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  1. 6.3 contrib/emvideo/providers/

This is an provider include file for Embedded Media Video.


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 * @file
 *  This is an provider include file for Embedded Media Video.

 *  This is the main URL for your provider.

 *  This is the URL to the API of your provider, if this exists.

 *  This defines the version of the content data array that we serialize
 *  in emvideo_archive_data(). If we change the expected keys of that array,
 *  we must increment this value, which will allow older content to be updated
 *  to the new version automatically.

 * hook emvideo_PROVIDER_info
 * This returns information relevant to a specific 3rd party video provider.
 * @return
 *   A keyed array of strings requested by various admin and other forms.
 *    'provider' => The machine name of the provider. This must be the same as
 *      the base name of this filename, before the .inc extension.
 *    'name' => The translated name of the provider.
 *    'url' => The url to the main page for the provider.
 *    'settings_description' => A description of the provider that will be
 *      posted in the admin settings form.
 *    'supported_features' => An array of rows describing the state of certain
 *      supported features by the provider. These will be rendered in a table,
 *      with the columns being 'Feature', 'Supported', 'Notes'. In general,
 *      the 'Feature' column will give the name of the feature, 'Supported'
 *      will be Yes or No, and 'Notes' will give an optional description or
 *      caveats to the feature.
function emvideo_archive_info() {
  $features = array(
      t('RSS Attachment'),
      t('Full screen mode'),
      t('You may customize the player to enable or disable full screen playback. Full screen mode is enabled by default.'),
  return array(
    'provider' => 'archive',
    'name' => t(''),
    'settings_description' => t('These settings specifically affect videos displayed from !archive. You can also read more about its !api.', array(
      '!archive' => l(t(''), EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_MAIN_URL),
      '!api' => l(t("developer's API"), EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_API_URL),
    'supported_features' => $features,

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_settings
 *  This should return a subform to be added to the emvideo_settings() admin
 *  settings page.
 *  Note that a form field set will already be provided at $form['archive'],
 *  so if you want specific provider settings within that field set, you should
 *  add the elements to that form array element.
function emvideo_archive_settings() {

  // We'll add a field set of player options here. You may add other options
  // to this element, or remove the field set entirely if there are no
  // user-configurable options allowed by the archive provider.

  /*$form['archive']['player_options'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Embedded video player options'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    // This is an option to set the video to full screen. You should remove this
    // option if it is not provided by the archive provider.
    $form['archive']['player_options']['emvideo_archive_full_screen'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Allow fullscreen'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('emvideo_archive_full_screen', 1),
      '#description' => t('Allow users to view video using the entire computer screen.'),

    return $form;*/

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_extract
 *  This is called to extract the video code from a pasted URL or embed code.
 *  We'll be passed a URL or the embed code from a video when an editor pastes
 *  that in the field's textfield. We'll need to either pass back an array of
 *  regex expressions to match, or do the matching ourselves and return the
 *  resulting video code.
 *  @param $parse
 *    An optional string with the pasted URL or embed code.
 *  @return
 *    Either an array of regex expressions to be tested, or a string with the
 *    video code to be used. If the hook tests the code itself, it should
 *    return either the string of the video code (if matched), or an empty
 *    array. Otherwise, the calling function will handle testing the embed code
 *    against each regex string in the returned array.
function emvideo_archive_extract($parse = '') {

  // Here we assume that a URL will be passed in the form of
  // or embed code in the form of <object value="".
  // We'll simply return an array of regular expressions for Embedded Media
  // Field to handle for us.
  return array(
    // In this expression, we're looking first for text matching the expression
    // between the @ signs. The 'i' at the end means we don't care about the
    // case. Thus, if someone enters, it will still
    // match. We escape periods as \., as otherwise they match any character.
    // The text in parentheses () will be returned as the provider video code,
    // if there's a match for the entire expression. In this particular case,
    // ([^?]+) means to match one more more characters (+) that are not a
    // question mark ([^\?]), which would denote a query in the URL.
    // Now we test for embedded video code, which is similar in this case to
    // the above expression, except that we can safely assume we won't have a
    // query in the URL, and that the URL will be surrounded by quotation marks,
    // and have /embed/ rather than /video/ in the URL. Note that regular
    // expressions will be tested for matches in the order provided, so you
    // may need to move this value above the other in some cases. Obviously,
    // in the case of this archive provider, you could easily improve the
    // regular expression to match against either a URL or embed code with
    // one expression, such as '@archive\.com/[watch|embed]/([^"\?]+)@i'.
    // However, many other providers have more complex requirements, so
    // we split them up for this demonstration.

