easy_social.widgets.inc in Easy Social 7.2
Easy Social default widget functions.
includes/easy_social.widgets.incView source
* @file
* Easy Social default widget functions.
* Generate the needed markup for the facebook share link.
* @param $url The url to be shared
* @param $type Generate horizontal or vertical widgets
* @param $title The title to be shared
* @param $lang The language of the facebook button
* @return string the html markup
function _easy_social_widget_facebook_markup($url, $type, $title = NULL, $lang = 'en') {
// Correct for different language identification strings.
$lang = _easy_social_facebook_langcodes($lang);
static $js_added;
// @TODO Subscribe to the 'edge.create' event through FB.Event.subscribe to
// track successful shares. This will likely be in either a seperate module
// or a new version.
$width = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_width_horizontal');
$type_box = 'button_count';
$height = '21';
else {
$width = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_width_vertical');
$type_box = 'box_count';
$height = '90';
$appid = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_appid');
$facebook_type = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_widget_type');
$send_button = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_send_button') ? 'true' : 'false';
$show_faces = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_show_faces') ? 'true' : 'false';
$action = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_verb');
$color_scheme = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_color_scheme');
$font = variable_get_value('easy_social_facebook_font');
if ($font === 'default') {
$font = '';
if ($facebook_type !== 'iframe') {
// This is done here instead of using the proper hook method because the
// script is only added in the HTMl5 and XFBML versions, not iframe.
if (!$js_added) {
$script = <<<JS
(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/{<span class="php-variable">$lang</span>}/all.js#xfbml=1&appId={<span class="php-variable">$appid</span>}";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
drupal_add_js($script, 'inline');
$js_added = TRUE;
if ($facebook_type === 'html5') {
$markup = <<<FB
<div class="fb-like" data-href="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}" data-send="{<span class="php-variable">$send_button</span>}" data-layout="{<span class="php-variable">$type_box</span>}" data-width="{<span class="php-variable">$width</span>}" data-show-faces="{<span class="php-variable">$show_faces</span>}" data-action="{<span class="php-variable">$action</span>}" data-colorscheme="{<span class="php-variable">$color_scheme</span>}" data-font="{<span class="php-variable">$font</span>}"></div>
elseif ($facebook_type === 'xfbml') {
$markup = <<<FB
<fb:like href="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}" send="{<span class="php-variable">$send_button</span>}" layout="{<span class="php-variable">$type_box</span>}" width="{<span class="php-variable">$width</span>}" show_faces="{<span class="php-variable">$show_faces</span>}" action="{<span class="php-variable">$action</span>}" colorscheme="{<span class="php-variable">$color_scheme</span>}" font="{<span class="php-variable">$font</span>}"></fb:like>
else {
$url = drupal_encode_path($url);
$font = drupal_encode_path($font);
$markup = <<<FB
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?locale={<span class="php-variable">$lang</span>}&href={<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}&send=false&layout={<span class="php-variable">$type_box</span>}&width={<span class="php-variable">$width</span>}&show_faces={<span class="php-variable">$show_faces</span>}&action={<span class="php-variable">$action</span>}&colorscheme={<span class="php-variable">$color_scheme</span>}&font={<span class="php-variable">$font</span>}&height={<span class="php-variable">$height</span>}&appId={<span class="php-variable">$appid</span>}" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:{<span class="php-variable">$width</span>}px; height:{<span class="php-variable">$height</span>}px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
return $markup;
* Generate the needed markeup for the Google+ share link.
* @param $url The url to be shared
* @param $type Generate horizontal or vertical widgets
* @param $title The title to be shared
* @return string the html markup
function _easy_social_widget_googleplus_markup($url, $type, $title = NULL, $lang = 'und') {
// This widget doesn't yet offer a localization option.
// @TODO Use "callback" to track successful shares. This will likely be in
// either a seperate module or a new version.
$annotation = variable_get_value('easy_social_googleplus_annotation');
$type = $type == EASY_SOCIAL_WIDGET_HORIZONTAL ? 'medium' : 'tall';
$html5 = variable_get_value('easy_social_googleplus_html5');
if ($html5) {
$markup = <<<GP
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="{<span class="php-variable">$type</span>}" data-annotation="{<span class="php-variable">$annotation</span>}" data-href="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}"></div>
else {
$markup = <<<GP
<g:plusone size="{<span class="php-variable">$type</span>}" href="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}" annotation="{<span class="php-variable">$annotation</span>}"></g:plusone>
return $markup;
* Generate the needed markeup for the linkedin share link.
* @param $url The url to be shared
* @param $type Generate horizontal or vertical widgets
* @param $title The title to be shared
* @return string the html markup
function _easy_social_widget_linkedin_markup($url, $type, $title = NULL, $lang = 'und') {
// This widget doesn't yet offer a localization option.
// @TODO Use "data-onsuccess" to track successful shares this will likely be
// in either a seperate module or a new version.
