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EasyBreadcrumbConstants.php in Easy Breadcrumb 8

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  1. 2.x src/EasyBreadcrumbConstants.php


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namespace Drupal\easy_breadcrumb;

 * EasyBreadcrumb module's contants.
class EasyBreadcrumbConstants {

   * Module's name.
  const MODULE_NAME = 'easy_breadcrumb';

   * Module's settings.
  const MODULE_SETTINGS = 'easy_breadcrumb.settings';

   * Flag for applying easy breadcrumb to admin routes.
  const APPLIES_ADMIN_ROUTES = 'applies_admin_routes';

   * Flag for including invalid paths while generating the breadcrumb segments.
  const INCLUDE_INVALID_PATHS = 'include_invalid_paths';

   * List of paths to be excluded from the generated segments.
  const EXCLUDED_PATHS = 'excluded_paths';

   * List of titles to replace.
  const REPLACED_TITLES = 'replaced_titles';

   * List of paths for custom breadcrumbs.
  const CUSTOM_PATHS = 'custom_paths';

   * Separator between segments.
  const SEGMENTS_SEPARATOR = 'segments_separator';

   * Flag for including or not the front page as a segment.
  const INCLUDE_HOME_SEGMENT = 'include_home_segment';

   * Alternative title field for breadcrumbs.
  const ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_FIELD = 'alternative_title_field';

   * Title for the front page segment.
  const HOME_SEGMENT_TITLE = 'home_segment_title';

   * Flag for keeping the breadcrumb on the front page.
  const HOME_SEGMENT_KEEP = 'home_segment_keep';

   * Flag for including or not the page's title as a segment.
  const INCLUDE_TITLE_SEGMENT = 'include_title_segment';

   * Flag for printing the page's title as a link, or printing it as a text.
  const TITLE_SEGMENT_AS_LINK = 'title_segment_as_link';

   * Use the page's title when it is available.
  const TITLE_FROM_PAGE_WHEN_AVAILABLE = 'title_from_page_when_available';

   * Transformation mode to apply to the segments.
  const CAPITALIZATOR_MODE = 'capitalizator_mode';

   * List of words to be ignored by the 'capitalizator'. E.g.: of and.
  const CAPITALIZATOR_IGNORED_WORDS = 'capitalizator_ignored_words';

   * List of words to be forced by the 'capitalizator'. E.g.: your brand's name.
  const CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS = 'capitalizator_forced_words';

   * List of words to be forced by the 'capitalizator'. E.g.: your brand's name.
  const CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS_FIRST_LETTER = 'capitalizator_forced_words_first_letter';

   * Logical value to 'Make the first letters of each segment capitalized'.
  const CAPITALIZATOR_FORCED_WORDS_CASE_SENSITIVITY = 'capitalizator_forced_words_case_sensitivity';

   * Flag for showing the language prefix as its own segment.
  const LANGUAGE_PATH_PREFIX_AS_SEGMENT = 'language_path_prefix_as_segment';

   * Use menu title as fallback.
  const USE_MENU_TITLE_AS_FALLBACK = 'use_menu_title_as_fallback';

   * Use page title as fallback for menu title.
  const USE_PAGE_TITLE_AS_MENU_TITLE_FALLBACK = 'use_page_title_as_menu_title_fallback';

   * Use site title as the front page segment.
  const USE_SITE_TITLE = 'use_site_title';

   * Flag for removing repeated identical segments from the breadcrumb.
  const REMOVE_REPEATED_SEGMENTS = 'remove_repeated_segments';

   * Flag for storing absolute path settings.
  const ABSOLUTE_PATHS = 'absolute_paths';

   * Flag for storing single home item settings.
  const HIDE_SINGLE_HOME_ITEM = 'hide_single_home_item';

   * Flag for using term hierarchy.
  const TERM_HIERARCHY = 'term_hierarchy';

   * Flag for adding the breadcrumb as structured to the HTML head.
  const ADD_STRUCTURED_DATA_JSON_LD = 'add_structured_data_json_ld';

   * Follow redirects in case the redirect module is enabled.
  const FOLLOW_REDIRECTS = 'follow_redirects';

   * Limit breadcrumb trail segments.
  const LIMIT_SEGMENT_DISPLAY = 'limit_segment_display';

   * Breadcrumb segment count.
  const SEGMENT_DISPLAY_LIMIT = 'segment_display_limit';

   * Breadcrumb truncator mode.
  const TRUNCATOR_MODE = 'truncator_mode';

   * Breadcrumb truncator length.
  const TRUNCATOR_LENGTH = 'truncator_length';

   * Breadcrumbs truncator dots.
  const TRUNCATOR_DOTS = 'truncator_dots';

   * Default list of excluded paths.
   * @return array
   *   Default list of ignored paths.
  public static function defaultExcludedPaths() {
    static $default_excluded_paths = [
    return $default_excluded_paths;

   * Default list of replaced titles.
   * @return array
   *   Default list of replaced titles.
  public static function defaultReplacedTitles() {
    return [];

   * Default list of replaced paths.
   * @return array
   *   Default list of replaced paths.
  public static function defaultCustomPaths() {
    return [];



Namesort descending Description
EasyBreadcrumbConstants EasyBreadcrumb module's contants.