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NavigationalStructureTest.php in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\eck\Functional;

use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;

 * Test Entity Construction Kit's navigational structure.
 * This includes routing, paths, breadcrumbs and page titles.
 * @group eck
class NavigationalStructureTest extends FunctionalTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * The base breadcrumb labels.
   * @var string[]
  private $baseCrumbs = [

   * The entity type machine name.
   * @var string
  private $entityTypeMachineName;

   * The entity type label.
   * @var string
  private $entityTypeLabel;

   * The entity bundle machine name.
   * @var string
  private $entityBundleMachineName;

   * The entity bundle label.
   * @var string
  private $entityBundleLabel;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getAdministratorPermissions() {
    return array_merge([
      'access administration pages',
      'access content overview',
    ], parent::getAdministratorPermissions());

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function setUp() {
    $entity_type = $this
    $this->entityTypeMachineName = $entity_type['id'];
    $this->entityTypeLabel = $entity_type['label'];
    $bundle = $this
    $this->entityBundleMachineName = $bundle['type'];
    $this->entityBundleLabel = $bundle['name'];

   * Retrieves the entity storage handler.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface
   *   The entity storage handler.
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
  private function getEntityStorageHandler() {
    return \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

   * Asserts that the page on a given route contains all the elements we expect.
   * @param string $route
   *   The route to test.
   * @param array $routeArguments
   *   Arguments for the route to test.
   * @param string $expectedUrl
   *   The expected url.
   * @param string $expectedTitle
   *   The expected title.
   * @param array $crumbs
   *   The expected breadcrumbs after the base crumbs.
  private function assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, array $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, array $crumbs = []) {
    $url = Url::fromRoute($route, $routeArguments);
    self::assertEquals($expectedUrl, $url
      ->assertBreadcrumbsVisible(array_merge($this->baseCrumbs, $crumbs));

   * Asserts that the title of a page contains a given value.
   * @param string $expectedTitle
   *   The expected title.
  private function assertTitleEquals($expectedTitle) {
    $titleElement = $this
      ->find('css', '.page-title');
    $actualTitle = $titleElement instanceof NodeElement ? $titleElement
      ->getText() : '';
      ->assertEquals($expectedTitle, $actualTitle);

   * Asserts that the given breadcrumbs are visible.
   * @param string[] $expectedBreadcrumbs
   *   The expected breadcrumbs.
  private function assertBreadcrumbsVisible(array $expectedBreadcrumbs) {
    $breadcrumbs = $this
      ->findAll('css', '.breadcrumb a');
    $actualCrumbs = [];
    do {
      $actualCrumbs[] = array_shift($breadcrumbs)
    } while (!empty($breadcrumbs));
    self::assertEquals($expectedBreadcrumbs, $actualCrumbs);

   * Tests entity type listing.
   * @test
  public function entityTypeList() {
    $route = 'eck.entity_type.list';
    $routeArguments = [];
    $expectedUrl = 'admin/structure/eck';
    $expectedTitle = 'ECK Entity Types';
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, [

   * Tests entity type creation.
   * @test
  public function entityTypeAdd() {
    $routeArguments = [];
    $route = 'eck.entity_type.add';
    $expectedUrl = 'admin/structure/eck/add';
    $expectedTitle = 'Add entity type';
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity type edit.
   * @test
  public function entityTypeEdit() {
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.edit_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}";
    $expectedTitle = 'Edit entity type';
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity type deletion.
   * @test
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
  public function entityTypeDelete() {
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete entity type {$this->entityTypeLabel}?";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("Configuration deletions The listed configuration will be deleted.{$this->entityTypeLabel} type");

   * Tests entity type deletion with multiple bundles.
   * @test
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
  public function entityTypeDeleteWithMultipleBundles() {

    // Create a randomly named bundle.
    $extra_bundle = $this
    $extra_bundle_label = $extra_bundle['name'];
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete entity type {$this->entityTypeLabel}?";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("Configuration deletions The listed configuration will be deleted.{$this->entityTypeLabel} type");

   * Tests entity type deletion with matching bundle.
   * @test
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function entityTypeDeleteWithMatchingBundle() {
      ->createEntityBundle($this->entityTypeMachineName, $this->entityTypeLabel);
    $this->entityBundleMachineName = $this->entityTypeMachineName;
    $this->entityBundleLabel = $this->entityTypeLabel;
      ->getStorage($this->entityTypeMachineName . '_type')
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete entity type {$this->entityTypeLabel}?";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("This action cannot be undone.");

    // Delete the entity.
      ->submitForm([], 'Delete entity type');

    // Try to load the deleted entity.
    $entity_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Make sure the entity is deleted.

   * Tests entity type deletion if fields are present.
   * @test
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ResponseTextException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException
   * @throws \Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function entityTypeDeleteWithField() {

    // Delete the original bundle.
      ->getStorage($this->entityTypeMachineName . '_type')

    // Create a bundle with matching name.
    $this->entityBundleMachineName = $this->entityTypeMachineName;
    $this->entityBundleLabel = $this->entityTypeLabel;
      ->createEntityBundle($this->entityTypeMachineName, $this->entityBundleLabel);
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
      'field_name' => 'field_decimal',
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
      'field_name' => 'field_decimal',
      'bundle' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete entity type {$this->entityTypeLabel}?";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("This action cannot be undone.");
      ->pageTextContains("Configuration deletions The listed configuration will be deleted.{$this->entityTypeLabel} type{$this->entityTypeLabel}Fieldfield_decimal");

    // Delete the entity.
      ->submitForm([], 'Delete entity type');
      ->responseContains('The eck entity type <em class="placeholder">' . $this->entityTypeLabel . '</em> has been deleted.');

    // Try to load the deleted entity type definition.
    $entity_type = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      ->getDefinition($this->entityTypeMachineName, FALSE);

    // Make sure the entity type is deleted.