$type = $type == EASY_SOCIAL_WIDGET_HORIZONTAL ? 'right' : 'top';
$type_show = variable_get_value('easy_social_linkedin_count_show');
if (!$type_show) {
$type = FALSE;
$markup = <<<LI
<script type="in/share" data-url="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}" data-counter="{<span class="php-variable">$type</span>}"></script>
return $markup;
* Generate the needed markup for the twitter share link.
* @param $url The url to be shared
* @param $type Generate horizontal or vertical widgets
* @param $title The title to be shared
* @param $lang The language of the twitter button
* @return string the html markup
function _easy_social_widget_twitter_markup($url, $type, $title = NULL, $lang = 'und') {
// Correct for different language identification strings.
$lang = _easy_social_twitter_langcodes($lang);
$type = $type == EASY_SOCIAL_WIDGET_HORIZONTAL ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
// Override the data-count attribute to hide the count, if selected.
$type_show = variable_get_value('easy_social_twitter_count_show');
if (!$type_show) {
$type = 'none';
$account_via = variable_get_value('easy_social_twitter_account_via');
$account_related = variable_get_value('easy_social_twitter_account_related');
$account_related_description = variable_get_value('easy_social_twitter_account_description');
$markup = <<<TT
<a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button"
data-url="{<span class="php-variable">$url</span>}"
data-count="{<span class="php-variable">$type</span>}"
data-lang = "{<span class="php-variable">$lang</span>}"
data-via="{<span class="php-variable">$account_via</span>}"
data-related="{<span class="php-variable">$account_related</span>}:{<span class="php-variable">$account_related_description</span>}"
data-text="{<span class="php-variable">$title</span>}">Tweet</a>
return $markup;
* Returns language for Twitter widget.
* Since this widget has very limited and specific language options, we have to
* manually map some Drupal to Twitter language conversions.
* @param $lang The drupal langcode.
* @return string the respective supported langcode by twitter ISO 369.
function _easy_social_twitter_langcodes($lang = LANGUAGE_NONE) {
$languages = array();
// Hungarian.
$languages['hu'] = 'hu';
// Norwegian.
$languages['nn'] = 'no';
$languages['nb'] = 'no';
// Malay.
$languages['mg'] = 'msa';
$languages['ms'] = 'msa';
$languages['ml'] = 'msa';
// French.
$languages['fr'] = 'fr';
// German.
$languages['de'] = 'de';
$languages['gsw-berne'] = 'de';
// English.
$languages[LANGUAGE_NONE] = 'en';
$languages['en'] = 'en';
$languages['en-us'] = 'en';
$languages['en-gb'] = 'en';
// Traditional Chinese.
$languages['zh-hant'] = 'zh-tw';
// Filipino.
$languages['fil'] = 'fil';
// Korean.
$languages['ko'] = 'ko';
// Polish.
$languages['pl'] = 'pl';
// Indonesian.
$languages['id'] = 'id';
// Russian.
$languages['ru'] = 'ru';
// Finnish.
$languages['fi'] = 'fi';
// Hindi.
$languages['hi'] = 'hi';
// Portuguese.
$languages['pt'] = 'pt';
$languages['pt-br'] = 'pt';
$languages['pt-pt'] = 'pt';
// Italian.
$languages['it'] = 'it';
// Danish.
$languages['da'] = 'da';
// Swedish.
$languages['sv'] = 'sv';
// Spanish.
$languages['es'] = 'es';
// Dutch.
$languages['nl'] = 'nl';
// Simplified Chinese.
$languages['zh-hans'] = 'zh-cn';
// Turkish.
$languages['tr'] = 'tr';
$languages['tk'] = 'tr';
// Japanese.
$languages['ja'] = 'ja';
return isset($languages[$lang]) ? $languages[$lang] : 'en';
* Facebook langcode.
* Since this widget has very limited and specific language options, we have to
* manually map some Drupal to Twitter language conversions.
* @param $lang The drupal langcode
* @return string the respective supported langcode by facebook II_CC
function _easy_social_facebook_langcodes($lang = LANGUAGE_NONE) {
$languages = array();
// Afrikaans.
$languages['af'] = 'af_ZA';
// Arabic.
$languages['ar'] = 'ar_AR';
// Azeri.
$languages['az'] = 'az_AZ';
// Belarusian.
$languages['be'] = 'be_BY';
// Bulgarian.
$languages['bg'] = 'bg_BG';
// Bengali.
$languages['bn'] = 'bn_IN';
// Bosnian.
$languages['bs'] = 'bs_BA';
// Catalan.
$languages['ca'] = 'ca_ES';
// Czech.
$languages['cs'] = 'cs_CZ';
// Welsh.
$languages['cy'] = 'cy_GB';
// Danish.
$languages['da'] = 'da_DK';
// German.
$languages['de'] = 'de_DE';
$languages['gsw-berne'] = 'de_DE';
// Greek.
