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tokens.html in Classified Ads 7.3

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  1. 6.3 help/tokens.html


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<div class="classified-help">
  <p>Classified Ads exposes three tokens, all of them based on a user object:</p>
    <li><code>classified-ads</code>: a themed list of Classified Ads created by
      the user, up to a limit of 10 ads. Best for web pages</li>
    <li><code>classified-ads-plain</code>: a plain text list of Classified Ads by 
      the user (max 10). Best for email notifications and Drush commands.</li>
    <li><code>classified-ads-url</code>: the URL of a user's ads list. Can be used
      to point to their page on the site, from another page or a notification
  <p>The optional <code>classified_notifications</code> module uses these tokens, 
    and its code in function <code>classified_notifications_mail()</code> 
    can be used as an example of how to use them, as default notification 
    messages include such tokens along with core tokens. These default messages
    are defined in file <code></code>, function 