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ds_extras.module in Display Suite 7.2

Display Suite extras main functions.


View source

 * @file
 * Display Suite extras main functions.

 * Implements hook_menu().
function ds_extras_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/structure/ds/list/extras'] = array(
    'title' => 'Extras',
    'description' => 'Configure extra functionality for Display Suite.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => 'includes/',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_switch_field')) {
    $items['ds-switch-view-mode'] = array(
      'title' => 'Switch view',
      'description' => 'Switches a view mode inline.',
      'page callback' => 'ds_switch_view_mode_inline',
      'access arguments' => array(
        'access content',
      'file' => 'includes/',
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_vd', FALSE) && module_exists('field_ui') && module_exists('views')) {
    $items['admin/structure/ds/vd'] = array(
      'title' => 'Views displays',
      'description' => 'Manage your views templates.',
      'page callback' => 'ds_extras_vd_overview',
      'file' => 'includes/',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    $items['admin/structure/ds/vd/manage'] = array(
      'title' => 'Manage layout',
      'description' => 'Manage your views templates.',
      'page callback' => 'ds_extras_vd_manage',
      'file' => 'includes/',
      'access arguments' => array(
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_entity_info().
function ds_extras_entity_info() {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ds_extras', 'includes/ds_extras.registry');
  return _ds_extras_entity_info();

 * Implements hook_ds_layout_info_alter().
function ds_extras_ds_layout_info_alter(&$layouts) {
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_hidden_region')) {
    foreach ($layouts as $key => $layout) {
      $layouts[$key]['regions']['ds_hidden'] = t('Hidden');

 * Implements hook_permission().
function ds_extras_permission() {
  $permissions = array();

  // Extra check to make sure this doesn't get fired on install.
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_switch_view_mode', FALSE)) {
    foreach (node_type_get_names() as $key => $name) {
      $permissions['ds_switch ' . $key] = array(
        'title' => t('Switch view modes on :type', array(
          ':type' => $name,
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_field_permissions', FALSE)) {
    $entities = entity_get_info();
    foreach ($entities as $entity_type => $info) {
      $fields = ds_get_fields($entity_type);
      foreach ($fields as $key => $finfo) {
        $permissions['view ' . $key . ' on ' . $entity_type] = array(
          'title' => t('View !field on !entity_type', array(
            '!field' => $finfo['title'],
            '!entity_type' => $info['label'],
  return $permissions;

 * Implements hook_admin_paths().
function ds_extras_admin_paths() {
  if (variable_get('node_admin_theme')) {
    return array(
      'node/*/display' => TRUE,
      'user/*/display' => TRUE,
      'taxonomy/term/*/display' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function ds_extras_menu_alter(&$items) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ds_extras', 'includes/ds_extras.registry');

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function ds_extras_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ds_extras', 'includes/ds_extras.registry');

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function ds_extras_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'ds_extras', 'includes/ds_extras.registry');
  _ds_extras_module_implements_alter($implementations, $hook);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function ds_extras_form_field_ui_display_overview_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'ds_extras', 'includes/ds_extras.admin');
  ds_extras_field_ui_alter($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
function ds_extras_ctools_plugin_api($owner, $api) {
  if ($owner == 'ds_extras' && $api == 'ds_extras') {
    return array(
      'version' => 1,

 * DS fields access.
 * @param $field
 *   The machine name of the field
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The name of the entity type.
function ds_extras_ds_field_access($field, $entity_type) {
  if (user_access('view ' . $field . ' on ' . $entity_type)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_field_attach_view_alter().
function ds_extras_field_attach_view_alter(&$build, $context) {

