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browser-page.html.twig in elFinder file manager 8.2

Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.

All available variables are mirrored in page.html.twig. Some may be blank but they are provided for consistency.

!!! Clear cache in Admin backend to see template/theme changes (you MUST do it if caching disabled too) !!!


View source
  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default theme implementation to display a single Drupal page while offline.
  5. *
  6. * All available variables are mirrored in page.html.twig.
  7. * Some may be blank but they are provided for consistency.
  8. *
  9. * @see template_preprocess_maintenance_page()
  10. *
  11. * @ingroup themeable
  12. *
  13. * !!! Clear cache in Admin backend to see template/theme changes (you MUST do it if caching disabled too) !!!
  14. *
  15. */
  16. #}
  17. <div>
  18. <header role="banner">
  19. {% if logo %}
  20. <a href="{{ front_page }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">
  21. <img src="{{ logo }}" alt="{{ 'Home'|t }}"/>
  22. </a>
  23. {% endif %}
  24. {% if site_name or site_slogan %}
  25. <div>
  26. {% if site_name %}
  27. <h1>
  28. <a href="{{ front_page }}" title="{{ 'Home'|t }}" rel="home">{{ site_name }}</a>
  29. </h1>
  30. {% endif %}
  31. {% if site_slogan %}
  32. <div>{{ site_slogan }}</div>
  33. {% endif %}
  34. </div>
  35. {% endif %}
  36. </header>
  37. <main role="main">
  38. {% if title %}
  39. <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
  40. {% endif %}
  41. <!--b>VAR HERE1: "{{ alpha1 }}"</b-->
  42. {{ page.content }}
  43. </main>
  44. {% if page.sidebar_first %}
  45. <aside role="complementary">
  46. {{ page.sidebar_first }}
  47. </aside>
  48. {% endif %}
  49. {% if page.sidebar_second %}
  50. <aside role="complementary">
  51. {{ page.sidebar_second }}
  52. </aside>
  53. {% endif %}
  54. {% if page.footer %}
  55. <footer role="contentinfo">
  56. {{ page.footer }}
  57. </footer>
  58. {% endif %}
  59. </div>
  60. <div id="finder"></div>