 *  Implement hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data_version().
function emvideo_archive_data_version() {

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data
 *  Provides an array to be serialised and made available with $item elsewhere.
 *  This data can be used to store any extraneous information available
 *  specifically to the archive provider.
function emvideo_archive_data($field, $item, $error_field = '') {

  // Initialize the data array.
  $data = array();

  // Create some version control. Thus if we make changes to the data array
  // down the road, we can respect older content. If allowed by Embedded Media
  // Field, any older content will automatically update this array as needed.
  // In any case, you should account for the version if you increment it.
  $data['emvideo_archive_version'] = $data['emvideo_data_version'] = EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_DATA_VERSION;

  // Add the thumbnail data.
  $data['thumbnail'] = '' . $item['value'] . '/format=Thumbnail?.jpg';

  // Get the path to media files and XML files.
  // This is real kludgy, but without a real API there's no other way.
  // First we need to get the user facing HTML page.
  $html_page = drupal_http_request('' . $item['value']);
  if ($html_page->error || $html_page->code != 200) {
    form_set_error($error_field, 'The HTML page for the item at could not be retrieved: ', $html_page->code . ': ' . $html_page->error);
    return $data;

  // Scrape this page and find the path to the data directory.
  // A regex expert would be able to do all this with a single regex statement, but that stuff is dark arts.
  $html_chunks = explode('All Files: ', $html_page->data);
  $html_chunks = explode('HTTP', $html_chunks[1]);
  $html_chunks = explode('href=', $html_chunks[0]);
  preg_match("/http:\\/\\/(.*)\"/", array_pop($html_chunks), $matches);
  if (empty($matches)) {
    form_set_error($error_field, 'The data directory for the item at could not be retrieved.');
    return $data;
  $data_url = rtrim($matches[0], '"');

  // In this directory should be two XML files, one for the list of files, one for metadata.
  $xml_files_url = $data_url . '/' . $item['value'] . '_files.xml';
  $xml_meta_url = $data_url . '/' . $item['value'] . '_meta.xml';

  // Retreive the XML files.
  $xml_files = emfield_request_xml('archive', $xml_files_url, array(), TRUE, TRUE, $item['value'] . '_files');
  $xml_meta = emfield_request_xml('archive', $xml_meta_url, array(), TRUE, TRUE, $item['value'] . '_meta');
  if ($xml_meta['stat'] == 'error' || empty($xml_meta)) {
    drupal_set_message('Additional information about the item at could not be retrieved.  The video can still be displayed.');
  else {
    $data['metadata'] = $xml_meta['METADATA'];
  if ($xml_files['stat'] == 'error' || empty($xml_files)) {
    form_set_error($error_field, 'The list of files for the item at could not be retrieved.  The video can not be displayed.');
    return $data;

  // There are a tonne of useless thumbnails in this list that we don't want.
  // We also need to sort through the available derivitives and choose the best one.
  $derivative_files = array(
    'mp4' => '',
    'ogv' => '',
    'mov' => '',
  foreach ($xml_files as $file_name => $file_data) {
    $extension = substr($file_name, -3);
    if (array_key_exists($extension, $derivative_files)) {
      $derivative_files[$extension] = $file_name;
  foreach ($derivative_files as $file_name) {
    if ($file_name) {
      $data['url'] = '' . $item['value'] . '/' . $file_name;
  return $data;

 * hook emvideo_PROVIDER_duration($item)
 * Returns the duration of the video in seconds.
 *  @param $item
 *    The video item itself, which needs the $data array.
 *  @return
 *    The duration of the video in seconds.
function emvideo_archive_duration($item) {
  if (!isset($item['data']['emvideo_archive_version'])) {
    $item['data'] = emvideo_archive_data(NULL, $item);
  return isset($item['data']['metadata']['RUNTIME'][0]) ? emvideo_convert_to_seconds($item['data']['metadata']['RUNTIME'][0]) : 0;

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_rss
 *  This attaches a file to an RSS feed.
function emvideo_archive_rss($item, $teaser = NULL) {
  if ($item['value']) {
    $file['thumbnail']['filepath'] = $item['data']['thumbnail'];
    return $file;

 * hook emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link($video_code)
 * returns a link to view the video at the provider's site.
 *  @param $video_code
 *    The string containing the video to watch.
 *  @return
 *    A string containing the URL to view the video at the original provider's site.
function emvideo_archive_embedded_link($video_code) {
  return '' . $video_code;