  // If views and core doesn't send information along on the entity,
  // Display Suite doesn't have a context to render the fields.
  if (!isset($build['#entity_type']) && !isset($build['#bundle'])) {
  $block_data =& drupal_static('ds_block_region');
  $region_blocks = variable_get('ds_extras_region_blocks', array());
  if (empty($region_blocks)) {
  $entity_type = $build['#entity_type'];
  $bundle = $build['#bundle'];
  $view_mode = $context['view_mode'];
  $properties = array();
  foreach (element_properties($build) as $property) {
    $properties[$property] = $build[$property];
  $properties['#view_mode'] = $view_mode;
  if ($layout = ds_get_layout($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode)) {
    foreach ($region_blocks as $block_key => $block) {
      if ($block['info'] == "{$entity_type}_{$bundle}_{$view_mode}" && isset($layout['settings']['regions'][$block_key]) && !empty($layout['settings']['regions'][$block_key])) {
        foreach ($layout['settings']['regions'][$block_key] as $key => $field) {
          if (isset($build[$field])) {
            $block_data[$block_key][$field] = $build[$field];
        if (isset($block_data[$block_key]) && is_array($block_data[$block_key])) {
          $block_data[$block_key] += $properties;
          if (module_exists('field_group') && !empty($block_data[$block_key]['#fieldgroups'])) {
            $block_data[$block_key]['#pre_render'][] = 'field_group_form_pre_render';

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function ds_extras_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $theme_functions = module_invoke_all('ds_field_theme_functions_info');
  $form['instance']['ds_extras_field_template'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Field Template'),
    '#default_value' => isset($form['#instance']['ds_extras_field_template']) ? $form['#instance']['ds_extras_field_template'] : '',
    '#options' => $theme_functions,
    '#description' => t('Choose the default HTML for this field.'),
    '#empty_option' => t('Use sitewide default'),

 * Utility function to return the view mode for the current entity.
 * The drupal_static is called in ds_extras_node_show to set
 * the current view mode. Through this technique, the hide page
 * title functionality can also work across other view modes
 * if another one is chosen for the full page of the node.
function ds_extras_get_view_mode() {
  return drupal_static('ds_extras_view_mode');

 * Page title options for a full entity page view.
function ds_extras_process_page_title(&$variables) {
  $page_title = drupal_static('ds_page_title');
  if (!empty($page_title)) {
    $variables['title'] = $page_title['title'];
    if (!empty($page_title['head_title'])) {

  // Support for Views page title, currently only hiding the title.
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_vd', FALSE) && ($view = views_get_page_view())) {
    if ($layout = ds_get_layout('ds_views', $view->name . '-' . $view->current_display, 'default')) {
      if (isset($layout['settings']['hide_page_title']) && $layout['settings']['hide_page_title'] == 1) {
        $variables['title'] = '';

 * Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_alter().
function ds_extras_ds_layout_settings_alter($record, $form_state) {
  if (isset($form_state['values']['additional_settings']['ds_page_title']['ds_page_title_options']['page_option_type']) || isset($form_state['values']['page_option_type'])) {

    // Save page title view type
    if (isset($form_state['values']['additional_settings']['ds_page_title']['ds_page_title_options']['page_option_type'])) {
      $record->settings['hide_page_title'] = $form_state['values']['additional_settings']['ds_page_title']['ds_page_title_options']['page_option_type'];
    else {

    // Save page title
    if (isset($form_state['values']['additional_settings']['ds_page_title']['ds_page_title_options']['page_option_title'])) {
      $record->settings['page_option_title'] = $form_state['values']['additional_settings']['ds_page_title']['ds_page_title_options']['page_option_title'];
    else {
      $record->settings['page_option_title'] = $form_state['values']['page_option_title'];
  if (isset($form_state['values']['additional_settings']['hide_sidebars'])) {
    $record->settings['hide_sidebars'] = $form_state['values']['additional_settings']['hide_sidebars'];

 * Switch view mode field.
function ds_extras_switch_view_mode_field($field) {
  $output = '';
  static $added = FALSE;
  if (isset($field['formatter_settings'])) {
    $entity = $field['entity'];
    $id = $entity->nid;
    $url = $field['entity_type'] . '-' . $field['view_mode'] . '-' . $id . '-';
    $switch = array();
    foreach ($field['formatter_settings']['vms'] as $key => $value) {
      if (!empty($value)) {
        $class = 'switch-' . $key;
        if ($key == $field['view_mode']) {
          $switch[] = '<span class="' . $class . '">' . check_plain(t($value)) . '</span>';
        else {
          $switch[] = '<span class="' . $class . '"><a href="" class="' . $url . $key . '">' . check_plain(t($value)) . '</a></span>';
    if (!empty($switch)) {
      if (!$added) {
        $add = TRUE;
        drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ds_extras') . '/js/ds_extras.js');
      $output = '<div class="switch-view-mode-field">' . implode(' ', $switch) . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function ds_extras_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $node_type = $form['#node_type']->type;

