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11 string references to entity_hierarchy.manager in Entity Reference Hierarchy 8

AdminSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/AdminSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
entity_hierarchy_form_node_form_alter in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements Adds a vertical tab to the node form allowing a hierarchy parent to be selected or deleted. Here we're doing some permission checking, then presenting the form using the HierarchyManager class. We then use an #entity_builders callback…
entity_hierarchy_form_node_type_form_alter in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements Here we are altering the node type edit form to include hierarchy settings, such as setting which content types should support one or more child content types.
entity_hierarchy_node_insert in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements This function will be called whenever a new node is created. We will write the hierarchy information to the database if a parent is set on the node add form.
entity_hierarchy_node_prepare_form in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements We are loading the hierarchy parents for a given node id, and adding it to the node object for later processing in HierarchyManagerInterface::addHierarchyFormElement, which is called in entity_hierarchy_form_node_form_alter().
entity_hierarchy_node_update in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements This function will be called whenever a node is updated. We will write the hierarchy information to the database if a parent is set on the node edit form or delete the parent if a checkbox is selected.
entity_hierarchy_node_view in ./entity_hierarchy.module
Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view().
entity_hierarchy_views_form_node_form_alter in entity_hierarchy_views/entity_hierarchy_views.module
@todo Please document this function.
entity_hierarchy_views_form_node_type_form_alter in entity_hierarchy_views/entity_hierarchy_views.module
Implements hook_entity_hierarchy_node_type_settings_form().
NodeHierarchyChildrenForm::form in src/Form/NodehierarchyChildrenForm.php
Gets the actual form array to be built.
NodeHierarchyChildrenForm::save in src/Form/NodehierarchyChildrenForm.php
Here we are loading the weights/IDs from the values set using the tabledrag in the form() function above.