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EntityTypeCRUDTest.php in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\eck\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Tests if eck entity types are correctly created and updated.
 * @group eck
class EntityTypeCRUDTest extends FunctionalTestBase {

   * Test if creation of an entity does not result in mismatched definitions.
  public function testEntityCreationDoesNotResultInMismatchedEntityDefinitions() {
      ->createEntityType([], 'TestType');

   * Test if updating an entity type does not result in mismatched definitions.
  public function testIfEntityUpdateDoesNotResultInMismatchedEntityDefinitions() {
      ->createEntityType([], 'TestType');
    $routeArguments = [
      'eck_entity_type' => 'testtype',
    $route = 'entity.eck_entity_type.edit_form';
    $edit = [
      'created' => FALSE,
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute($route, $routeArguments));
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Update TestType');

   * Asserts that there are no mismatched definitions.
  private function assertNoMismatchedFieldDefinitions() {
      ->responseNotContains('Mismatched entity and/or field definitions');

   * Drupal limits entity type names to 32 characters. This test ensures we also
   * enforce that to prevent a white screen of death when a user creates an
   * entity type with more than 32 character long name.
  public function testIfTooLongEntityTypeNamesAreCaughtInTime() {
      ->createEntityType([], 'a27CharacterLongNameIssLong');
    $label = 'a28CharacterLongNameIsLonger';
    $edit = [
      'label' => $label,
      'id' => $id = strtolower($label),
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Create entity type');
      ->responseContains("Machine name cannot be longer than <em class=\"placeholder\">27</em> characters but is currently <em class=\"placeholder\">28</em> characters long.");



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EntityTypeCRUDTest Tests if eck entity types are correctly created and updated.