  // Get the view modes.
  $options = ds_extras_get_bundle_view_modes('node', $node_type);

  // Only fire if we have more than 1 option.
  if (count($options) > 1) {
    if (!isset($form['ds_extras'])) {
      $form['ds_extras'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Display Suite: Extras'),
        // There's already a 'Display settings' fieldset
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#group' => 'additional_settings',
        '#weight' => 100,
    $form['ds_extras']['ds_extras_view_modes'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => t('View modes'),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => variable_get('ds_extras_view_modes_' . $node_type, array_keys($options)),
      '#description' => t('Select which view modes will be available to switch to on node edit forms.'),

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function ds_extras_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $node = $form['#node'];

  // Switch full view mode.
  if (user_access('ds_switch ' . $node->type)) {

    // Get the view modes.
    $view_modes = ds_extras_get_bundle_view_modes('node', $node->type);
    $enabled_vm = variable_get('ds_extras_view_modes_' . $node->type, array_keys($view_modes));
    $layouts = array();
    $options = array();
    foreach ($view_modes as $key => $label) {
      if (in_array($key, $enabled_vm)) {
        $layout = ds_get_layout('node', $node->type, $key, FALSE);
        $layouts[$key] = $layout;
        $options[$key] = $label;

    // Only fire if we have more than 1 option.
    if (count($options) > 1) {
      if (!isset($form['ds_extras'])) {
        $form['ds_extras'] = array(
          '#type' => 'fieldset',
          '#title' => t('Display settings'),
          '#collapsible' => TRUE,
          '#collapsed' => TRUE,
          '#group' => 'additional_settings',
          '#weight' => 100,
      $form['ds_extras']['ds_switch'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('View mode'),
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => isset($node->ds_switch) ? $node->ds_switch : 'default',
        '#description' => t('Switch to a different view mode to display the full page view of this node.'),
        '#weight' => -1,
        '#ajax' => array(
          'callback' => 'ds_extras_switch_view_mode_preview_callback',
          'wrapper' => 'ds_switch_preview_wrapper',
      $form['ds_extras']['preview'] = array(
        '#type' => 'container',
        '#prefix' => '<div id="ds_switch_preview_wrapper">',
        '#suffix' => '</div>',
      $fallback_image = drupal_get_path('module', 'ds') . '/images/preview.png';
      $mode = isset($form_state['input']['ds_switch']) ? $form_state['input']['ds_switch'] : (isset($node->ds_switch) ? $node->ds_switch : 'default');
      if (isset($layouts[$mode])) {
        $chosen_layout = $layouts[$mode];
        $image = isset($chosen_layout['image']) && !empty($chosen_layout['image']) ? $chosen_layout['path'] . '/' . $chosen_layout['layout'] . '.png' : $fallback_image;
        if (isset($chosen_layout['panels']) && !empty($chosen_layout['panels']['icon'])) {
          $image = $chosen_layout['panels']['path'] . '/' . $chosen_layout['panels']['icon'];
      else {
        $image = $fallback_image;
      $form['ds_extras']['preview']['image'] = array(
        '#markup' => '<div class="ds-layout-preview-image"><img src="' . base_path() . $image . '"/></div>',

 * Get view modes for an entity bundle.
function ds_extras_get_bundle_view_modes($type, $bundle) {
  $view_modes = array(
    'default' => t('Default'),
  $view_mode_settings = field_view_mode_settings($type, $bundle);
  $ds_vm = ds_entity_view_modes($type);
  foreach ($ds_vm as $key => $item) {
    $overriden = !empty($view_mode_settings[$key]['custom_settings']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    if ($overriden) {
      $view_modes[$key] = $item['label'];
  return $view_modes;

 * Ajax callback for _ds_field_ui_table_layouts_preview().
function ds_extras_switch_view_mode_preview_callback($form, $form_state) {
  return $form['ds_extras']['preview'];

 * Implements hook_block_info().
function ds_extras_block_info() {
  $region_blocks = variable_get('ds_extras_region_blocks', array());
  if (empty($region_blocks)) {
    return array();
  foreach ($region_blocks as $key => $block) {
    $blocks[$key] = array(
      'info' => $block['title'],
      'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
  return $blocks;