   * Tests entity type deletion if content is available.
   * @test
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
   * @throws \Exception
  public function entityTypeDeleteWithContent() {
    $field_machine_name = strtolower($this

    // Create a field.
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
      'field_name' => $field_machine_name,
      'type' => 'decimal',
      'entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
      'field_name' => $field_machine_name,
      'bundle' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,

    // Create an entity.
      'type' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
      $field_machine_name => random_int(1, 1000),
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Delete entity type";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("There is 1 {$this->entityTypeLabel} entity. You can not remove this entity type until you have removed all of the {$this->entityTypeLabel} entities.");

    // Create a second entity.
      'type' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
      $field_machine_name => random_int(1, 1000),
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.delete_form';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Delete entity type";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);
      ->pageTextContains("There are 2 {$this->entityTypeLabel} entities. You may not remove {$this->entityTypeLabel} until you have removed all of the {$this->entityTypeLabel} entities.");

   * Tests the entity listing page.
   * @test
  public function entityList() {
    $route = "eck.entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}.list";
    $routeArguments = [];
    $expectedUrl = "admin/content/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}";
    $expectedTitle = ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} content");
    $crumbs = [
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests the entity add page.
   * @test
  public function entityAddPage() {
    $route = 'eck.entity.add_page';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/content/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/add";
    $expectedTitle = "Add {$this->entityTypeLabel} content";
    $crumbs = [
      ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} content"),
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Test entity creation.
   * @test
  public function entityAdd() {
    $route = 'eck.entity.add';
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => $this->entityTypeMachineName,
      'eck_entity_bundle' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/content/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/add/{$this->entityBundleMachineName}";
    $expectedTitle = "Add {$this->entityBundleLabel} content";
    $crumbs = [
      ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} content"),
      "Add {$this->entityTypeLabel} content",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Test entity viewing.
   * @test
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function entityView() {
    $entityTitle = $this
    $entity = $this
      'type' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
      'title' => $entityTitle,
    $route = "entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}.canonical";
    $routeArguments = [
      $this->entityTypeMachineName => $entity
    $expectedUrl = "{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/{$entity->id()}";
    $expectedTitle = $entityTitle;
    $this->baseCrumbs = [
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle);

   * Tests entity editing.
   * @test
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function entityEdit() {
    $entityTitle = $this
    $entity = $this
      'type' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
      'title' => $entityTitle,
    $route = "entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}.edit_form";
    $routeArguments = [
      $this->entityTypeMachineName => $entity
    $expectedUrl = "{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/{$entity->id()}/edit";
    $expectedTitle = "Edit {$this->entityBundleLabel} {$entityTitle}";
    $this->baseCrumbs = [
    $crumbs = [
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity deletion.
   * @test
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function entityDelete() {
    $entityTitle = $this
    $entity_type_label = strtolower($this->entityTypeLabel);
    $entity = $this
      'type' => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
      'title' => $entityTitle,
    $route = "entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}.delete_form";
    $routeArguments = [
      $this->entityTypeMachineName => $entity
    $expectedUrl = "{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/{$entity->id()}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete the {$entity_type_label} {$entityTitle}?";
    $this->baseCrumbs = [
    $crumbs = [
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity bundle listing.
   * @test
  public function entityBundleList() {
    $route = "eck.entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type.list";
    $routeArguments = [];
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/bundles";
    $expectedTitle = ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} bundles");
    $crumbs = [
      "ECK Entity Types",
      "Edit entity type",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity bundle creation.
   * @test
  public function entityBundleAdd() {
    $route = "eck.entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type.add";
    $routeArguments = [];
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/bundles/add";
    $expectedTitle = "Add {$this->entityTypeLabel} bundle";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} bundles"),
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity bundle editing.
   * @test
  public function entityBundleEdit() {
    $route = "entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type.edit_form";
    $routeArguments = [
      "{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type" => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/bundles/{$this->entityBundleMachineName}";
    $expectedTitle = "Edit {$this->entityTypeLabel} bundle";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} bundles"),
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);

   * Tests entity bundle deletion.
   * @test
  public function entityBundleDelete() {
    $route = "entity.{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type.delete_form";
    $routeArguments = [
      "{$this->entityTypeMachineName}_type" => $this->entityBundleMachineName,
    $expectedUrl = "admin/structure/eck/{$this->entityTypeMachineName}/bundles/{$this->entityBundleMachineName}/delete";
    $expectedTitle = "Are you sure you want to delete the entity bundle {$this->entityBundleLabel}?";
    $crumbs = [
      'ECK Entity Types',
      "Edit entity type",
      ucfirst("{$this->entityTypeLabel} bundles"),
      "Edit {$this->entityTypeLabel} bundle",
      ->assertCorrectPageOnRoute($route, $routeArguments, $expectedUrl, $expectedTitle, $crumbs);



Namesort descending Description
NavigationalStructureTest Test Entity Construction Kit's navigational structure.