You are here in Elasticsearch Connector 7.5

Created on Jan 06, 2014


View source

 * @file
 * Created on Jan 06, 2014

 * Building a settings form for the Elasticsearch watchdog functionality.
 * @return array Settings form
function elasticsearch_watchdog_settings() {
  $form = array();
  $form['#old_cluster_id'] = variable_get('elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id', array());
  $form['elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'ec_index',
    '#title' => t('Select cluster'),
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id', array()),
    '#description' => t('Select the settings in order to be able to hold the logs.'),
  $form['elasticsearch_watchdog_view_additional_indexes'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Additional indexes to monitor'),
    '#required' => FALSE,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('elasticsearch_watchdog_view_additional_indexes', ''),
    '#description' => t('Comma separated list of watchdog indexes you want to monitor.'),
  $form['#validate'] = array(
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * Validate the setting form submission.
 * @param array $form
 * @param array $form_state
function elasticsearch_watchdog_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $values = $form_state['values'];
  if (!empty($form_state['triggering_element']['#ajax']) || empty($values['elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id']['index'])) {
  $client = elasticsearch_connector_get_client_by_id($values['elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id']['cluster_id']);
  $index_name = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_index_name($values['elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id']['index']);
  $type_name = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_type_name();
  if ($client) {
    if (!$client
      'index' => $index_name,
    ))) {
      form_set_error('elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id', t('The index doesn\'t exists. Please created it before continue.'));
    else {
      if (!$client
        'index' => $index_name,
        'type' => $type_name,
      ))) {
        elasticsearch_watchdog_create_type($client, $index_name, $type_name);
  else {
    form_set_error('elasticsearch_watchdog_cluster_id', t('Cannot connect to the cluster for some reason! Please contact your system administrator.'));

 * Default index mapping for the elasticsearch watchdog index.
 * @return array
 *   The mapping index array.
function elasticsearch_watchdog_get_mapping() {

  // Index Mapping
  $my_type_mapping = array(
    '_source' => array(
      'enabled' => TRUE,
    '_all' => array(
      'enabled' => FALSE,
    'properties' => array(
      'uid' => array(
        'type' => 'integer',
      'username' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'type' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'message' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'full_massage' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
      'variables' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'severity' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'link' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'location' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'referer' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'hostname' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'domain' => array(
        'type' => 'keyword',
      'timestamp' => array(
        'type' => 'long',
      'microtime' => array(
        'type' => 'float',
      'date' => array(
        'type' => 'date',
  return $my_type_mapping;

 * Page callback: Displays a listing of log messages.
 * Messages are truncated at 56 chars. Full-length messages can be viewed on the
 * message details page.
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form()
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_event()
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form()
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_menu()
 * @ingroup logging_severity_levels
function elasticsearch_watchdog_overview() {
  $filter = elasticsearch_watchdog_build_filter_query();
  $results = $rows = array();
  $classes = array(
    WATCHDOG_DEBUG => 'elasticlog-debug',
    WATCHDOG_INFO => 'elasticlog-info',
    WATCHDOG_NOTICE => 'elasticlog-notice',
    WATCHDOG_WARNING => 'elasticlog-warning',
    WATCHDOG_ERROR => 'elasticlog-error',
    WATCHDOG_CRITICAL => 'elasticlog-critical',
    WATCHDOG_ALERT => 'elasticlog-alert',
    WATCHDOG_EMERGENCY => 'elasticlog-emerg',
  $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form'] = drupal_get_form('elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form');
  $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form'] = drupal_get_form('elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form');
  $header = array(
    // Icon column.
      'data' => t('Type'),
      'field' => array(
      'data' => t('Date'),
      'field' => array(
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => array(
      'data' => t('Operations'),
  $client_id = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_cluster_id();
  if (!empty($client_id)) {
    $client = elasticsearch_connector_get_client_by_id($client_id);
    if ($client) {
      try {
        $params = array();
        $index_name = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_index_name();
        $params['index'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_add_additional_indexes($index_name);
        $params['type'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_type_name_for_view();
        if ($client
          'index' => $index_name,
        ))) {
          $sort = tablesort_get_sort($header);
          $sort_fields = tablesort_get_order($header);
          $limit = variable_get('elasticsearch_watchdog_page_limit', 50);
          $current_page = pager_find_page();
          $params['body']['size'] = $limit;
          $params['body']['from'] = $current_page * $limit;
          foreach ($sort_fields['sql'] as $sort_field) {
            $params['body']['sort'][$sort_field]['order'] = $sort;

