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public function ImageFieldFormatterTest::testImageFieldFormatter in Entity Embed 8

Tests image field formatter Entity Embed Display plugin.


tests/src/Functional/ImageFieldFormatterTest.php, line 48


Tests the image field formatter provided by entity_embed.




public function testImageFieldFormatter() {

  // Ensure that image field formatters are available as plugins.
    ->assertAvailableDisplayPlugins($this->image, [

  // Ensure that correct form attributes are returned for the image plugin.
  $form = [];
  $form_state = new FormState();
  $display = $this->container
    ->createInstance('image:image', []);
    ->setContextValue('entity', $this->image);
  $conf_form = $display
    ->buildConfigurationForm($form, $form_state);
  $expected = [
    ->assertSame($expected, array_keys($conf_form));
    ->assertSame('select', $conf_form['image_style']['#type']);
    ->assertSame('Image style', (string) $conf_form['image_style']['#title']);
    ->assertSame('select', $conf_form['image_link']['#type']);
    ->assertSame('Link image to', (string) $conf_form['image_link']['#title']);
    ->assertSame('textfield', $conf_form['alt']['#type']);
    ->assertSame('Alternate text', (string) $conf_form['alt']['#title']);
    ->assertSame('textfield', $conf_form['title']['#type']);
    ->assertSame('Title', (string) $conf_form['title']['#title']);

  // Test entity embed using 'Image' Entity Embed Display plugin.
  $alt_text = "This is sample description";
  $title = "This is sample title";
  $embed_settings = [
    'image_link' => 'file',
  $content = '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->image
    ->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="image:image" data-entity-embed-display-settings=\'' . Json::encode($embed_settings) . '\' alt="' . $alt_text . '" title="' . $title . '">This placeholder should not be rendered.</drupal-entity>';
  $settings = [];
  $settings['type'] = 'page';
  $settings['title'] = 'Test entity embed with image:image';
  $settings['body'] = [
      'value' => $content,
      'format' => 'custom_format',
  $node = $this
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

  // Verify alternate text for the embedded image is visible
  // when embed is successful.
    ->responseNotContains('This placeholder should not be rendered.');
    ->getFileUri()), 0, 'Link to the embedded image exists.');

  // Embed all three field types in one, to ensure they all render correctly.
  $content = '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="node" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->node
    ->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="entity_reference:entity_reference_label"></drupal-entity>';
  $content .= '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->file
    ->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="file:file_default"></drupal-entity>';
  $content .= '<drupal-entity data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="' . $this->image
    ->uuid() . '" data-entity-embed-display="image:image"></drupal-entity>';
  $settings = [];
  $settings['type'] = 'page';
  $settings['title'] = 'Test node entity embedded first then a file entity';
  $settings['body'] = [
      'value' => $content,
      'format' => 'custom_format',
  $node = $this
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $node