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41 classes are annotated with DsField in Display Suite 8.4

BlockDescription in src/Plugin/DsField/Block/BlockDescription.php
Plugin that renders the title of a block.
BlockTitle in src/Plugin/DsField/Block/BlockTitle.php
Plugin that renders the title of a block.
BookNavigation in src/Plugin/DsField/Book/BookNavigation.php
Plugin that the book navigation.
BundleField in src/Plugin/DsField/BundleField.php
Defines a generic bundle field.
CommentAuthor in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentAuthor.php
Plugin that renders the author of a comment.
CommentChangedDate in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentChangedDate.php
Plugin that renders the changed date of a comment.
CommentPostDate in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentPostDate.php
Plugin that renders the post date of a comment.
CommentTitle in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentTitle.php
Plugin that renders the title of a comment.
CommentUser in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentUser.php
Plugin that renders a view mode.
CommentUserSignature in src/Plugin/DsField/Comment/CommentUserSignature.php
Plugin that renders the user signature of a comment.
DynamicBlockField in src/Plugin/DsField/DynamicBlockField.php
Defines a generic dynamic block field.
DynamicCopyField in src/Plugin/DsField/DynamicCopyField.php
Defines a generic dynamic field that holds a copy of an existing ds field.
DynamicTokenField in src/Plugin/DsField/DynamicTokenField.php
Defines a generic dynamic code field.
DynamicTwigField in src/Plugin/DsField/DynamicTwigField.php
Defines a generic dynamic twig field.
MediaName in src/Plugin/DsField/Media/MediaName.php
Plugin that renders the title of a media item.
NodeAuthor in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeAuthor.php
Plugin that renders the author of a node.
NodeChangedDate in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeChangedDate.php
Plugin that renders the changed date of a node.
NodeLink in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeLink.php
Plugin that renders the 'read more' link of a node.
NodeLinks in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeLinks.php
Plugin that renders the links of the node entity.
NodePostDate in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodePostDate.php
Plugin that renders the post date of a node.
NodeSubmittedBy in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeSubmittedBy.php
Plugin that renders the submitted by field.
NodeTitle in src/Plugin/DsField/Node/NodeTitle.php
Plugin that renders the title of a node.
SwitchField in modules/ds_extras/src/Plugin/DsField/SwitchField.php
Plugin that generates a link to switch view mode with via ajax.
TaxonomyTermLink in src/Plugin/DsField/Taxonomy/TaxonomyTermLink.php
Plugin that renders the read more link on taxonomy.
TaxonomyTermTitle in src/Plugin/DsField/Taxonomy/TaxonomyTermTitle.php
Plugin that renders the title of a term.
TestCachingField in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestCachingField.php
Test caching field plugin.
TestField in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestField.php
Test field plugin.
TestField2 in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestField2.php
Test second field plugin.
TestFieldEmptyString in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldEmptyString.php
Test field plugin that returns an empty string.
TestFieldFalse in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldFalse.php
Test field plugin that returns FALSE.
TestFieldNothing in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldNothing.php
Test field plugin that returns nothing.
TestFieldNull in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldNull.php
Test field plugin that returns NULL.
TestFieldZeroFloat in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldZeroFloat.php
Test field plugin that returns zero as a floating point number.
TestFieldZeroInt in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldZeroInt.php
Test field plugin that returns zero as an integer.
TestFieldZeroString in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestFieldZeroString.php
Test field plugin that returns zero as a string.
TestMultipleEntityTypeField in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestMultipleEntityTypeField.php
Multiple entity type field plugin.
TestMultipleField in tests/modules/ds_test/src/Plugin/DsField/TestMultipleField.php
Test field plugin.
User in src/Plugin/DsField/User/User.php
Plugin that renders a view mode.
UserMail in src/Plugin/DsField/User/UserMail.php
Plugin that renders the username.
Username in src/Plugin/DsField/User/Username.php
Plugin that renders the username.
UserSignature in src/Plugin/DsField/User/UserSignature.php
Plugin that renders the user signature.