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AddBannerForm.php in Dynamic Banner 8


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namespace Drupal\dynamic_banner\forms;

use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;

//dynamic_banneruse Drupal\formbuilder\forms\FormBuilderModel;
class AddBannerForm extends FormBase {
  public function getFormID() {
    return 'frm_addbannerform';
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')

    // Gets internal path - for eg /node/29.
    $pathArgs = explode('/', $current_path);
    $dbid = isset($pathArgs[5]) ? $pathArgs[5] : '';

    // the last portion of the url there must be a better way of doing this
    // This is used by the file handler, It is needed to accept files
    $form['#attributes'] = array(
      'enctype' => "multipart/form-data",
    $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'file');

    // default the variables here
    $banner = NULL;

    // prevent bugs nulify the variable
    $default_flag = FALSE;

    // enable variable in this scope
    // hide it so that the user may not change this element
    $form['dbid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#required' => FALSE,
    if ($dbid == '' || $dbid == '0') {

      // this will disable the path field for the default banner
      if (isset($_GET['q']) && strrpos($_GET['q'], "/default")) {
        $form['#title'] = $this
          ->t('Default Banner');

        // load the default if there is one
        $banner = $this
      else {
        $form['#title'] = $this
          ->t('New Banner');
        $form['dbid']['#default_value'] = NULL;
    else {

      // The dbid is set so a banner must exist load it
      $banner = $this
      $form['#title'] = $this
        ->t('Edit Banner');


      // exit;

      //drupal_set_title(t("Edit Banner") . " '" . $banner->path . "'");
      $form['dbid']['#default_value'] = $dbid;

    // this will prevent the used from changing this field once the default has been loaded
    // it deals with a bug if the person chose to edit the specific banner for default rather than pressing default
    if ($banner && $banner->path == 'DEFAULT') {
      $default_flag = TRUE;

    // disable the path form element when the default flag is out
    if (!$default_flag) {
      $form['path'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Banner Path'),
        '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->path : "",
        '#size' => 45,
        '#maxlength' => 250,
        '#description' => t('Specify an existing url path you wish to put a banner on. For example: home, user* (wild card), content! (random). Enter a path as it appears in the url of your site.'),
        '#field_prefix' => Url::fromRoute('<front>', [], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        '#required' => TRUE,
    else {
      $form['path'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#title' => t('Banner Path'),
        '#default_value' => 'DEFAULT',

    /*// if the module exists add the autocomplete path
      // i might have to do my own autocomplete here cause mpac doesnt really do what i need it to do
      if ( module_exists('mpac') ) {
        $form['path']['#autocomplete_path'] = 'mpac/autocomplete/alias';
    $img_arr = array(
      t('Use Existing Image(s)'),
      t('Upload New Image(s)'),
    $form['image_type'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#options' => array_combine($img_arr, $img_arr),
      '#title' => t('Choose image type.'),
    if ($banner && isset($banner->imgurl)) {
      $form['image_type']['#default_value'] = t('Use Existing Image(s)');
    elseif ($banner && isset($banner->imgfid)) {
      $form['image_type']['#default_value'] = t('Upload New Image(s)');

     * Note: There are two form elements for the same thing
     * They are both not required but only one is needed for proper handling
     * When we are loading an old banner load the url into imgurl
     * When we are uploading a new image the validator will upload the image store it and fill in imgurl for you
     * Only use one method no mix and matching
     * When reading the data use checks to see which method was used
    global $base_url;
    $form['imgurl'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Typeout the url of the image'),
      '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->imgurl : '',
      '#description' => t('Specify an image(s) for the banner to display.'),
      '#field_prefix' => $base_url . '/sites/default/files',
      '#states' => array(
        'visible' => array(
          ':input[name="image_type"]' => array(
            'value' => 'Use Existing Image(s)',
    $form['image'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Choose Image File'),
      '#type' => 'managed_file',
      '#default_value' => $banner ? array(
      ) : 0,
      '#progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
      '#progress_message' => NULL,
      '#upload_location' => \Drupal::config('dynamic_banner.settings')
        ->get('dynamic_banner_file_save_path', BANNER_DEFAULT_SAVE_LOCATION),
      '#description' => t('Specify an image(s) for the banner to display.'),
      '#upload_validators' => [
        'file_validate_extensions' => array(
          'jpg jpeg png gif',
      '#states' => array(
        'visible' => array(
          ':input[name="image_type"]' => array(
            'value' => 'Upload New Image(s)',

