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context.html in Classified Ads 7.3

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  1. 6.3 help/context.html


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<div class="classified-help">
  <p>Classified Ads 3 defines a <a href="">Context 3</a> 
  condition plugin.</p>
  <p>This plugin is implemented in 
    <code>plugins/classified_context_condition_path</code>, and allows you to
    define a condition on the non-node pages controlled by the Classified Ads
    module: its main page, its listing pages, its settings pages, and the "Ads" 
    page for each user account.</p>
  <p>To enable that condition when <a href="&base_url&admin/build/context">defining 
    a context</a>, choose a <code>path</code> condition, and check the 
    <code>Auto Classified path set</code> checkbox. The module paths will be 
    automatically added to the list of paths you define manually when you submit 
    that form.</p>
  <p>If you want to also trigger that context on Classified Ads node pages, add
    a <code>Node type</code> condition to your context, and check the 
    <code>Classified Ads</code> checkbox on the node type list. Make sure you
    have <em>not</em> checked the <code>Require all conditions</code> checkbox.</p>