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todo.txt in Classified Ads 5

- (done) Add contact links in link hook (just use user contact page)
- limit length of body form field to current limit lenght so people know length limit while editing (DONE - javascript length tracker)

- optionally, don't allow posting to non-leaf taxonomy term (in form validate)

- Use radio buttons or checkboxes for taxonomy selection (show grid?)
- Add "more..." link in recent/popular block; simple page/pager combo to display 'em - OR just use the views integration
  and define standard views (like views module predefined views).

- Views integration - expose our custom data (expiration time) to views (DONE)

- Add checkbox on ad creation, to allow people to contact you via your contact info
- add link if contact via website is permitted - take them user contact form (DONE)
- add a block at bottom of any ad or category: "create an ad for this category" or somesuch
- Add a block at bottom of any ad or category: "suggest a new category" (DONE)
- if location api/module available and the user has a location defined, 
  populate the location field from the user record!!!

- change column names to classified_xxx (prefix with classified_ to prevent collisions with other node data)

- expiration time by category (if set) (DONE in v 1.5)

- Notification emails: periodically send email to ad 'owner' (creator) with list of all current ads, by expiration date, 
  with links to each ad (and link to delete, or renew.)

- Need way to automatically extend or renew batches of ads (all, some, expired, etc.)

- Admin-defineable fields for ads? (textfield, textarea, currency, date?)  
Node links: 
- Add 'report violations/fraud' link
- Need to present a "login" link if user ain't logged in?
      //   $links[] = l(t('Report miscategorized ad'), 'classified/report', array('title' => t('Click here to report a miscategorized ad.')));

      // Only show this if the ad is owned by the current user or is admin (user can edit this node)
       if ($node->uid == $user->uid) {
       $links[] = l(t('Renew this ad'), 'classified/renew/blah', array('title' => t('Click here to renew this ad.')));


View source
  1. - (done) Add contact links in link hook (just use user contact page)
  2. - limit length of body form field to current limit lenght so people know length limit while editing (DONE - javascript length tracker)
  3. - optionally, don't allow posting to non-leaf taxonomy term (in form validate)
  4. - Use radio buttons or checkboxes for taxonomy selection (show grid?)
  5. - Add "more..." link in recent/popular block; simple page/pager combo to display 'em - OR just use the views integration
  6. and define standard views (like views module predefined views).
  7. - Views integration - expose our custom data (expiration time) to views (DONE)
  9. - Add checkbox on ad creation, to allow people to contact you via your contact info
  10. - add link if contact via website is permitted - take them user contact form (DONE)
  11. - add a block at bottom of any ad or category: "create an ad for this category" or somesuch
  12. - Add a block at bottom of any ad or category: "suggest a new category" (DONE)
  13. - if location api/module available and the user has a location defined,
  14. populate the location field from the user record!!!
  15. - change column names to classified_xxx (prefix with classified_ to prevent collisions with other node data)
  16. - expiration time by category (if set) (DONE in v 1.5)
  17. - Notification emails: periodically send email to ad 'owner' (creator) with list of all current ads, by expiration date,
  18. with links to each ad (and link to delete, or renew.)
  19. - Need way to automatically extend or renew batches of ads (all, some, expired, etc.)
  20. - Admin-defineable fields for ads? (textfield, textarea, currency, date?)
  21. Node links:
  22. - Add 'report violations/fraud' link
  23. - Need to present a "login" link if user ain't logged in?
  24. // $links[] = l(t('Report miscategorized ad'), 'classified/report', array('title' => t('Click here to report a miscategorized ad.')));
  25. // Only show this if the ad is owned by the current user or is admin (user can edit this node)
  26. /****
  27. if ($node->uid == $user->uid) {
  28. $links[] = l(t('Renew this ad'), 'classified/renew/blah', array('title' => t('Click here to renew this ad.')));
  29. }
  30. ***/