You are here in Classified Ads 7.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3
name = "Classified Ads"
description = "A classified ads service"
package = Classified
configure = admin/config/content/classified

dependencies[] = field
dependencies[] = taxonomy

; modr8 is available on D7, but not tested
suggests[] = modr8

core = 7.x

; test class files need to be declared on D7, not on D6
files[] = tests/classified_test_basic.test
files[] = tests/classified_test_notifications.test

; CTools plugins are not normally declared in the .info, but when included by
; a context_registry_alter(), ordering prevents proper plugin detection in
; CTools, so the file is declared directly to the core autoloader.
files[] = plugins/

View source
  1. name = "Classified Ads"
  2. description = "A classified ads service"
  3. package = Classified
  4. configure = admin/config/content/classified
  5. dependencies[] = field
  6. dependencies[] = taxonomy
  7. ; modr8 is available on D7, but not tested
  8. suggests[] = modr8
  9. core = 7.x
  10. ; test class files need to be declared on D7, not on D6
  11. files[] = tests/classified_test_basic.test
  12. files[] = tests/classified_test_notifications.test
  13. ; CTools plugins are not normally declared in the .info, but when included by
  14. ; a context_registry_alter(), ordering prevents proper plugin detection in
  15. ; CTools, so the file is declared directly to the core autoloader.
  16. files[] = plugins/