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20 calls to _ed_classified_variable_get() in Classified Ads 6.2

ed_classified_admin_overview in ./ed_classified.module
Present admin options.
ed_classified_admin_settings in ./
Implementation of hook_settings().
ed_classified_cron in ./ed_classified.module
Implements hook_cron().
ed_classified_form in ./ed_classified.module
Implements hook_form().
ed_classified_get_latest_ads_list in ./
Get a list of latest ads for block use
ed_classified_get_popular_ads_list in ./
Get a list of popular ads for block use
ed_classified_link in ./ed_classified.module
Implements hook_link().
ed_classified_page in ./ed_classified.module
Display a page of classified ads, as appropriate.
ed_classified_validate in ./ed_classified.module
Implements hook_validate().
theme_ed_classified_category_list_ad_row in ./
theme_ed_classified_taxonomy in ./
Theme a classified ads taxonomy browser page
_ed_classified_get_duration in ./
Get duration in days for taxonomy term (array of tids, indexed by vid); Expecting array of size 1, so any more is ignored if nothing set, use the default value TODO - if a single value, not an array, then assume the vid to be the Classified Ads vid
_ed_classified_get_longest_duration in ./
Find the longest duration, in days, for a given set of terms
_ed_classified_get_vid in ./
Returns (and possibly creates) a primary vocabulary for classified.
_ed_classified_notify_advertisers_periodic in ./
Process "periodic" notifications.
_ed_classified_periodic_notification_time in ./
Return TRUE if we need to send periodic notifications according to time and configuration options Only send notifications if sufficient time has passed since last notification run completed.
_ed_classified_purge in ./
Purge old, expired classified ads
_ed_classified_purge_ad in ./
"purge" an expired ad.
_ed_classified_unpublish_ad in ./
Unpublish a node.
_ed_classified_variable_set in ./