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function embed_views_plugin_display_embed::options_summary in Embed Views Display 7.2

Provide the default summary for options in the views UI.

Overrides views_plugin_display::options_summary


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Contains the embed display plugin.


A plugin to create an embed display.


function options_summary(&$categories, &$options) {

  // Add all the parent options.
  $options['exposed_block'] = array(
    'category' => 'exposed',
    'title' => t('Exposed form in block'),
    'value' => $this
      ->get_option('exposed_block', TRUE) ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
    'desc' => t('Allow the exposed form to appear in a block instead of the view.'),
  $title = '';
  if (module_exists('advanced_help')) {
    $title .= theme('advanced_help_topic', array(
      'module' => 'embed_views',
      'topic' => 'embed-exposed-filter',
  $title .= t('Embed exposed form manually');
  $options['exposed_embed'] = array(
    'category' => 'exposed',
    'title' => $title,
    'value' => $this
      ->get_option('exposed_embed') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
    'desc' => t('Allow the exposed form to appear in a block instead of the view.'),
  parent::options_summary($categories, $options);