          // Filter the results if there are filters specified.
          if (!empty($filter)) {
            $params['body']['query']['bool'] = $filter;
          $results = $client
          if (!empty($results['hits']['total'])) {
            pager_default_initialize($results['hits']['total'], $limit);
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // Show the error message to the user.
          ->getMessage(), 'error');
  $hits = FALSE;
  if (!empty($results['hits']['hits'])) {
    $hits = TRUE;
    foreach ((array) $results['hits']['hits'] as $doc) {
      $account = user_load($doc['_source']['uid']);
      $rows[] = array(
        'data' => array(
          // Cells
            'class' => 'icon',
          format_date($doc['_source']['timestamp'], 'short'),
          theme('elasticsearch_watchdog_message', array(
            'event_id' => $doc['_id'],
            'event' => $doc['_source'],
            'link' => TRUE,
          theme('username', array(
            'account' => $account,
        // Attributes for tr
        'class' => array(
          drupal_html_class('elasticlog-' . $doc['_source']['type']),
  if ($hits) {
    $elasticsearch_connector_path = elasticsearch_connector_main_settings_path();
    $cluster = elasticsearch_connector_cluster_load($client_id);
    $build['info'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Info'),
    $build['info']['total_messages'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'table',
      '#rows' => array(
            'data' => t('Messages: @messages', array(
              '@messages' => $results['hits']['total'],
            'header' => TRUE,
            'data' => t('Cluster status: <a href="@clusters">!cluster</a>', array(
              '@clusters' => url($elasticsearch_connector_path . '/clusters/' . $client_id . '/info', array()),
              '!cluster' => $cluster->name,
            'header' => TRUE,
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
  $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_table'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'id' => 'admin-elasticlog',
    '#empty' => t('No log messages available.'),
  $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_pager'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'pager',
  return $build;

 * Page callback: Shows the most frequent log messages of a given event type.
 * Messages are not truncated on this page because events detailed herein do not
 * have links to a detailed view.
 * @param string $type
 *   Type of log events to display (e.g., 'search').
 * @return array
 *   A build array in the format expected by drupal_render().
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_menu()
function elasticsearch_watchdog_top($type) {
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Count'),
      'field' => 'count',
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('Path'),
      'field' => 'message',
  $rows = array();
  $global_facet_name = 'facetname_message';
  $field_faceting = 'message';
  $client_id = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_cluster_id();
  if (!empty($client_id)) {
    $client = elasticsearch_connector_get_client_by_id($client_id);
    if ($client) {
      try {
        $params = array();
        $params['index'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_index_name();
        $params['type'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_type_name_for_view();
        $params['body']['query']['bool']['must']['match_all'] = (object) array();
        $params['body']['query']['bool']['filter']['term']['type'] = $type;
        $aggregation = new \nodespark\DESConnector\Elasticsearch\Aggregations\Bucket\Terms($global_facet_name, $field_faceting);
          ->setSize(variable_get('elasticsearch_watchdog_facet_size', 100));
        $search_result = $client
        if (!empty($search_result['aggregations'])) {
          foreach ($search_result['aggregations'][$global_facet_name]['buckets'] as $bucket) {
            $rows[] = array(
      } catch (Exception $e) {
          ->getMessage(), 'error');
  $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_top_table'] = array(
    '#theme' => 'table',
    '#header' => $header,
    '#rows' => $rows,
    '#empty' => t('No log messages available.'),
  return $build;

