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email_verify.module in Email Verify 5


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// email_verify: Verifies thoroughly that email addresses are correctly entered
//               during registration and account edition
// Copyright: Daniel Bonniot <>
// License:   GNU GPL v2 or later

   Display help and module information
   @param section which section of the site we're displaying help
   @return help text for section
function email_verify_help($section = '') {
  $output = '';
  switch ($section) {
    case '':
      $output = '';
  return $output;

   Implementation of hook_user().
function email_verify_user($type, &$edit, &$user, $category = NULL) {
  if ($type == 'validate' && $category == 'account') {
    return email_verify_edit_validate(arg(1), $edit);
function email_verify_edit_validate($uid, &$edit) {

  // Validate the e-mail address:
  if ($error = email_verify_check($edit['mail'])) {
    form_set_error('mail', $error);
  return $edit;

   Verifies whether the given mail address exists.
   @param mail the email address to verify
   @return NULL if the address exists, as far as we could check.
           an error message if we found a problem with the address
function email_verify_check($mail) {
  if (!valid_email_address($mail)) {

    // The address is syntactically incorrect.
    // The problem will be caught by the 'user' module anyway, so we avoid
    // duplicating the error reporting here, just return.
  $host = substr(strchr($mail, '@'), 1);

  // Let's see if we can find anything about this host in the DNS
  if (!checkdnsrr($host, 'ANY')) {
    return t('Email host %host does not seem valid', array(
      '%host' => "{$host}",

  // What SMTP servers should we contact?
  $mxHosts = array();
  if (!getmxrr($host, $mxHosts)) {

    // When there is no MX record, the host itself should be used
    $mxHosts[] = $host;

  // Try to connect to one SMTP server
  foreach ($mxHosts as $smtpServer) {
    $connect = @fsockopen($smtpServer, 25, $errno, $errstr, 15);
    if (!$connect) {
    if (ereg("^220", $out = fgets($connect, 1024))) {

      // OK, we have a SMTP connection
    else {

      // The SMTP server probably does not like us
      // (dynamic/residential IP for for instance)
      // Be on the safe side and accept the address, at least it has a valid
      // domain part...
      watchdog('email_verify', "Could not verify email address at host {$host}: {$out}");
  if (!$connect) {
    return t('Email host %host does not seem valid, it does not answer', array(
      '%host' => "{$host}",
  $from = variable_get('site_mail', ini_get('sendmail_from'));

  // Extract the <...> part if there is one
  if (preg_match('/\\<(.*)\\>/', $from, $match) > 0) {
    $from = $match[1];
  $localhost = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
  if (!$localhost) {

    // Happens with HTTP/1.0

    //should be good enough for RFC compliant SMTP servers
    $localhost = 'localhost';
  fputs($connect, "HELO {$localhost}\r\n");
  $out = fgets($connect, 1024);
  fputs($connect, "MAIL FROM: <{$from}>\r\n");
  $from = fgets($connect, 1024);
  fputs($connect, "RCPT TO: <{$mail}>\r\n");
  $to = fgets($connect, 1024);
  fputs($connect, "QUIT\r\n");
  if (!ereg("^250", $from)) {

    // Again, something went wrong before we could really test the address,
    // be on the safe side and accept it.
    watchdog('email_verify', "Could not verify email address at host {$host}: {$from}");
  if (ereg("(Client host|Helo command) rejected", $to)) {

    // This server does not like us, accept the email address
    // ( behaves like this for instance)
    watchdog('email_verify', "Could not verify email address at host {$host}: {$to}");
  if (!ereg("^250", $to)) {
    watchdog('email_verify', "Rejected email address: {$mail}. Reason: {$to}");
    return t('Email address %mail does not seem valid', array(
      '%mail' => "{$mail}",

  // Everything OK
function email_verify_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items[] = array(
    'path' => 'email_verify',
    'title' => t('Verify user emails'),
    'callback' => 'email_verify_checkall',
    'access' => user_access('administer users'),
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

   Look though the whole user base for invalid emails.
   Can be very long when hosts timeout.
function email_verify_checkall() {
  $content = "<table>";
  $found = 0;
  $result = db_query('SELECT uid,name,mail FROM {users}');
  while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (email_verify_check($row->mail)) {
      $content .= "<tr><td><a href='?q=user/{$row->uid}/edit'>" . check_plain($row->name) . "</a><td>" . check_plain($row->mail);
      if (++$found >= 100) {
  $content .= "</table>";
  print theme("page", $content);

// Local Variables:
// mode: php
// End:


Namesort descending Description
email_verify_check Verifies whether the given mail address exists.
email_verify_checkall Look though the whole user base for invalid emails. Can be very long when hosts timeout.
email_verify_help Display help and module information
email_verify_user Implementation of hook_user().