 * Implements hook_block_view().
function ds_extras_block_view($delta = '') {
  $data = drupal_static('ds_block_region');
  $region_blocks = variable_get('ds_extras_region_blocks', array());
  if (!empty($data[$delta])) {
    $block = array();
    $block['subject'] = $region_blocks[$delta]['title'];
    $block['content'] = $data[$delta];
    return $block;

 * Implements hook_ds_layout_region_alter().
function ds_extras_ds_layout_region_alter($context, &$region_info) {
  $region_blocks = variable_get('ds_extras_region_blocks', array());

  // Bail out if region_blocks is empty or we are working on default view mode.
  if (empty($region_blocks) || $context['view_mode'] == 'default') {
  $entity_type = $context['entity_type'];
  $bundle = $context['bundle'];
  $view_mode = $context['view_mode'];
  foreach ($region_blocks as $block_key => $block) {
    if ($block['info'] == "{$entity_type}_{$bundle}_{$view_mode}") {
      $region_info['region_options'][$block_key] = $block['title'];
      if (isset($region_info['table_regions'])) {
        $region_info['table_regions'][$block_key] = array(
          'title' => check_plain($block['title']),
          'message' => t('No fields are displayed in this region'),

 * Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
function ds_extras_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra = array();

  // Register a single field so fields for vd are
  // picked up nicely in the display overview form.
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_vd')) {
    $vd_settings = ctools_export_crud_load_all('ds_vd');
    foreach ($vd_settings as $vd) {
      $extra['ds_views'][$vd->vd] = array(
        'display' => array(
          'title' => array(
            'label' => t('Title'),
            'description' => t('Title'),
            'weight' => 10,
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_fields_extra')) {
    $fields = explode("\n", variable_get('ds_extras_fields_extra_list', FALSE));
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
      $field = trim($field);
      if (!empty($field)) {
        list($entity, $bundle, $field_name) = explode('|', $field);
        $extra[check_plain($entity)][check_plain($bundle)]['display'][$field_name] = array(
          'label' => drupal_ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', check_plain($field_name))),
          'description' => drupal_ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', check_plain($field_name))),
          'weight' => 0,
  return $extra;

 * Output flag.
function ds_extras_flags_add_flag_link($field) {
  return flag_create_link($field['properties']['flag'], $field['entity']->nid);

 * Implements hook_preprocess_views_view().
function ds_extras_preprocess_view_layout(&$variables) {
  if ($layout = ds_get_layout('ds_views', $variables['view']->name . '-' . $variables['view']->current_display, 'default')) {
    $variables['elements']['#entity_type'] = $variables['#entity_type'] = 'ds_views';
    $variables['elements']['#bundle'] = $variables['#bundle'] = $variables['view']->name . '-' . $variables['view']->current_display;
    $variables['elements']['#view_mode'] = 'default';
    $variables['ds_views'] = $variables['view'];
    $variables['render_code_fields'] = TRUE;
    ds_field_attach_view_alter($variables, array(
      'view_mode' => 'default',
      'entity' => $variables['view'],

    // Special case for views function fields.
    if (isset($variables['view']->ds_vd)) {
      foreach ($variables['view']->ds_vd as $key => $value) {
        $variables[$key] = $value;

    // Don't remove the variables so we don't trigger notices.
    $variables['preprocess_keep'] = TRUE;
    if (isset($variables['#attached'])) {

 * Function used for theming the views title, user name etc. Note that
 * this is a function so it can't be overridden by a phptemplate function.
function ds_vd_render_title_field($field) {
  $output = '';
  $formatter = explode('_', $field['formatter']);
  $tag = $formatter[2];
  $output = '<' . $tag . '>' . $field['entity']
    ->get_title() . '</' . $tag . '>';

  // Views is a special case, we stack title on the entity.
  $field['entity']->preprocess_fields[] = 'title';
  $field['entity']->ds_vd['title'] = $output;

 * Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
function ds_extras_entity_view_alter(&$build, $entity_type) {
  static $loaded = array();

  // If views and core doesn't send information along on the entity,
  // Display Suite doesn't have a context to render the layout.
  if (!isset($build['#entity_type']) || !isset($build['#bundle'])) {
  $bundle = $build['#bundle'];
  $view_mode = $build['#view_mode'];
  if ($overridden_view_mode = ds_extras_get_view_mode()) {
    $view_mode = $overridden_view_mode;
  $layout = ds_get_layout($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode);

