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README.txt in Editable Fields 7


This is the Drupal 7 port of the Editable Fields module. It is still a work in
progress, but the current version is seriously streamlined.

The Editable Fields module allows node fields to be edited on a node's display
(e.g. at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit).
It also works within views allowing you to edit multiple nodes on a single page.
Anywhere a formatter can be selected, you can select "Editable".


The module does not have its own configuration page or permissions. People
without edit permission for a particular node, will just see the default

* To make one or more fields of a content type editable,
  go to "Structure >Content types", and click "manage display" for that
  content type. For a field to be editable, choose "Editable" from the
  format drop-down select box. This will make the field editable anywhere the
  node is displayed (also in views displaying teasers or full content).

* To make a view with editable fields, you don't need to do the previous step.
  Create a view and add some fields to it. On the settings page for each field,
  choose "Editable" from the "Formatter" select box.

NOTE: The title of a node is not a field in Drupal. However, with the Title
module ( you can turn it into one, and thus make
it editable too.


* the 'feature' in the drupal 5 version of this module that allowed a form to be
  added to the bottom of a view no longer exists - that should be covered by
  other modules, not this one.

* This is a development version which may still have several bugs. See
  the issue queue for updated information


View source
  1. -- DESCRIPTION --
  2. This is the Drupal 7 port of the Editable Fields module. It is still a work in
  3. progress, but the current version is seriously streamlined.
  4. The Editable Fields module allows node fields to be edited on a node's display
  5. (e.g. at node/123), not just on the node edit pages (e.g. node/123/edit).
  6. It also works within views allowing you to edit multiple nodes on a single page.
  7. Anywhere a formatter can be selected, you can select "Editable".
  9. The module does not have its own configuration page or permissions. People
  10. without edit permission for a particular node, will just see the default
  11. display.
  12. * To make one or more fields of a content type editable,
  13. go to "Structure >Content types", and click "manage display" for that
  14. content type. For a field to be editable, choose "Editable" from the
  15. format drop-down select box. This will make the field editable anywhere the
  16. node is displayed (also in views displaying teasers or full content).
  17. * To make a view with editable fields, you don't need to do the previous step.
  18. Create a view and add some fields to it. On the settings page for each field,
  19. choose "Editable" from the "Formatter" select box.
  20. NOTE: The title of a node is not a field in Drupal. However, with the Title
  21. module ( you can turn it into one, and thus make
  22. it editable too.
  23. -- KNOWN PROBLEMS --
  24. * the 'feature' in the drupal 5 version of this module that allowed a form to be
  25. added to the bottom of a view no longer exists - that should be covered by
  26. other modules, not this one.
  27. * This is a development version which may still have several bugs. See
  28. the issue queue for updated information