     * Since upon pressing the delete button on the image the fid is set to 0
     * We need to save is because we still need to delete that image.
    $form['oldimagefid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#required' => FALSE,
      '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->imgfid : 0,
    $form['text'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Text'),
      '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->text : '',
      '#maxlength' => 250,
      '#size' => 45,
      '#description' => t('Specify the text to associate with this banner [comma seperated for randoms, also must match amount of elements from images] (optional).'),
      '#required' => FALSE,
    $form['link'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Link'),
      '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->link : '',
      '#maxlength' => 250,
      '#size' => 45,
      '#description' => t('Specify the link you want your banner to point to (optional).'),
      '#required' => FALSE,
    $mode_arr = array(
    $form['mode'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => t('Mode'),
      '#options' => array_combine($mode_arr, $mode_arr),
      '#default_value' => $banner ? $banner->mode : BANNER_DEFAULT_BANNER_MODE,
      '#description' => t('What mode do you want this banner to display under (this is different than display setting)'),
      '#required' => TRUE,

      $form['time_on'] = array(
        '#type'          => 'date',
        '#title'         => t('Start Time'),
        '#description'   => t('Specify the time you want your banner to start displaying (optional).'),
        '#required'      => FALSE,
        '#states'        => array(
          'visible'      => array(
            ':input[name="mode"]' => array('value' => t('time_based')),

      $form['time_off'] = array(
        '#type'          => 'date',
        '#title'         => t('End Time'),
        '#description'   => t('Specify the time you want your banner to stop displaying (optional).'),
        '#required'      => FALSE,
        '#states'        => array(
          'visible'      => array(
            ':input[name="mode"]' => array('value' => t('time_based')),
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Save Banner'),
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'dynamic_banner/bannerattach';
    return $form;
  public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    //No need to validate

    // For a banner to exist it needs a path that it is assigned to and an image, thats it.
    if ($form_state
      ->getValue('path') != '' && ($form_state
      ->getValue('image') != '' || $form_state
      ->getValue('imgurl') != '')) {
      $path = $form_state
      $dbid = $form_state
      if ($path != 'DEFAULT' && $dbid == '') {

        // check db before altering the path variable
        // check for more than one of the same path banners
        $query = \Drupal::database()
          ->select('dynamic_banner', 'frm')
          ->fields('frm', array(
          ->condition('path', $path)
        $result = $query
        if (isset($result[0]) && $result[0]->path) {
            ->setErrorByName('path', t('The path %path is already in use.', array(
            '%path' => $path,

        // path is not clean at this point because of wildcard and random must chop those characters off
        // find the * or wildcard
        $wild_position = strrpos($path, "*");
        if ($wild_position !== FALSE) {
          $path = drupal_substr($path, 0, $wild_position);

        // find the ! or random
        $rand_position = strrpos($path, "!");
        if ($rand_position !== FALSE) {
          $path = drupal_substr($path, 0, $rand_position);

        // D8
        $alias = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')
          ->getAliasByPath('/' . $path);
        if (strcmp($alias, $path) == 0) {
          $alias = '';

          // No alias was found.
            ->setErrorByName('path', t('The path %path is not known by drupal.', array(
            '%path' => $path,
        else {
          if ($dbid != 0) {

       * Image validation & upload
      $image = $form_state
      if (isset($image[0]) && $image[0] != '' && $image[0] != 0) {

        //$file = file_load($form_state->getValue('image'));
        $file = File::load((int) $image[0]);
        if ($file) {
          $image = $form_state
          $file_usage = \Drupal::service('file.usage');
            ->add($file, 'dynamic_banner', 'banner', 1);

          // Save the file again for permanent status
        else {
            ->setErrorByName('image', t('Failed to write the uploaded file to the folder.'));
      elseif ($form_state
        ->getValue('image') == 0) {
        echo "inside image is 0";

       * Image validation & upload ends here
    else {
        ->setErrorByName('path', t('There was a problem with the required fields please check the form and try again.'));
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    //define a sort of struct array for display mode for form translation

    //$mode_struct = array('normal', 'time_based', 'rotating', 'fade');

    // extra validation check to make sure
    if ($form_state
      ->getValue('image_type') == t('Use Existing Image(s)')) {
      $imgurl = $form_state
    else {
      $imgurl = NULL;
    if ($form_state
      ->getValue('image_type') == t('Upload New Image(s)')) {
      $imgfid = $form_state
    else {
      $imgfid = NULL;
    $path = $form_state
    $text = $form_state
    $link = $form_state
    $mode = $form_state
    $dbid = $form_state
    $time_on = NULL;
    $time_off = NULL;

    // Save the banner
      ->dynamic_banner_set_banner($path, $imgurl, $imgfid, $text, $link, $mode, $time_on, $time_off, $dbid);
      ->addStatus(t('The banner has been saved.'));