  // Page title options.
  if (variable_get('ds_extras_hide_page_title', FALSE)) {
    $page_title =& drupal_static('ds_page_title');
    if (isset($layout['settings']['hide_page_title']) && $layout['settings']['hide_page_title'] == 1 && ds_extras_is_entity_page_view($build, $entity_type)) {
      $page_title['title'] = '';
    elseif (isset($layout['settings']['hide_page_title']) && $layout['settings']['hide_page_title'] == 2 && !empty($layout['settings']['page_option_title']) && ds_extras_is_entity_page_view($build, $entity_type)) {
      $contexts = array();
      $id = arg(0) == 'taxonomy' ? arg(2) : arg(1);
      $entity = entity_load($entity_type, array(
      if (isset($entity[$id])) {
        ds_create_entity_context($entity_type, $entity[$id], $contexts);
        $title = $layout['settings']['page_option_title'];
        $title = filter_xss_admin(ctools_context_keyword_substitute($title, array(), $contexts));
        $page_title['title'] = t($title);
        $page_title['head_title'] = t($title);

  // Disable blocks.
  if (isset($layout['settings']['hide_sidebars']) && !isset($loaded[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode])) {

    // Store the setting.
    $loaded[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode] = TRUE;

    // Disable blocks.
    if (isset($layout['settings']['hide_sidebars']) && $layout['settings']['hide_sidebars']) {

 * Helper function to check if this is a page view.
 * The page title option adds the ability to hide or override the page title.
 * However, it can't happen that an entity bleeds its page title to say a view
 * or the frontpage.
 * See and
function ds_extras_is_entity_page_view($build, $entity_type) {
  switch ($entity_type) {
    case 'node':
      return node_is_page($build['#node']);
    case 'user':
      $page_account = menu_get_object('user');
      return !empty($page_account) ? $page_account->uid == $build['#account']->uid : FALSE;
    case 'taxonomy_term':
      $page_term = menu_get_object('taxonomy_term', 2);
      return !empty($page_term) ? $page_term->tid == $build['#term']->tid : FALSE;
    case 'profile2':
      return $build['#view_mode'] == 'page';
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_ds_field_theme_functions_info().
function ds_extras_ds_field_theme_functions_info() {
  return array(
    'theme_field' => t('Drupal default'),
    'theme_ds_field_reset' => t('Full Reset'),
    'theme_ds_field_minimal' => t('Minimal'),
    'theme_ds_field_expert' => t('Expert'),

 * Reset all HTML for the field.
function theme_ds_field_reset($variables) {
  $output = '';

  // Render the label.
  if (!$variables['label_hidden']) {
    $output .= '<div class="label-' . $variables['element']['#label_display'] . '">' . $variables['label'];
    if (!variable_get('ft-kill-colon', FALSE)) {
      $output .= ':&nbsp;';
    $output .= '</div>';

  // Render the items.
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $output .= drupal_render($item);
  return $output;

 * Provide minimal HTML for the field.
function theme_ds_field_minimal($variables) {
  $output = '';
  $config = $variables['ds-config'];
  $classes = isset($config['classes']) ? ' ' . $config['classes'] : '';

  // Add a simple wrapper.
  $output .= '<div class="field field-name-' . strtr($variables['element']['#field_name'], '_', '-') . $classes . '">';

  // Render the label.
  if (!$variables['label_hidden']) {
    $output .= '<div class="label-' . $variables['element']['#label_display'] . '">' . $variables['label'];
    if (!isset($config['lb-col'])) {
      $output .= ':&nbsp;';
    $output .= '</div>';

  // Render the items.
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {
    $output .= drupal_render($item);
  $output .= "</div>";
  return $output;

 * Custom output all HTML for the field.
function theme_ds_field_expert($variables) {
  $output = '';
  $config = $variables['ds-config'];

  // Set prefix
  if (!empty($config['prefix'])) {
    $output .= $config['prefix'];

  // Render the label if it's not hidden.
  if (!$variables['label_hidden']) {
    $styled_label = $variables['label'];
    if (!isset($config['lb-col'])) {
      $styled_label .= ':&nbsp;';

