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public function CKEditorIntegrationTest::testIntegration in Entity Embed 8

Test integration with Filter, Editor and Ckeditor.


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/CKEditorIntegrationTest.php, line 138


Tests ckeditor integration.




public function testIntegration() {
  $page = $this

  // Add "Embeds" toolbar button group to the active toolbar.
    ->buttonExists('Show group names')
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', '.ckeditor-add-new-group');
    ->buttonExists('Add group')
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', '[name="group-name"]')

  // Verify the <drupal-entity> tag is not yet allowed.
  $allowed_html = $this
    ->assertStringNotContainsString('drupal-entity', $allowed_html);

  // Verify that after dragging the Entity Embed CKEditor plugin button into
  // the active toolbar, the <drupal-entity> tag is allowed, as well as some
  // attributes.
  $item = 'li[data-drupal-ckeditor-button-name="' . $this->button
    ->id() . '"]';
  $from = "ul {$item}";
  $target = 'ul.ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons';
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', $target);
    ->sortableTo($item, $from, $target);
  $allowed_html_updated = $this
    ->assertStringContainsString('drupal-entity data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-entity-embed-display data-entity-embed-display-settings data-align data-caption data-embed-button', $allowed_html_updated);
    ->buttonExists('Save configuration')
    ->responseContains('The text format <em class="placeholder">Embed format</em> has been updated.');
  $filterFormat = $this->container
  $settings = $filterFormat
  $allowed_html = $settings['allowed_html'];
    ->assertStringContainsString('drupal-entity data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-entity-embed-display data-entity-embed-display-settings data-align data-caption data-embed-button', $allowed_html);

  // Verify that the Entity Embed button shows up and results in an
  // operational entity embedding experience in the text editor.
    ->assertSame(1, $this
    ->executeScript("CKEDITOR.instances['edit-body-0-value'].setData('<p>Goodbye world!</p>');");
    ->assertSame(2, $this
    ->pageTextNotContains('Billy Bones');
    ->setValue('Billy Bones (1)');
    ->elementExists('css', 'button.js-button-next')
    ->responseContains('Selected entity');
    ->responseContains('Billy Bones');
    ->elementExists('css', 'button.button--primary')

  // Verify that the embedded entity gets a preview inside the text editor.
    ->pageTextContains('Billy Bones');
    ->assertSame(4, $this
    ->find('css', 'input[name="title[0][value]"]')

  // Verify that undo/redo work.
    ->assertCkeditorUndoOrRedo('undo', [
    'Goodbye world!',
  ], [
    'Billy Bones',
    ->assertCkeditorUndoOrRedo('undo', [], [
    'Billy Bones',
    'Goodbye world!',
    ->assertCkeditorUndoOrRedo('redo', [
    'Goodbye world!',
  ], [
    'Billy Bones',
    ->assertCkeditorUndoOrRedo('redo', [
    'Billy Bones',
    'Goodbye world!',
  ], []);

  // Verify that the embedded entity is rendered by the filter for end users.
    ->responseContains('Billy Bones');

  // Verify that the text editor previews the current embedded entity.
    ->waitForText('Billy Bones');

  // Test opening the dialog and switching embedded nodes.
    ->waitForElementVisible('css', 'div.ui-dialog-buttonset')
    ->setValue('Long John Silver (2)');
    ->elementExists('css', 'button.js-button-next')
    ->responseContains('Selected entity');
    ->responseContains('Long John Silver');
    ->elementExists('css', 'button.button--primary')

  // Verify that the text editor previews the updated embedded entity.
    ->waitForText('Long John Silver');

  // Verify that the embedded entity is rendered by the filter for end users.
    ->responseContains('Long John Silver');