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// * Implements hook_views_data().
// */

//function efq_views_views_data() {

//  $data = array();
//  $entity_info = entity_get_info();
//  foreach (entity_views_data() as $key => $entity_data) {
//    if ($key == 'entity__global') {
//      continue;
//    }
//    if (_efq_views_copy_data($data, $entity_type, $key, $entity_data)) {
//      $metadata = entity_get_property_info($entity_type);
//      $fields = array();
//      // Collect the fields.
//      foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type) as $field_data) {
//        $fields += array_flip(array_keys($field_data));
//      }
//      $info = $entity_info[$entity_type];
//      foreach ($data['efq_' . $entity_type] as $index => &$views_data) {
//        unset($views_data['relationship']);
//        if (isset($fields[$index]) || isset($views_data['real field'])) {
//          _efq_views_get_field_handlers($views_data, $index);
//        }
//        else {
//          $move = _efq_views_get_property_handlers($views_data, $index, $metadata, $info);
//          if ($move) {
//            $data['efq_' . $entity_type][$move] = $views_data;
//            unset($data['efq_' . $entity_type][$index]);
//          }
//        }
//      }
//      $data['efq_' . $entity_type]['table']['entity type'] = $entity_type;
//      $data['efq_' . $entity_type]['table']['base'] = array(
//        'title' => 'EntityFieldQuery: ' . $info['label'],
//        'help' => t('Uses EntityFieldQuery for querying the !type entity type', array('!type' => $entity_type)),
//        'query_id' => 'entity_field_query',
//        'field' => $info['entity keys']['id'],
//      );
//      $data['efq_' . $entity_type] += _efq_views_get_entity_data($entity_type, $info);
//      // Add optional support for Views Bulk Operations.
//      if (module_exists('views_bulk_operations')) {
//        $data['efq_' . $entity_type]['views_bulk_operations'] = array(
//          'title' => $data['efq_' . $entity_type]['table']['base']['title'],
//          'group' => t('Bulk operations'),
//          'help' => t('Provide a checkbox to select the row for bulk operations.'),
//          'real field' => $entity_info[$entity_type]['entity keys']['id'],
//          'field' => array(
//            'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_operations',
//            'click sortable' => FALSE,
//          ),
//        );
//      }
//    }
//  }
//  return $data;




// * @param array $data
// * @param string $entity_type
// * @param string $key
// * @param array $entity_data
// *
// * @return bool
// */

//function _efq_views_copy_data(&$data, &$entity_type, $key, $entity_data) {

//  $return = FALSE;
//  if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'entity_') {
//    $return = TRUE;
//    $entity_type = substr($key, 7);
//  }
//  elseif (substr($key, 0, 13) == 'views_entity_') {
//    $entity_type = substr($key, 13);
//  }
//  if (!isset($data['efq_' . $entity_type])) {
//    $data['efq_' . $entity_type] = array();
//  }
//  $data['efq_' . $entity_type] += $entity_data;
//  return $return;




// * Helper for efq_views_views_data()
// * Returns all possible entity metadata variants
// * (entity_id, revision_id, entity_type, bundle).
// *
// * @param string $entity_type The selected entity type, if any.
// * @param array $info Entity info array.
// */