    // Style the label it self
    $label_wrapper = isset($config['lb-el']) ? $config['lb-el'] : 'div';
    $class = array(
      'label-' . $variables['element']['#label_display'],
    if (!empty($config['lb-cl'])) {
      $class[] = $config['lb-cl'];
    $class = !empty($class) ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '"' : '';
    $attributes = array();
    if (!empty($config['lb-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = $config['lb-at'];
    if (!empty($config['lb-def-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = $variables['title_attributes'];
    $attributes = !empty($attributes) ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes) : '';
    $styled_label = '<' . $label_wrapper . $class . $attributes . '>' . $styled_label . '</' . $label_wrapper . '>';

    // Place it inside a wrapper
    if (isset($config['lbw'])) {
      $class = !empty($config['lbw-cl']) ? ' class="' . $config['lbw-cl'] . '"' : '';
      $attributes = !empty($config['lbw-at']) ? ' ' . $config['lbw-at'] : '';
      $styled_label = '<' . $config['lbw-el'] . $class . $attributes . '>' . $styled_label . '</' . $config['lbw-el'] . '>';
    $output .= $styled_label;

  // Field items wrapper
  if (isset($config['fis'])) {
    $class = !empty($config['fis-cl']) ? ' class="' . token_replace($config['fis-cl'], array(
      $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
    ), array(
      'clear' => TRUE,
    )) . '"' : '';
    $attributes = array();
    if (!empty($config['fis-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = token_replace($config['fis-at'], array(
        $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
      ), array(
        'clear' => TRUE,
    if (!empty($config['fis-def-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = $variables['content_attributes'];
    $attributes = !empty($attributes) ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes) : '';
    $output .= '<' . $config['fis-el'] . $class . $attributes . '>';

  // Render items.
  $item_count = count($variables['items']);
  $item_index = 0;
  foreach ($variables['items'] as $delta => $item) {

    // Field item wrapper.
    if (isset($config['fi'])) {
      $class = array();
      if (!empty($config['fi-odd-even'])) {
        $class[] = $delta % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
      if (!empty($config['fi-cl'])) {
        $class[] = $config['fi-cl'];
      if (!empty($config['fi-first-last']) && $item_index == 0) {
        $class[] = "first";
      if (!empty($config['fi-first-last']) && $item_index == $item_count - 1) {
        $class[] = "last";
      $class = !empty($class) ? ' class="' . token_replace(implode(' ', $class), array(
        $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
      ), array(
        'clear' => TRUE,
      )) . '"' : '';
      $attributes = array();
      if (!empty($config['fi-at'])) {
        $attributes[] = token_replace($config['fi-at'], array(
          $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
        ), array(
          'clear' => TRUE,
      if (!empty($config['fi-def-at'])) {
        $attributes[] = $variables['item_attributes'][$delta];
      $attributes = !empty($attributes) ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes) : '';
      $output .= '<' . $config['fi-el'] . $class . $attributes . '>';

    // Render field content.
    $output .= drupal_render($item);

    // Closing field item wrapper.
    if (isset($config['fi'])) {
      $output .= '</' . $config['fi-el'] . '>';

  // Closing field items wrapper.
  if (isset($config['fis'])) {
    $output .= '</' . $config['fis-el'] . '>';

  // Outer wrapper.
  if (isset($config['ow'])) {
    $class = array();
    if (!empty($config['ow-cl'])) {
      $class[] = token_replace($config['ow-cl'], array(
        $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
      ), array(
        'clear' => TRUE,
    if (!empty($config['ow-def-cl'])) {
      $class[] = $variables['classes'];
    $class = !empty($class) ? ' class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '"' : '';
    $attributes = array();
    if (!empty($config['ow-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = token_replace($config['ow-at'], array(
        $variables['element']['#entity_type'] => $variables['element']['#object'],
      ), array(
        'clear' => TRUE,
    if (!empty($config['ow-def-at'])) {
      $attributes[] = $variables['attributes'];
    $attributes = !empty($attributes) ? ' ' . implode(' ', $attributes) : '';
    $output = '<' . $config['ow-el'] . $class . $attributes . '>' . $output . '</' . $config['ow-el'] . '>';

  // Set suffix
  if (!empty($config['suffix'])) {
    $output .= $config['suffix'];
  return $output;

