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public function EntityEmbedBuilder::buildEntityEmbed in Entity Embed 8

Builds the render array for an embedded entity.

@todo improve documentation


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity to be rendered.

array $context: (optional) Array of context values, corresponding to the attributes on the embed HTML tag.

Return value

array A render array.

Overrides EntityEmbedBuilderInterface::buildEntityEmbed


src/EntityEmbedBuilder.php, line 47


Builds embedded entities.




public function buildEntityEmbed(EntityInterface $entity, array $context = []) {

  // Support the deprecated view-mode data attribute.
  if (isset($context['data-view-mode']) && !isset($context['data-entity-embed-display']) && !isset($context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'])) {
    $context['data-entity-embed-display'] = 'entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_view';
    $context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'] = [
      'view_mode' => &$context['data-view-mode'],

  // Merge in default attributes.
  $context += [
    'data-entity-type' => $entity
    'data-entity-uuid' => $entity
    'data-entity-embed-display' => 'entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_view',
    'data-entity-embed-display-settings' => [],

  // If the data-entity-embed-display-settings isn't an array reset  it,
  // otherwise we'll encounter a fatal error when calling
  // $this->buildEntityEmbedDisplayPlugin() further down the line.
  if (!is_array($context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'])) {
      ->warning('Invalid display settings encountered. Could not process following settings for entity type "@entity_type" with the uuid "@uuid": @settings', [
      '@settings' => $context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'],
      '@entity_type' => $entity
      '@uuid' => $entity
    $context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'] = [];

  // The default Entity Embed Display plugin has been deprecated by the
  // rendered entity field formatter.
  if ($context['data-entity-embed-display'] === 'default') {
    $context['data-entity-embed-display'] = 'entity_reference:entity_reference_entity_view';

  // The caption text is double-encoded, so decode it here.
  if (isset($context['data-caption'])) {
    $context['data-caption'] = Html::decodeEntities($context['data-caption']);

  // Allow modules to alter the entity prior to embed rendering.
  ], $context, $entity);

  // Build and render the Entity Embed Display plugin, allowing modules to
  // alter the result before rendering.
  $build = [
    '#theme_wrappers' => [
    '#entity' => $entity,
    '#context' => $context,
  $build['entity'] = $this
    ->buildEntityEmbedDisplayPlugin($entity, $context['data-entity-embed-display'], $context['data-entity-embed-display-settings'], $context);

  // Don't ever cache a representation of an embedded entity, since the host
  // entity may be overriding specific values (such as an `alt` attribute)
  // which means that this particular rendered representation is unique to
  // the host entity, and hence nonsensical to cache separately anyway.
  if (isset($context['class'])) {
    if (is_string($context['class'])) {
      $context['class'] = explode(' ', $context['class']);
  else {
    $context['class'] = [];
  $context['class'][] = 'embedded-entity';

  // Maintain data- attributes.
  if (isset($context)) {
    $build['#attributes'] = $context;

  // Make sure that access to the entity is respected.
  $build['#access'] = $entity
    ->access('view', NULL, TRUE);

  // @todo Should this hook get invoked if $build is an empty array?
  ], $build, $entity, $context);
  return $build;