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protected function EckTestHelper::createEntityType in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.2

Create an entity type.


array $args: Any arguments to be passed to the form. Key elements include:

  • 'entity_type_label'
  • 'entity_type_name'
  • 'bundle_label' - If not present, a bundle with the same name as the entity type will be created.
  • 'bundle_name' - If not present, a bundle with the same name as the entity type will be created.
2 calls to EckTestHelper::createEntityType()
EckCrudTest::testProcess in tests/EckCrudTest.test
Confirm that entity types can be created, bundles created, etc.
EckEntityTranslationTest::testTranslations in tests/EckEntityTranslationTest.test
Test translating an entity type.


tests/EckTestHelper.test, line 60
The EckTestHelper class.


Helper logic for the other ECK tests.


protected function createEntityType(array $args = array()) {

  // Load the 'add type' form, confirm it is what was expected.

  // Default values.
  $edit = $args + array(
    'entity_type_label' => 'Test entity',
    'entity_type_name' => 'test_entity',
    'bundle_label' => '',
    'bundle_name' => '',
    'default_properties[title]' => TRUE,
    'default_properties[uid]' => TRUE,
    'default_properties[created]' => TRUE,
    'default_properties[changed]' => TRUE,
    'default_properties[language]' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

  // Confirm the submission worked.
    ->assertText(strip_tags(t('The entity type %entity_type has been created.', array(
    '%entity_type' => $edit['entity_type_label'],
    ->getUrl(), url('admin/structure/entity-type/' . $edit['entity_type_name'], array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
    ->assertLinkByHref(url('admin/structure/entity-type/' . $edit['entity_type_name']));
    ->assertLinkByHref(url('admin/structure/entity-type/' . $edit['entity_type_name'] . '/delete'));

  // @todo Bug: Upon creating a new entity type the visitor should see the "bundle list" page, instead the "entity types" list page is shown.