 * Implements hook_ds_field_settings_alter().
function ds_extras_ds_field_settings_alter(&$field_settings, $form, &$form_state) {
  $fields = $form_state['values']['fields'];
  $default_field_function = variable_get('ft-default', 'theme_field');
  $wrappers = array(
    'ow' => t('Wrapper'),
    'fis' => t('Field items'),
    'fi' => t('Field item'),
  foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {

    // Make sure we need to save anything for this field.
    if (_ds_field_valid($key, $field, $form_state)) {

    // Get the values.
    $values = isset($form_state['formatter_settings'][$key]['ft']) ? $form_state['formatter_settings'][$key]['ft'] : array();
    if (empty($values)) {
    $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'] = array();

    // Theme output function.
    $function = isset($values['func']) ? $values['func'] : $default_field_function;
    if ($function != $default_field_function) {
      $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['func'] = $function;

    // Field classes.
    if ($function != 'theme_ds_field_expert' && $function != 'theme_ds_field_reset' && isset($values['classes'])) {
      $classes = is_array($values['classes']) ? implode(' ', $values['classes']) : $values['classes'];
      if (!empty($classes)) {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['classes'] = $classes;

    // Label.
    if (isset($form_state['values']['fields'][$key]['label'])) {
      if (!empty($values['lb'])) {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb'] = $values['lb'];
      if (!empty($values['lb-el']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb-el'] = check_plain($values['lb-el']);
      if (!empty($values['lb-cl']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb-cl'] = check_plain($values['lb-cl']);
      if (!empty($values['lb-at']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb-at'] = filter_xss($values['lb-at']);
      if (!empty($values['lb-def-at']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb-def-at'] = TRUE;
      if (!empty($values['lb-col'])) {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lb-col'] = TRUE;

      // label wrapper
      if (!empty($values['lbw'])) {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lbw'] = $values['lbw'];
      if (!empty($values['lbw-el']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lbw-el'] = check_plain($values['lbw-el']);
      if (!empty($values['lbw-cl']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lbw-cl'] = check_plain($values['lbw-cl']);
      if (!empty($values['lbw-at']) && $function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
        $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['lbw-at'] = filter_xss($values['lbw-at']);
    if (!empty($values['prefix'])) {
      $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['prefix'] = $values['prefix'];
    if (!empty($values['suffix'])) {
      $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft']['suffix'] = $values['suffix'];

    // Custom field configuration.
    if ($function == 'theme_ds_field_expert') {
      foreach ($wrappers as $wrapper_key => $title) {
        if (!empty($values[$wrapper_key])) {

          // Enable.
          $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key] = TRUE;

          // Element.
          $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-el'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-el']) ? check_plain($values[$wrapper_key . '-el']) : 'div';

          // Classes.
          $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-cl'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-cl']) ? check_plain($values[$wrapper_key . '-cl']) : '';

          // Default Classes.
          if (in_array($wrapper_key, array(
          ))) {
            $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-def-cl'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-def-cl']) ? TRUE : FALSE;

          // Attributes.
          $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-at'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-at']) ? filter_xss($values[$wrapper_key . '-at']) : '';

          // Default attributes.
          $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-def-at'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-def-at']) ? TRUE : FALSE;

          // Odd even class.
          if ($wrapper_key == 'fi') {
            $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-odd-even'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-odd-even']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
            $field_settings[$key]['formatter_settings']['ft'][$wrapper_key . '-first-last'] = !empty($values[$wrapper_key . '-first-last']) ? TRUE : FALSE;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_field().
function ds_extras_preprocess_field(&$variables) {

  // We need to be sure this field is in a layout which is rendered by DS.
  if (!ds_get_layout($variables['element']['#entity_type'], $variables['element']['#bundle'], $variables['element']['#view_mode'])) {
  $entity_type = $variables['element']['#entity_type'];
  $bundle = $variables['element']['#bundle'];
  $view_mode = $variables['element']['#view_mode'];
  $config = array();
  static $field_settings = array();
  if (!isset($field_settings[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode])) {
    $layout = ds_get_layout($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode);
    $field_settings[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode] = ds_get_field_settings($entity_type, $bundle, $view_mode);

  // Get the field name and field instance info - if available.
  $field_name = $variables['element']['#field_name'];
  $field_instance_info = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle);

