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11 calls to elFinderVolumeDrupal::_drupalfileobject() in elFinder file manager 7.3

elFinderVolumeDrupal::AddToDrupalDB in inc/
Recursive function to add new files to Drupal's db.
elFinderVolumeDrupal::desc in inc/
elFinderVolumeDrupal::downloadcount in inc/
elFinderVolumeDrupal::FileValidate in inc/
Let other Drupal modules perform validation on the uploaded file. See hook_file_validate().
elFinderVolumeDrupal::owner in inc/
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_archive in inc/
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_copy in inc/
Copy file into another file
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_mkfile in inc/
Create file
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_move in inc/
Move file into another parent dir. Return new file path or false.
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_save in inc/
Create new file and write into it from file pointer. Return new file path or false on error.
elFinderVolumeDrupal::_unlink in inc/
Remove file