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views.html in Classified Ads 7.3

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  1. 6.3 help/views.html


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<div class="classified-help">
  <h4>Views "purge" handler</h4>
  <p>Classified Ads defines a Views 3 field handler for the ad purge date.</p>
  <p>This handler displays the date at which a Classified Ad will be purged,
    in the format customized for all expiration dates on the site. This format 
    is defined as a default variable, not configurable on the settings screen, 
    but which can be overriden in the <code>settings.php</code> file, by 
    declaring it like this:</p>
  <pre>$conf['date-format'] = t('%d/%m/%Y');</pre>
  <p>The format placeholders are those defined for PHP <code>date</code> 
    function. Note that the default format is a localized string of the module.</p>
  <h4>Default views</h4>
  <p>Since Views are so simple to create, the Classified Ads module does not 
    define any. However, when you define your own views and if you do not have a
    site module of your own, you can export them from Views UI and place them as 
    files named <code>(something).php</code> in the <code>views</code> directory 
    of the module, wrapped in &lt;?php ?&gt; tags, : they will then be
    automatically defined as default views by the module, allowing you to avoid
    the performance cost of keeping views in the database and allowing you to 
    tinker with your views while maintaining the ability to revert to a known