  // Check if this field has custom output settings.
  $variables['ds-config'] = array();
  if (isset($field_settings[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode][$field_name]['formatter_settings']['ft'])) {
    $config = $field_settings[$entity_type][$bundle][$view_mode][$field_name]['formatter_settings']['ft'];
    $variables['ds-config'] = $config;

  // CSS classes
  if (isset($config['classes'])) {
    $variables['classes_array'][] = $config['classes'];

  // Alter the label if configured.
  if (!$variables['label_hidden']) {
    if (isset($config['lb'])) {
      $variables['label'] = t(check_plain($config['lb']));

  // Determine the field template. In case it's something different
  // than theme_field, we'll add that function as a suggestion.
  if (isset($config['func']) && $config['func'] != 'theme_field') {
    $variables['ds-config'] = $config;
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array();

    // Either it uses the function.
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = str_replace('theme_', '', $config['func']);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $config['func'];

    // Or the template file(s).
    $suggestion = 'field__' . str_replace('theme_ds_field_', '', $config['func']);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion;
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name;
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];
  elseif (isset($field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template']) && !empty($field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template']) && $field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template'] != 'theme_field') {
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array();

    // Either it uses the function.
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = str_replace('theme_', '', $field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template']);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template'];

    // Or the template file(s).
    $suggestion = 'field__' . str_replace('theme_ds_field_', '', $field_instance_info['ds_extras_field_template']);
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion;
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name;
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];
    $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];
  elseif (!isset($config['func']) || empty($config['func'])) {
    $field_theme_function = variable_get('ft-default', 'theme_field');
    if ($field_theme_function != 'theme_field') {
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array();
      $variables['ds-config'] = $config;

      // Either it uses the function.
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = str_replace('theme_', '', $field_theme_function);
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $field_theme_function;

      // Or the template file(s).
      $suggestion = 'field__' . str_replace('theme_ds_field_', '', $field_theme_function);
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion;
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name;
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];
      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion . '__' . $field_name . '__' . $variables['element']['#bundle'];

  // Sanitize the output of field templates
  $fields = array(
  foreach ($fields as $field) {
    if (isset($variables['ds-config'][$field])) {
      $variables['ds-config'][$field] = filter_xss_admin($variables['ds-config'][$field]);


Namesort descending Description
ds_extras_admin_paths Implements hook_admin_paths().
ds_extras_block_info Implements hook_block_info().
ds_extras_block_view Implements hook_block_view().
ds_extras_ctools_plugin_api Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
ds_extras_ds_field_access DS fields access.
ds_extras_ds_field_settings_alter Implements hook_ds_field_settings_alter().
ds_extras_ds_field_theme_functions_info Implements hook_ds_field_theme_functions_info().
ds_extras_ds_layout_info_alter Implements hook_ds_layout_info_alter().
ds_extras_ds_layout_region_alter Implements hook_ds_layout_region_alter().
ds_extras_ds_layout_settings_alter Implements hook_ds_layout_settings_alter().
ds_extras_entity_info Implements hook_entity_info().
ds_extras_entity_view_alter Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
ds_extras_field_attach_view_alter Implements hook_field_attach_view_alter().
ds_extras_field_extra_fields Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
ds_extras_flags_add_flag_link Output flag.
ds_extras_form_field_ui_display_overview_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
ds_extras_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
ds_extras_form_node_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
ds_extras_form_node_type_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
ds_extras_get_bundle_view_modes Get view modes for an entity bundle.
ds_extras_get_view_mode Utility function to return the view mode for the current entity.
ds_extras_is_entity_page_view Helper function to check if this is a page view.
ds_extras_menu Implements hook_menu().
ds_extras_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
ds_extras_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
ds_extras_permission Implements hook_permission().
ds_extras_preprocess_field Implements hook_preprocess_field().
ds_extras_preprocess_view_layout Implements hook_preprocess_views_view().
ds_extras_process_page_title Page title options for a full entity page view.
ds_extras_switch_view_mode_field Switch view mode field.
ds_extras_switch_view_mode_preview_callback Ajax callback for _ds_field_ui_table_layouts_preview().
ds_extras_theme_registry_alter Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
ds_vd_render_title_field Function used for theming the views title, user name etc. Note that this is a function so it can't be overridden by a phptemplate function.
theme_ds_field_expert Custom output all HTML for the field.
theme_ds_field_minimal Provide minimal HTML for the field.
theme_ds_field_reset Reset all HTML for the field.