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8 uses of DS_FIELD_TYPE_GROUP in Display Suite 6

ds_build_fields_and_regions in ./ds.module
Get fields and regions for an object.
ds_export_stylesheet in includes/
Export stylesheet.
ds_fieldgroups in includes/
Fieldgroups overview.
ds_fieldgroup_form_submit in includes/
Save new fieldgroup.
ds_fields in includes/
Fields overview.
template_preprocess_ds_display_overview_form in theme/
Theme preprocess function for ds-display-overview-form.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_ds_display_overview_views_form in theme/
Theme preprocess function for ds-display-overview-views-form.tpl.php.
views_plugin_ds_fields_view::options_form in views/
Provide a form for setting options.