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LinkInternalContentImporter.php in Entity Share 8.3


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\entity_share_client\Plugin\EntityShareClient\Processor;

use Drupal\entity_share\EntityShareUtility;
use Drupal\entity_share_client\RuntimeImportContext;

 * Import internal content from Link fields.
 * Act in prepare_importable_entity_data stage and not process_entity stage to
 * be effective before entity denormalization.
 * @ImportProcessor(
 *   id = "link_internal_content_importer",
 *   label = @Translation("Link internal content"),
 *   description = @Translation("Import internal content from link fields. Require the 'UUID for link (link field only) (Entity Share)' field enhancer enabled on both client and server websites."),
 *   stages = {
 *     "prepare_importable_entity_data" = 20,
 *   },
 *   locked = false,
 * )
class LinkInternalContentImporter extends EntityReference {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function prepareImportableEntityData(RuntimeImportContext $runtime_import_context, array &$entity_json_data) {
    if (isset($entity_json_data['attributes']) && is_array($entity_json_data['attributes'])) {
      foreach ($entity_json_data['attributes'] as $field_name => $field_data) {
        if (is_array($field_data)) {
          if (EntityShareUtility::isNumericArray($field_data)) {
            foreach ($field_data as $delta => $value) {
              if (isset($value['content_entity_href'])) {
                $entity_json_data['attributes'][$field_name][$delta]['uri'] = $this
                  ->processLink($runtime_import_context, $value['uri'], $value['content_entity_href']);
          elseif (isset($field_data['content_entity_href'])) {
            $entity_json_data['attributes'][$field_name]['uri'] = $this
              ->processLink($runtime_import_context, $field_data['uri'], $field_data['content_entity_href']);

   * Attempts to import UUID-enhanced link content.
   * @param \Drupal\entity_share_client\RuntimeImportContext $runtime_import_context
   *   The import context.
   * @param string $uri
   *   URI should be in the format entity:[entity_type]/[bundle_name]/[UUID].
   * @param string $import_url
   *   The import URL prepared by the entity_share_uuid_link enhancer plugin.
   * @return string
   *   Link to the imported content in the form entity:[entity_type]/[Id].
  protected function processLink(RuntimeImportContext $runtime_import_context, string $uri, string $import_url) {

    // Check if it is a link to an entity.
    preg_match("/entity:(.*)\\/(.*)\\/(.*)/", $uri, $parsed_uri);

    // If the link is not in UUID enhanced format, just return the original URI.
    if (empty($parsed_uri)) {
      return $uri;
    $entity_type = $parsed_uri[1];
    $entity_uuid = $parsed_uri[3];
    $referenced_entities_ids = $this
      ->importUrl($runtime_import_context, $import_url);
    if (!empty($referenced_entities_ids) && isset($referenced_entities_ids[$entity_uuid])) {
      return 'entity:' . $entity_type . '/' . $referenced_entities_ids[$entity_uuid];
    else {
      return $uri;



Namesort descending Description
LinkInternalContentImporter Import internal content from Link fields.