//function _efq_views_get_entity_data($entity_type, $info) {

//  $data['entity_id'] = array(
//    'group' => t('Entity'),
//    'title' => t('Entity ID'),
//    'help' => t('The entity ID of the entity.'),
//    'field' => array(
//      'click sortable' => TRUE,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity',
//    ),
//    'filter' => array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_filter_entity_integer',
//    ),
//    'sort' => array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_sort_entity',
//    ),
//    'argument' => array(
//     'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_argument_entity_integer',
//    ),
//  );
//  $data['revision_id'] = array(
//    'group' => t('Entity'),
//    'title' => t('Revision ID'),
//    'help' => t('The revision ID of the entity revision.'),
//    'field' => array(
//      'click sortable' => TRUE,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity',
//    ),
//    'filter' => array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_filter_entity_integer',
//    ),
//    'sort' => array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_sort_entity',
//    ),
//    'argument' => array(
//     'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_argument_entity_integer',
//    ),
//  );
//  if ($entity_type != 'comment' && $entity_type != 'taxonomy_term') {
//    $data['bundle'] = array(
//      'group' => t('Entity'),
//      'title' => t('Bundle'),
//      'help' => t('The entity bundle (for example, "article", "page", etc for nodes).'),
//      'field' => array(
//        'click sortable' => TRUE,
//        'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity',
//      ),
//      'filter' => array(
//        'entity_type' => $entity_type,
//        'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_filter_entity_bundle',
//      ),
//      'sort' => array(
//        'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_sort_entity',
//      ),
//      'argument' => array(
//       'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_argument_entity_bundle',
//      ),
//    );
//  }
//  $data['bundle_label'] = array(
//    'group' => t('Entity'),
//    'title' => t('Bundle label'),
//    'help' => t('The entity bundle label (for example, "Article", "Basic page", etc for nodes).'),
//    'field' => array(
//      'click sortable' => FALSE,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity',
//    ),
//  );
//  $data['label'] = array(
//    'group' => t('Entity'),
//    'title' => t('Label'),
//    'help' => t('The entity label (for example, node title for nodes).'),
//    'field' => array(
//      'click sortable' => FALSE,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity_label',
//    ),
//  );
//  // We can only do click sorting and filters/sorts/arguments when the label is
//  // stored in the database, instead of being generated in a callback. As
//  // labels are not supported by entityCondition/entityOrderBy, treat them as
//  // property for filtering and sorting.
//  if (isset($info['entity keys']['label']) && !isset($info['label callback'])) {
//    $data['label']['field'] = array(
//      'click sortable' => TRUE,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_field_entity_label',
//      'label column' => $info['entity keys']['label'],
//    );
//    $data['label']['filter'] = array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_string',
//      'field' => $info['entity keys']['label'],
//    );
//    $data['label']['sort'] = array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_sort_property',
//      'field' => $info['entity keys']['label'],
//    );
//    $data['label']['argument'] = array(
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_argument_property_string',
//      'field' => $info['entity keys']['label'],
//    );
//  }
//  return $data;




// * Helper for efq_views_views_data()
// * Returns defined fields & their columns for the given entity type
// * (or, if absent, all entity types).
// *
// * Based on field_views_field_default_views_data() from
// */

//function _efq_views_get_field_handlers(&$views_data, $field_name) {

//  $column = FALSE;
//  if (isset($views_data['real field'])) {
//    list($field_name, $column) = explode(':', $views_data['real field']);
//  }
//  // Something bogus.
//  if (!$field = field_info_field($field_name)) {
//    return;
//  }
//  if (!$column) {
//    // This will be handled later when a real field props up.
//    if (count($field['columns']) > 1) {
//      return;
//    }
//    $columns = array_keys($field['columns']);
//    $column = reset($columns);
//  }
//  if (!isset($field['columns'][$column])) {
//    // Computed field.
//    return;
//  }
//  $allow_sort = TRUE;
//  // Identify likely filters and arguments for each column based on field type.
//  switch ($field['columns'][$column]['type']) {
//    case 'int':
//    case 'mediumint':
//    case 'tinyint':
//    case 'bigint':
//    case 'serial':
//    case 'numeric':
//    case 'float':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_field_numeric';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_field_numeric';
//      break;
//    case 'text':
//    case 'blob':
//      // It does not make sense to sort by blob or text.
//      $allow_sort = FALSE;
//    default:
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_field_string';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_field_string';
//      break;
//  }
//  switch ($field['module']) {
//    case 'date':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_field_date';
//      break;
//    case 'list':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_field_list';
//      break;
//    case 'taxonomy':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_term_reference';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_field_numeric';
//      break;
//  }
//  $views_data['argument'] = array(
//    'field' => $column,
//    'handler' => $argument,
//    'field_name' => $field['field_name'],
//    'empty field name' => t('<No value>'),
//  );
//  $views_data['filter'] = array(
//    'field' => $column,
//    'handler' => $filter,
//    'field_name' => $field_name,
//    'allow empty' => TRUE,
//  );
//  $views_data['field']['click sortable'] = $allow_sort;
//  if (!empty($allow_sort)) {
//    $views_data['sort'] = array(
//      'field' => $column,
//      'handler' => 'efq_views_handler_sort_field',
//      'field_name' => $field_name,
//    );
//  }




// * Helper for efq_views_views_data()
// * Returns the property data.
// *
// * @param $entity_type Entity type for which the properties are being loaded.
// * @param $info Entity info array for the given entity type.
// */

//function _efq_views_get_property_handlers(&$views_data, $property, $metadata, $entity_info) {

