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theming.html in Classified Ads 6.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.3 help/theming.html


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<div class="classified-help">
  <p>The contents for All Classified Ads blocks can be themed using either a 
    core template/theme function, as a default, or a specific alternative 
    allowing you to target the specific instance of that core template. You can 
    also override the complete block with the normal <code>block-*.tpl.php</code> 
  <p>Alternatives take the same parameters as the default.</p>
    <li><code>item-list</code> is used by default</li> 
    <li><code>item-list--classified-popular.tpl.php</code> is the specific alternative</li> 
    <li><code>item-list</code> is used by default</li> 
    <li><code>item-list--classified-recent.tpl.php</code> is the specific alternative</li> 
    <li><code>table</code> is used by default</li> 
    <li><code>table--classified-stats.tpl.php</code> is the specific alternative</li> 