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protected function EckTestHelper::randomSentence in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.2

Generate a random string with multiple words of random lengths.


int $word_count: How many words to have in the sentence; if not a positive, whole number a random number of words will be generated (between three and fifty).

bool $proper: Proper English, so the first letter will be uppercase and the sentence will end in a period; defaults to FALSE.

Return value

string The final sentences.

2 calls to EckTestHelper::randomSentence()
EckEntityTranslationTest::testTranslations in tests/EckEntityTranslationTest.test
Test translating an entity type.
EckTestHelper::createEntity in tests/EckTestHelper.test
Create a test entity object.


tests/EckTestHelper.test, line 190
The EckTestHelper class.


Helper logic for the other ECK tests.


protected function randomSentence($word_count = NULL, $proper = FALSE) {
  $word_count = intval($word_count);
  if (empty($word_count) || $word_count < 1) {
    $word_count = intval(rand(3, 50));
  $words = array();
  for ($ctr = 0; $ctr < $word_count; $ctr++) {
    $words[] = strtolower(parent::randomName(intval(rand(3, 8))));
  $sentence = implode(' ', $words);
  if ($proper) {
    $sentence = ucfirst($sentence) . '.';
  return $sentence;