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Files in Entity Share 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
README.txt modules/entity_share_taxonomy/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Taxonomy allows to manage taxonomy terms in content. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- It implements the hook_es_export_field_data_alter() and hook_es_import_field_data_alter() hooks. INSTALLATION ------------ 1.…
README.txt modules/entity_share_medias/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Medias allows to export and import the medias. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- It provide and API to add your own medias types handler. /** * Alter the media type managed to add a EntityShareMediasProvider handler …
README.txt modules/entity_share_ui/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share UI allows to configure endpoints and export some entities. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- You configure some target endpoints that will receive the exported datas. You select some node to export from the search…
README.txt modules/entity_share_server/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Server enable the server part of the module. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- A rest API is exposed thanks to this module. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will…
README.txt modules/entity_share_field_collection/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Field Collection allows to manage field collections. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- It implements the hook_es_export_field_data_alter() and hook_es_import_field_data_alter hooks(). INSTALLATION ------------ 1.…
README.txt modules/entity_share_medias/modules/entity_share_medias_scald/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Medias Scald allows to export and import the scald atoms. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules"). 2. Go to…
README.txt modules/entity_share_medias/modules/entity_share_medias_file/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share Medias File allows to export and import the file field. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules"). 2. Go to…
README.txt modules/entity_share_ui/modules/entity_share_ui_server/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share UI Server allows to configure the server API security. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- A list of Ips is authorized. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will…
README.txt modules/entity_share_ui/modules/entity_share_ui_client/README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share UI Client allows to configure endpoints and export some entities. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- You configure some target endpoints that will receive the exported datas. You select some node to export from the…
README.txt README.txt SUMMARY ------- Entity Share is a module allowing you to share some content entities like node, field_collection, taxonomy, medias etc between different Drupal instances. HOW DOES IT WORK ---------------- The principle of this module is to generate…


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