 * The embedded flash displaying the archive video.
function theme_emvideo_archive_flash($item, $width, $height, $autoplay) {
  $output = '';
  if ($item['embed']) {
    $output = <<<EOD
      <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="{<span class="php-variable">$width</span>}"   height="{<span class="php-variable">$height</span>}"  allowfullscreen="true"
        allowscriptaccess="always"  src=""
        w3c="true"  flashvars='config={
              "url":"{<span class="php-variable">$item</span>[<span class="php-string">'data'</span>][<span class="php-string">'thumbnail'</span>]}",
              "url":"{<span class="php-variable">$item</span>[<span class="php-string">'data'</span>][<span class="php-string">'url'</span>]}",
              "{<span class="php-variable">$item</span>[<span class="php-string">'data'</span>][<span class="php-string">'metadata'</span>][<span class="php-string">'TITLE'</span>][<span class="php-constant">0</span>]}":"function()"
            "Flowplayer 3.0.5"
        }'> </embed>
  return $output;

 * hook emvideo_PROVIDER_thumbnail
 * Returns the external url for a thumbnail of a specific video.
 *  @param $field
 *    The field of the requesting node.
 *  @param $item
 *    The actual content of the field from the requesting node.
 *  @return
 *    A URL pointing to the thumbnail.
function emvideo_archive_thumbnail($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $width, $height) {

  // In this demonstration, we previously retrieved a thumbnail using oEmbed
  // during the data hook.
  return $item['data']['thumbnail'];

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video
 *  This actually displays the full/normal-sized video we want, usually on the
 *  default page view.
 *  @param $embed
 *    The video code for the video to embed.
 *  @param $width
 *    The width to display the video.
 *  @param $height
 *    The height to display the video.
 *  @param $field
 *    The field info from the requesting node.
 *  @param $item
 *    The actual content from the field.
 *  @return
 *    The html of the embedded video.
function emvideo_archive_video($embed, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay) {
  $output = theme('emvideo_archive_flash', $item, $width, $height, $autoplay);
  return $output;

 *  hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video
 *  This actually displays the preview-sized video we want, commonly for the
 *  teaser.
 *  @param $embed
 *    The video code for the video to embed.
 *  @param $width
 *    The width to display the video.
 *  @param $height
 *    The height to display the video.
 *  @param $field
 *    The field info from the requesting node.
 *  @param $item
 *    The actual content from the field.
 *  @return
 *    The html of the embedded video.
function emvideo_archive_preview($embed, $width, $height, $field, $item, $node, $autoplay) {
  $output = theme('emvideo_archive_flash', $item, $width, $height, $autoplay);
  return $output;

 *  Implementation of hook_emfield_subtheme.
 *  This returns any theme functions defined by this provider.
function emvideo_archive_emfield_subtheme() {
  $themes = array(
    'emvideo_archive_flash' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'item' => NULL,
        'width' => NULL,
        'height' => NULL,
        'autoplay' => NULL,
      'file' => 'providers/',
  return $themes;

 *  Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate().
function emvideo_archive_content_generate() {
  return array(


Namesort descending Description
emvideo_archive_content_generate Implement hook_emvideo_PROVIDER_content_generate().
emvideo_archive_data hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data
emvideo_archive_data_version Implement hook emvideo_PROVIDER_data_version().
emvideo_archive_duration hook emvideo_PROVIDER_duration($item) Returns the duration of the video in seconds.
emvideo_archive_embedded_link hook emvideo_PROVIDER_embedded_link($video_code) returns a link to view the video at the provider's site.
emvideo_archive_emfield_subtheme Implementation of hook_emfield_subtheme. This returns any theme functions defined by this provider.
emvideo_archive_extract hook emvideo_PROVIDER_extract
emvideo_archive_info hook emvideo_PROVIDER_info This returns information relevant to a specific 3rd party video provider.
emvideo_archive_preview hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video
emvideo_archive_rss hook emvideo_PROVIDER_rss
emvideo_archive_settings hook emvideo_PROVIDER_settings This should return a subform to be added to the emvideo_settings() admin settings page.
emvideo_archive_thumbnail hook emvideo_PROVIDER_thumbnail Returns the external url for a thumbnail of a specific video.
emvideo_archive_video hook emvideo_PROVIDER_video This actually displays the full/normal-sized video we want, usually on the default page view.
theme_emvideo_archive_flash The embedded flash displaying the archive video.


Namesort descending Description
EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_API_URL This is the URL to the API of your provider, if this exists.
EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_DATA_VERSION This defines the version of the content data array that we serialize in emvideo_archive_data(). If we change the expected keys of that array, we must increment this value, which will allow older content to be updated to the new version automatically.
EMVIDEO_ARCHIVE_MAIN_URL This is the main URL for your provider.