//  $move = FALSE;
//  if (!isset($metadata['properties'][$property])) {
//    return;
//  }
//  $property_info = $metadata['properties'][$property];
//  // Check whether this field is queryable.
//  if (empty($property_info['schema field']) && empty($property_info['query callback']) && !empty($property_info['queryable'])) {
//    return $move;
//  }
//  // Avoid generating a million notices.
//  $property_info += array('type' => '');
//  $filter = '';
//  $argument = '';
//  // Identify likely handlers for each property, based on property type.
//  switch ($property_info['type']) {
//    case 'integer':
//    case 'decimal':
//    case 'duration':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_numeric';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_property_numeric';
//      break;
//    case 'boolean':
//      // Views proper doesn't let boolean fields have argument handlers,
//      // so we do not support that for properties. (Boolean field API
//      // fields are actually stored as an integer so that will work.)
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_boolean';
//      break;
//    case 'date':
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_date';
//      break;
//    case 'token':
//    case 'text':
//    case 'uri':
//      if (isset($property_info['options list'])) {
//        $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_in_operator';
//        $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_property_string';
//        break;
//      }
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_string';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_property_string';
//      break;
//    case 'taxonomy_vocabulary':
//      $move = 'vid';
//      $filter = 'efq_views_handler_filter_property_taxonomy_vocabulary';
//      $argument = 'efq_views_handler_argument_property_numeric';
//  }
//  if ($filter) {
//    $views_data['filter'] = array(
//      'handler' => $filter,
//      'options callback' => isset($property_info['options list']) ? $property_info['options list'] : NULL,
//    );
//  }
//  if ($argument) {
//    $views_data['argument'] = array(
//      'handler' => $argument,
//    );
//  }
//  // Assume a queryable property is sortable also.
//  $views_data['field']['click sortable'] = TRUE;
//  $views_data['sort']['handler'] = 'efq_views_handler_sort_property';
//  // To add support for custom handlers, we need to know if the property is
//  // local or remote.  In the latter case, the property info is stored elsewhere.
//  if (isset($property_info['remote_property'])) {
//    $property_info = $metadata['properties']['entity_data']['property info'][$property];
//  }
//  // Add additional or different custom handlers which are specified by the
//  // entity metadata.
//  if (isset($property_info['views'])) {
//    $views_data = array(
//      'group' => $entity_info['label'],
//      'title' => $property_info['label'],
//      'help' =>  $property_info['description'],
//    );
//    // Add the field handler if it's set.
//    if (isset($property_info['views']['field'])) {
//      $views_data['field'] = array(
//        'click sortable' => FALSE,
//        'handler' => $property_info['views']['field'],
//      );
//    }
//    // Add the filter handler if it's set.
//    if (isset($property_info['views']['filter'])) {
//      $views_data['filter'] = array(
//        'handler' => $property_info['views']['filter'],
//      );
//    }
//    // Add the contextual filter (argument) handler if it's set.
//    if (isset($property_info['views']['argument'])) {
//      $views_data['argument'] = array(
//        'handler' => $property_info['views']['argument'],
//      );
//    }
//    // Add the sort handler if it's set.
//    if (isset($property_info['views']['sort'])) {
//      $views_data['sort'] = array(
//        'handler' => $property_info['views']['sort'],
//      );
//    }
//  }
//  return $move;




// * Implements hook_views_plugins_alter().
// *
// * This allows us to use the node view style with EntityFieldQuery: Node
// * and comment view style with EntityFieldQuery: Comment
// * (just like with regular nodes and comments).
// *
// * Note that these style plugins do an entity_load() even though they already
// * get fully loaded entities from our query engine.
// * However, entity_load has internal caching, so the only real overhead is an
// * extra function call.
// */

//function efq_views_views_plugins_alter(&$plugins) {

//  $plugins['row']['node']['base'][] = "efq_node";
//  $plugins['row']['comment']['base'][] = "efq_comment";




// * Cast values to int if necessary and create delta.
// *
// * @param $handler
// *   The Views handler object.
// * @param $value
// *   The value for the operation. Can be a scalar or an array.
// * @param $delta
// *   The input value is disregarded, it's only used for returning delta.
// *
// * @return
// *   Same as $value, casted to int if necessary.
// */

//function efq_views_extract_delta($handler) {

//  return isset($handler->options['delta']) && is_numeric($handler->options['delta']) ? $handler->options['delta'] : NULL;
