7 calls to encrypt() in Encrypt 7.3
- EncryptConfigTest::testConfigEncrypt in ./
encrypt.test - Test an encryption with just a configuration.
- EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::testBasicEncryptDecrypt in ./
encrypt.test - Test encryption and decryption with the "Basic" method.
- EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::testMCryptEncryptDecrypt in ./
encrypt.test - Test encryption and decryption with the "MCrypt" method.
- EncryptEncryptDecryptTest::testNoneEncryptDecrypt in ./
encrypt.test - Test encryption and decryption with the "None" method.
- EncryptPortability::testDecryptingRandomValue in ./
encrypt.test - Test off-the-cuff decrypting of a value using decrypt() with some text and paramters.
- EncryptPortability::testDecryptWithoutKeyProvider in ./
encrypt.test - Test decrypting when only an encryption method is provided (no key provider).
- EncryptPortability::testMethodAndKeyProviderPortability in ./
encrypt.test - Ensure that a method and key provider are stored with an encrypted value.