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namespace Drupal\ds\Tests in Display Suite 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
BlockFieldPluginTest src/Tests/BlockFieldPluginTest.php Tests for managing custom code, and block fields.
BlockTest src/Tests/BlockTest.php Tests for the manage display tab in Display Suite.
CacheTagsTest src/Tests/CacheTagsTest.php Tests for cache tags associated with an entity.
CommentTest src/Tests/CommentTest.php Tests for the manage display tab in Display Suite.
DsTestTrait src/Tests/DsTestTrait.php Provides common functionality for the Display Suite test classes.
DynamicFieldPluginTest src/Tests/DynamicFieldPluginTest.php Tests for managing custom code, and block fields.
EntitiesTest src/Tests/EntitiesTest.php Tests for display of nodes and fields.
ExportablesTest src/Tests/ExportablesTest.php Tests for exportables in Display Suite.
FastTestBase src/Tests/FastTestBase.php Base test for Display Suite.
FieldGroupTest src/Tests/FieldGroupTest.php Tests for field group integration with Display Suite.
FieldPermissionsTest src/Tests/FieldPermissionsTest.php Tests for testing field permissions.
FieldPluginTest src/Tests/FieldPluginTest.php Tests DS field plugins.
FieldTemplateTest src/Tests/FieldTemplateTest.php Tests for display of nodes and fields.
HiddenRegionTest src/Tests/HiddenRegionTest.php Tests for testing the hidden region option.
LayoutClassesTest src/Tests/LayoutClassesTest.php Tests for managing layouts and classes on Field UI screen.
LayoutFluidTest src/Tests/LayoutFluidTest.php Tests DS layout plugins.
LayoutPluginTest src/Tests/LayoutPluginTest.php Tests DS layout plugins.
ManageDisplayTabTest src/Tests/ManageDisplayTabTest.php Tests for the manage display tab in Display Suite.
RdfTest src/Tests/RdfTest.php Tests for Rdf integration.
TwigRenderTest src/Tests/TwigRenderTest.php Tests for twig specific functionality.
ViewsTest src/Tests/ViewsTest.php Tests for Display Suite Views integration.