 * Page callback: Displays details about a specific log message.
 * @param int $id
 *   Unique ID of the log message.
 * @return array|string
 *   If the ID is located in the Elasticsearch index, a build array in the
 *   format expected by drupal_render(); otherwise, an empty string.
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_menu()
function elasticsearch_watchdog_event($id) {
  $severity = watchdog_severity_levels();
  $client_id = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_cluster_id();
  if (!empty($client_id)) {
    $client = elasticsearch_connector_get_client_by_id($client_id);
    if ($client) {
      $params = array();
      $params['index'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_index_name();
      $params['type'] = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_type_name_for_view();
      $params['id'] = $id;
      if ($client
        ->exists($params)) {
        $result = $client
        if (!empty($result['_id'])) {
          $source = $result['_source'];
          $account = user_load($source['uid']);
          $rows = array(
                'data' => t('Type'),
                'header' => TRUE,
                'data' => t('Date'),
                'header' => TRUE,
              format_date($source['timestamp'], 'long'),
                'data' => t('User'),
                'header' => TRUE,
              theme('username', array(
                'account' => $account,
                'data' => t('Location'),
                'header' => TRUE,
              l($source['location'], $source['location']),
                'data' => t('Referrer'),
                'header' => TRUE,
              l($source['referer'], $source['referer']),
                'data' => t('Message'),
                'header' => TRUE,
              theme('elasticsearch_watchdog_message', array(
                'event_id' => $id,
                'event' => $source,
                'data' => t('Severity'),
                'header' => TRUE,
                'data' => t('Hostname'),
                'header' => TRUE,
                'data' => t('Domain'),
                'header' => TRUE,
                'data' => t('Operations'),
                'header' => TRUE,
          $build['elasticsearch_watchdog_table'] = array(
            '#theme' => 'table',
            '#rows' => $rows,
            '#attributes' => array(
              'class' => array(
          return $build;
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('The Client ID does not exists in elasticsearch server.'), 'error');
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t("The log with ID: %id does not exist.", array(
          '%id' => $id,
        )), 'error');
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Elasticsearch connector not specified.'), 'error');

 * Builds a filter for elasticsearch log administration filters based on session.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array with keys. Only filter for now 'filter'.
function elasticsearch_watchdog_build_filter_query() {
  if (empty($_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'])) {
  $filters = elasticsearch_watchdog_filters(FALSE);
  $query_filter = array();
  $query = array();
  foreach ($_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'] as $key => $filter) {
    $has_value = FALSE;
    $filter_where = array();
    if (empty($filters[$key]['type'])) {
      foreach ($filter as $value) {
        $has_value = TRUE;
        $filter_where[] = $value;
      if ($has_value) {
        $query_filter[] = array(
          'terms' => array(
            $filters[$key]['elastic_key'] => $filter_where,
    elseif ($filters[$key]['type'] == 'textfield' && !empty($filter) && is_scalar($filter)) {
      $query['bool']['must'][] = array(
        'match' => array(
          $filters[$key]['elastic_key'] => $filter,
  if (empty($query)) {
    $query['match_all'] = (object) array();
  $result = array(
    'must' => $query,
    'filter' => $query_filter,
  return $result;

 * Creates a list of log administration filters that can be applied.
 * @return array
 *   Associative array of filters. The top-level keys are used as the form
 *   element names for the filters, and the values are arrays with the following
 *   elements:
 *   - title: Title of the filter.
 *   - where: The filter condition.
 *   - options: Array of options for the select list for the filter.
function elasticsearch_watchdog_filters($load_options = TRUE) {
  $filters = array();
  $filters['full_massage'] = array(
    'title' => t('Freetext'),
    'elastic_key' => "full_massage",
    'type' => 'textfield',
    'options' => array(),
  $types = array();
  foreach (_elasticsearch_watchdog_get_facets('type', 'terms') as $key => $value) {
    $types[$key] = t($value['key'] . ' (' . $value['doc_count'] . ')');
  if (!empty($types) || $load_options == FALSE) {
    $filters['type'] = array(
      'title' => t('Type'),
      'elastic_key' => "type",
      'options' => $types,
  $severities = array();
  $basic_severity = watchdog_severity_levels();
  foreach (_elasticsearch_watchdog_get_facets('severity', 'terms') as $key => $value) {
    $severities[$key] = $basic_severity[$key] . ' (' . $value['doc_count'] . ')';
  if (!empty($severities) || $load_options == FALSE) {
    $filters['severity'] = array(
      'title' => t('Severity'),
      'elastic_key' => 'severity',
      'options' => $severities,
  $options = array();
  foreach (_elasticsearch_watchdog_get_facets('domain', 'terms') as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key] = t($value['key'] . ' (' . $value['doc_count'] . ')');
  if (!empty($options) || $load_options == FALSE) {
    $filters['domain'] = array(
      'title' => t('Domain'),
      'elastic_key' => "domain",
      'options' => $options,
  $options = array();
  foreach (_elasticsearch_watchdog_get_facets('username', 'terms') as $key => $value) {
    $options[$key] = t($value['key'] . ' (' . $value['doc_count'] . ')');
  if (!empty($options) || $load_options == FALSE) {
    $filters['username'] = array(
      'title' => t('Username'),
      'elastic_key' => "username",
      'options' => $options,
  return $filters;

