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panels.html in Classified Ads 7.3

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  1. 6.3 help/panels.html


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<div class="classified-help">
  <p>Classified Ads exposes the ad expiration "extra-field" as a CTools content
  <p>In practice, this means you can add it to a custom-built page in Panels
    just like core Fields.</p>
  <p>The field has two settings:</p>
    <li><code>link</code> defines whether or not the expiration "field" should
      link back to the node URL.</li>
    <li><code>format</code> defines the format under which the expiration 
      "field" should appear: either as a remaining lifetime, a remaining
      percentage, an actual expiration date, or using the default formatter
      used for the normal node view.</li>