6 uses of EDI_CLASSIFIED_PATH_NAME in Classified Ads 5
- ed_classified_admin_overview in ./
ed_classified.module - Present admin options.
- ed_classified_page in ./
ed_classified.module - Display a page of classified ads, as appropriate. Lifted from image_gallery module. Shameless.
- ed_classified_view in ./
ed_classified.module - Implementation of hook_view().
- theme_ed_classified_taxonomy in ./
ed_classified_themefuncs.inc - Theme a classified ads taxonomy browser page
- _ed_classified_make_category_path in ./
ed_classified_utils.inc - Make a 'path' to a category view for a given tid.
- _ed_classified_send_user_notification_email in ./
ed_classified_notifications.inc - Send an email notification to the specified user