You are here in Classified Ads 5

Node deletion facilities. Michael Curry, Exodus Development, Inc. for more information, please visit Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Exodus Development, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2. Please see LICENSE.txt for license terms. Posession and use of this code signifies acceptance of license terms.

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 * @file
 * Node deletion facilities.
 * Michael Curry, Exodus Development, Inc.
 * for more information, please visit
 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Exodus Development, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. 
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL) version 2.  Please see LICENSE.txt for
 * license terms.  Posession and use of this code signifies acceptance of license
 * terms.

 * Unpublish a node
 * (Partially) lifted from spam module (jeremy [at]
function _ed_classified_unpublish_ad($nid) {
  $result = db_query('UPDATE {node} SET status = 0 WHERE nid = %d', $nid);
  if (_ed_classified_variable_get('log_unpublish', FALSE)) {
    _edi_wd(t('Unpublished ad nid=%nid', array(
      '%nid' => $nid,
    )), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('View ad'), "node/{$nid}"));

 * User entry point to purge old, expired classified ads
function _ed_classified_user_purge() {
  global $user;
  $purge_endtime = _ed_classified_purge();
  drupal_set_message('Purged ads that expired before ' . format_date($purge_endtime));
  return ed_classified_admin_overview($user->uid);

 * Purge old, expired classified ads
function _ed_classified_purge() {

   * Purge ads that have expired anytime between the start of time, and nn days ago
   * TODO: make this a manual process available under the admin/ed_classified menu, with confirmation
  $purge_starttime = 0;

  // is there a better way to do this?
  $purge_endtime = time() - _ed_classified_days_to_seconds(_ed_classified_variable_get('ad_expired_purge_age', EDI_CLASSIFIED_VAR_DEF_PURGE_AGE));
  _ed_classified_purge_ads($purge_starttime, $purge_endtime);

  // report # of ads purged?
  // echo 'Purged ads that expired before '.format_date($purge_endtime);
  return $purge_endtime;

 * purge old ads (must have been expired - IOW, unpublished - first.)
function _ed_classified_purge_ads($time_start, $time_end) {
  $query = _ed_classified_get_aged_ads($time_start, $time_end, 0);

  // get unpublished ads whose time has come
  $count = 0;
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($query)) {
  if ($count > 0) {
    _edi_wd(sprintf(t('Purged %d ads expired between %s and %s'), $count, _edi_safe_date_fmt($time_start), _edi_safe_date_fmt($time_end)));

 * "purge" an expired ad 
 * (This will delete a classified ad that has been 'expired' and is older than the threshold)
function _ed_classified_purge_ad($node) {
  if (_ed_classified_variable_get('log_deletions', FALSE)) {
    $expired = _ed_classified_get_ending_date_string($node->expires_on);
    _edi_wd(t('Purging ad @title (nid=!nid) which @expired', array(
      '@title' => $node->title,
      '!nid' => $node->nid,
      '@expired' => $expired,

 * Reimplement the node_delete code, because the code in node_delete
 * performs an access check for node deletion rights
 * This can be made more efficient, if needed.
function _ed_classified_delete($nid) {
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // sanity check: only delete if:
  // Node found, nid != 0, node is unpublished (stats == 0) and it is truly a classified ad.
  if ($node && $node->nid != 0 && 0 == $node->status && _ed_classified_node_is_classified($node)) {
    db_query('DELETE FROM {node} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);
    db_query('DELETE FROM {node_revisions} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);

    // Call the node-specific callback (if any):
    node_invoke($node, 'delete');
    node_invoke_nodeapi($node, 'delete');

    // Remove this node from the search index if needed.
    if (function_exists('search_wipe')) {
      search_wipe($node->nid, 'node');


Namesort descending Description
_ed_classified_delete Reimplement the node_delete code, because the code in node_delete performs an access check for node deletion rights This can be made more efficient, if needed.
_ed_classified_purge Purge old, expired classified ads
_ed_classified_purge_ad "purge" an expired ad (This will delete a classified ad that has been 'expired' and is older than the threshold)
_ed_classified_purge_ads purge old ads (must have been expired - IOW, unpublished - first.)
_ed_classified_unpublish_ad Unpublish a node (Partially) lifted from spam module (jeremy [at]
_ed_classified_user_purge User entry point to purge old, expired classified ads