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function NodeDisplaysRegions::testRendering in Display Suite 6.3

Test if nodeapi & preprocess do their job good by excluding fields and putting them in the right region.


modules/nd/tests/nd.regions.test, line 79
Tests for Node displays (regions)


@file Tests for Node displays (regions)


function testRendering() {
  $admin_user = $this
    'administer nodes',
    'access display suite',
    'administer nd',
    'configure layout for nd',
    'export and import settings',
    'revert overridden settings',
    'use PHP in custom fields',
  $page_node = $this

  // First post.
  $edit = array(
    'title[full][region]' => 'header',
    'author[full][region]' => 'middle',
    'body[full][region]' => 'middle',
    'links[full][region]' => 'footer',
    'post_date[full][region]' => 'disabled',
    ->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));
  $page_object = $this
    ->assertTrue(in_array('title', array_keys($page_object->regions['header'])), t('Title is in header region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('author', array_keys($page_object->regions['middle'])), t('Author is in middle region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('body', array_keys($page_object->regions['middle'])), t('Body is in middle region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('links', array_keys($page_object->regions['footer'])), t('Links is in footer region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->_nd_field_not_found('post_date', $page_object->regions), t('Post date is disabled'), t('Rendering tests'));

  // Just surf to a page to reset the static cache of ds_get_settings();

  // Let's do another one..
  $edit = array(
    'title[full][region]' => 'disabled',
    'author[full][region]' => 'right',
    'body[full][region]' => 'middle',
    'links[full][region]' => 'footer',
    'post_date[full][region]' => 'footer',
    ->drupalPost(DS_PATH_LAYOUT . '/page/full', $edit, t('Save'));

  // Reset the static cache.
  $settings = ds_get_settings('nd', 'page', 'full', 'settings', TRUE);

  // Now verify.
  $page_object = $this
    ->assertTrue(in_array('post_date', array_keys($page_object->regions['footer'])), t('Post date is in footer region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('author', array_keys($page_object->regions['right'])), t('Author is in right region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('body', array_keys($page_object->regions['middle'])), t('Body is in middle region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->assertTrue(in_array('links', array_keys($page_object->regions['footer'])), t('Links is in footer region'), t('Rendering tests'));
    ->_nd_field_not_found('title', $page_object->regions), t('Title is disabled'), t('Rendering tests'));