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public function EntityPrintAdminTest::testAdminSettings in Entity Print 8

Test the configuration form and expected settings.


src/Tests/EntityPrintAdminTest.php, line 48


Entity Print Admin tests.




public function testAdminSettings() {

  // The default implementation is Dompdf but that is not available in tests
  // make sure its settings form is not rendered.
    ->assertNoText('Dompdf Settings');

  // Make sure we also get a warning telling us to install it.
    ->assertText('Dompdf is not available because it is not configured. Please install using composer.');

  // Ensure saving the form without any PDF engine selected doesn't blow up.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save configuration');

  // Assert the intial config values.
    ->drupalPostAjaxForm(NULL, [
    'pdf_engine' => 'testpdfengine',
  ], 'pdf_engine');
    ->assertFieldByName('test_engine_setting', 'initial value');

  // Ensure the plugin gets the chance to validate the form.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'pdf_engine' => 'testpdfengine',
    'test_engine_setting' => 'rejected',
  ], 'Save configuration');
    ->assertText('Setting has an invalid value');
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'default_css' => 0,
    'force_download' => 0,
    'pdf_engine' => 'testpdfengine',
    'test_engine_setting' => 'testvalue',
  ], 'Save configuration');

  /** @var \Drupal\entity_print\Entity\PdfEngineInterface $config_entity */
  $config_entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

  // Assert the expected settings were stored.
    ->assertEqual('testpdfengine', $config_entity
    'test_engine_setting' => 'testvalue',
    'test_engine_suffix' => 'overridden',
  ], $config_entity
    ->assertEqual('entity_print_test', $config_entity

  // Assert that the testpdfengine is actually used.
    ->assertText('Using testpdfengine - overridden');