   * Set a banner for a given path, preventing duplicates.
   * Note if dbid comes in null then we are creating a banner
  public function dynamic_banner_set_banner($path, $imgurl, $imgfid, $text, $link, $mode, $time_on, $time_off, $dbid = NULL) {
    if (!$mode) {

    // First we check if we are dealing with an existing alias and delete or modify it based on dbid.
    // we dont need to do a complicated check here because the code already made it for us
    if ($dbid) {

      // Update the existing banner.
      // TODO: Drupal Rector Notice: Please delete the following comment after you've made any necessary changes.
      // You will need to use `\Drupal\core\Database\Database::getConnection()` if you do not yet have access to the container here.
        'path' => $path,
        'imgurl' => $imgurl,
        'imgfid' => isset($imgfid[0]) ? $imgfid[0] : '',
        'text' => $text,
        'link' => $link,
        'mode' => $mode,
        'start_time' => $time_on,
        'end_time' => $time_off,
        ->condition('dbid', $dbid)
    else {

      // TODO: Drupal Rector Notice: Please delete the following comment after you've made any necessary changes.
      // You will need to use `\Drupal\core\Database\Database::getConnection()` if you do not yet have access to the container here.
        'path' => $path,
        'imgurl' => $imgurl,
        'imgfid' => isset($imgfid[0]) ? $imgfid[0] : '',
        'text' => $text,
        'link' => $link,
        'mode' => $mode,
        'start_time' => $time_on,
        'end_time' => $time_off,

   * Post-confirmation; delete a Banner
  function dynamic_banner_admin_delete($dbid = 0) {

    // TODO: Drupal Rector Notice: Please delete the following comment after you've made any necessary changes.
    // You will need to use `\Drupal\core\Database\Database::getConnection()` if you do not yet have access to the container here.
      ->condition('dbid', $dbid)
      ->addStatus(t('The banner has been deleted, the image still exists though'));

   * Fetch a specific banner from the database.
  function dynamic_banner_load_banner($dbid) {

    // TODO: Drupal Rector Notice: Please delete the following comment after you've made any necessary changes.
    // You will need to use `\Drupal\core\Database\Database::getConnection()` if you do not yet have access to the container here.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select('dynamic_banner', 'd');
      ->condition('d.dbid', $dbid, '=')
    $result = $query
    if ($result) {
      return $result;
    return NULL;

   * Find the default banner and return all of it's attributes

  function dynamic_banner_find_load_default() {
    $query = db_select('dynamic_banner', 'd');
    $query->condition('d.path', 'DEFAULT', '=')
    $result = $query->execute()->fetchObject();

    if ($result) {
      return $result;

    // do not return null for this
    $blank_banner = new stdClass();
    $blank_banner->dbid = 0;
    $blank_banner->path = 'DEFAULT';
    $blank_banner->imgurl = '';
    $blank_banner->mode = 'normal';
    $blank_banner->text = '';
    $blank_banner->link = '';
    $blank_banner->imgfid = '';
    return $blank_banner;
  } */

   * This function will split the csv fid variable if it needs to be split
   * And then delete those images from the file system and thier values in the db
  public function dynamic_banner_image_delete($fid) {
    if (strrpos($fid, ',')) {

      // split the plain string into an array
      $all_fids = explode(",", $fid);

      // load all files at once

      //$all_files = file_load_multiple($all_fids);
      $all_files = \Drupal\file\Entity\File::loadMultiple($all_fids);
      if (is_array($all_files) && !empry($all_files)) {
        foreach ($all_files as $file) {
          if ($file) {

            // When a module is managing a file, it must manage the usage count.
            // Here we decrement the usage count with file_usage_delete().
            file_usage_delete($file, 'dynamic_banner', 'banner', 1);

            // The file_delete() function takes a file object and checks to see if
            // the file is being used by any other modules. If it is the delete
            // operation is cancelled, otherwise the file is deleted.


            ->addStatus(t('The image @image_name was removed.', array(
            '@image_name' => $file->filename,
    else {
      $file = $fid ? \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
        ->load($fid) : FALSE;
      if ($file) {

        // When a module is managing a file, it must manage the usage count.
        // Here we decrement the usage count with file_usage_delete().
        file_usage_delete($file, 'dynamic_banner', 'banner', 1);

        // The file_delete() function takes a file object and checks to see if
        // the file is being used by any other modules. If it is the delete
        // operation is cancelled, otherwise the file is deleted.


      if (isset($file->filename)) {
        $fileName = $file->filename;
      else {
        $fileName = '';
        ->addStatus(t('The image @image_name was removed.', array(
        '@image_name' => $fileName,



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