityImportStatusInterface[] $import_status_entities */
    $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $import_status_entities = $entity_storage
    if (!empty($import_status_entities)) {
      return current($import_status_entities);
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getImportStatusOfEntity(ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
    $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $langcode = NULL;
    if ($entity_storage
      ->hasKey('langcode')) {
      $langcode = $entity
    return $this
      ->uuid(), $entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $langcode);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function deleteImportStatusOfEntity(EntityInterface $entity, string $langcode = NULL) {

    // If entity is not supported by "entity import", do nothing.
    if (!$entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface) {
    if (in_array($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), [
    ])) {
    if (!$entity
      ->uuid()) {
    $entity_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
    $search_criteria = [
      'entity_id' => $entity
      'entity_type_id' => $entity
    if ($entity_storage
      ->hasKey('uuid')) {
      $search_criteria['entity_uuid'] = $entity
    if ($langcode && $entity_storage
      ->hasKey('langcode')) {
      $search_criteria['langcode'] = $langcode;

    /** @var \Drupal\entity_share_client\Entity\EntityImportStatusInterface[] $import_status_entities */
    $import_status_entities = $entity_storage
    if ($import_status_entities) {
      foreach ($import_status_entities as $import_status_entity) {



Namesort descending Description
StateInformation Service to handle presentation of import state.