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9 calls to Bundle::loadByEntityType() in Entity Construction Kit (ECK) 7.3

drush_eck_entity_construction_kit in includes/
Implements drush_hook_command().
drush_eck_entity_construction_kit_all in includes/
Implements drush_hook_command().
eck_field_extra_fields in ./eck.module
Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
eck_update_7008 in ./eck.install
Update 7008.
eck__bundle__add_validate in ./
Bundle add form validation callback.
eck__bundle__list in ./
Page call back for the bundle overview table.
eck__bundle__menu in ./
This function creates the menu items relevant to bundle administration.
eck__entity_type__info in ./
Generate the entity info for a specific entity.
EntityType::delete in ./