$languages['el'] = 'el_GR';
// English (UK).
$languages['en-gb'] = 'en_GB';
// English (US).
$languages[LANGUAGE_NONE] = 'en_US';
$languages['en'] = 'en_US';
$languages['en-us'] = 'en_US';
// Esperanto.
$languages['eo'] = 'eo_EO';
// Spanish (Spain).
$languages['es'] = 'es_ES';
// Estonian.
$languages['et'] = 'et_EE';
// Basque.
$languages['eu'] = 'eu_ES';
// Persian.
$languages['fa'] = 'fa_IR';
// Leet Speak.
$languages['fb'] = 'fb_LT';
// Finnish.
$languages['fi'] = 'fi_FI';
// Faroese.
$languages['fo'] = 'fo_FO';
// French (France).
$languages['fr'] = 'fr_FR';
// Frisian.
$languages['fy'] = 'fy_NL';
// Irish.
$languages['ga'] = 'ga_IE';
// Galician.
$languages['gl'] = 'gl_ES';
// Hebrew.
$languages['he'] = 'he_IL';
// Hindi.
$languages['hi'] = 'hi_IN';
// Croatian.
$languages['hr'] = 'hr_HR';
// Hungarian.
$languages['hu'] = 'hu_HU';
// Armenian.
$languages['hy'] = 'hy_AM';
// Indonesian.
$languages['id'] = 'id_ID';
// Icelandic.
$languages['is'] = 'is_IS';
// Italian.
$languages['it'] = 'it_IT';
// Japanese.
$languages['ja'] = 'ja_JP';
// Georgian.
$languages['ka'] = 'ka_GE';
// Khmer.
$languages['km'] = 'km_KH';
// Korean.
$languages['ko'] = 'ko_KR';
// Kurdish.
$languages['ku'] = 'ku_TR';
// Latin.
$languages['la'] = 'la_VA';
// Lithuanian.
$languages['lt'] = 'lt_LT';
// Latvian.
$languages['lv'] = 'lv_LV';
// Macedonian.
$languages['mk'] = 'mk_MK';
// Malayalam.
$languages['ml'] = 'ml_IN';
// Malay.
$languages['ms'] = 'ms_MY';
$languages['mg'] = 'ms_MY';
// Norwegian.
$languages['nn'] = 'nb_NO';
$languages['nb'] = 'nb_NO';
// Nepali.
$languages['ne'] = 'ne_NP';
// Dutch.
$languages['nl'] = 'nl_NL';
// Norwegian (Nynorsk).
$languages['nn'] = 'nn_NO';
// Punjabi.
$languages['pa'] = 'pa_IN';
// Polish.
$languages['pl'] = 'pl_PL';
// Pashto.
$languages['ps'] = 'ps_AF';
// Portuguese (Brazil).
$languages['pt'] = 'pt_BR';
$languages['pt-br'] = 'pt_BR';
// Portuguese (Portugal).
$languages['pt-pt'] = 'pt_PT';
// Romanian.
$languages['ro'] = 'ro_RO';
// Russian.
$languages['ru'] = 'ru_RU';
// Slovak.
$languages['sk'] = 'sk_SK';
// Slovenian.
$languages['sl'] = 'sl_SI';
// Albanian.
$languages['sq'] = 'sq_AL';
// Serbian.
$languages['sr'] = 'sr_RS';
// Swedish.
$languages['sv'] = 'sv_SE';
// Swahili.
$languages['sw'] = 'sw_KE';
// Tamil.
$languages['ta'] = 'ta_IN';
// Telugu.
$languages['te'] = 'te_IN';
// Thai.
$languages['th'] = 'th_TH';
// Filipino.
$languages['tl'] = 'tl_PH';
// Turkish.
$languages['tr'] = 'tr_TR';
$languages['tk'] = 'tr_TR';
// Ukrainian.
$languages['uk'] = 'uk_UA';
// Vietnamese.
$languages['vi'] = 'vi_VN';
// Simplified Chinese (China).
$languages['zh-hans'] = 'zh_CN';
// Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
$languages['zh-hant'] = 'zh_TW';
return isset($languages[$lang]) ? $languages[$lang] : 'en_US';
Name | Description |
_easy_social_facebook_langcodes | Facebook langcode. Since this widget has very limited and specific language options, we have to manually map some Drupal to Twitter language conversions. |
_easy_social_twitter_langcodes | Returns language for Twitter widget. Since this widget has very limited and specific language options, we have to manually map some Drupal to Twitter language conversions. |
_easy_social_widget_facebook_markup | Generate the needed markup for the facebook share link. |
_easy_social_widget_googleplus_markup | Generate the needed markeup for the Google+ share link. |
_easy_social_widget_linkedin_markup | Generate the needed markeup for the linkedin share link. |
_easy_social_widget_twitter_markup | Generate the needed markup for the twitter share link. |