 * Returns HTML for a log message.
 * @param array $variables
 *   An associative array containing:
 *   - event_id: An object id.
 *   - event: An object with at least the message and variables properties.
 *   - link: (optional) Format message as link, event->wid is required.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_elasticsearch_watchdog_message($variables) {
  $output = '';
  $event = $variables['event'];

  // Check for required properties.
  if (isset($event['message']) && isset($event['variables'])) {

    // Messages without variables or user specified text.
    if ($event['variables'] === 'N;') {
      $output = $event['message'];
    else {
      $output = t($event['message'], unserialize($event['variables']));
    if ($variables['link'] && isset($variables['event_id'])) {

      // Truncate message to 56 chars.
      $output = truncate_utf8(filter_xss($output, array()), 56, TRUE, TRUE);
      $output = l($output, 'admin/reports/elasticlog/elastic-message/' . $variables['event_id'], array(
        'html' => TRUE,
  return $output;

 * Form constructor for the logging filter form.
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_validate()
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_submit()
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_overview()
 * @ingroup forms
function elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form($form) {
  $filters = elasticsearch_watchdog_filters();
  $form['filters'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Filter log messages'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => empty($_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter']),
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
    if (empty($filter['type'])) {
      $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
        '#title' => check_plain($filter['title']),
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#multiple' => TRUE,
        '#size' => 8,
        '#options' => $filter['options'],
    else {
      $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
        '#title' => check_plain($filter['title']),
        '#type' => $filter['type'],
        '#size' => 30,
    if (!empty($_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'][$key])) {
      $form['filters']['status'][$key]['#default_value'] = $_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'][$key];
  $form['filters']['actions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'actions',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  $form['filters']['actions']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Filter'),
  if (!empty($_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'])) {
    $form['filters']['actions']['reset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Reset'),
  return $form;

 * Form validation handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form().
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_submit()
function elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['values']['op'] == t('Filter') && empty($form_state['values']['type']) && empty($form_state['values']['severity']) && empty($form_state['values']['domain']) && empty($form_state['values']['username']) && empty($form_state['values']['full_massage'])) {
    form_set_error('type', t('You must select something to filter by.'));

 * Form submission handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form().
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_validate()
function elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $op = $form_state['values']['op'];
  $filters = elasticsearch_watchdog_filters(FALSE);
  switch ($op) {
    case t('Filter'):
      foreach ($filters as $name => $filter) {
        if (isset($form_state['values'][$name])) {
          $_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'][$name] = $form_state['values'][$name];
    case t('Reset'):
      $_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'] = array();
  return 'admin/reports/elasticlog';

 * Form constructor for the form that clears out the log.
 * @see elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_submit()
 * @ingroup forms
function elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form($form) {
  $form['elasticsearch_watchdog_clear'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Clear log messages'),
    '#description' => t('This will permanently remove the log messages from the Elasticsearch index.'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
  $form['elasticsearch_watchdog_clear']['clear'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Clear log messages'),
    '#submit' => array(
  return $form;

 * Form submission handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form().
function elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_submit() {
  $_SESSION['elasticsearch_watchdog_overview_filter'] = array();

  // Delete the index and recreate it.
  $client_id = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_cluster_id();
  $index = elasticsearch_watchdog_get_index_name();
  if (!empty($client_id)) {
    $client = elasticsearch_connector_get_client_by_id($client_id);
    elasticsearch_connector_recreate_index($client, $index);


Namesort descending Description
elasticsearch_watchdog_build_filter_query Builds a filter for elasticsearch log administration filters based on session.
elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form Form constructor for the form that clears out the log.
elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_submit Form submission handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_clear_log_form().
elasticsearch_watchdog_event Page callback: Displays details about a specific log message.
elasticsearch_watchdog_filters Creates a list of log administration filters that can be applied.
elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form Form constructor for the logging filter form.
elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_submit Form submission handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form().
elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form_validate Form validation handler for elasticsearch_watchdog_filter_form().
elasticsearch_watchdog_get_mapping Default index mapping for the elasticsearch watchdog index.
elasticsearch_watchdog_overview Page callback: Displays a listing of log messages.
elasticsearch_watchdog_settings Building a settings form for the Elasticsearch watchdog functionality.
elasticsearch_watchdog_settings_validate Validate the setting form submission.
elasticsearch_watchdog_top Page callback: Shows the most frequent log messages of a given event type.
theme_elasticsearch_watchdog_message Returns HTML for a log message.