ds.drush.inc in Display Suite 7.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Display Suite drush integration.
drush/ds.drush.incView source
* @file
* Display Suite drush integration.
* Implements hook_drush_command().
function ds_drush_command() {
$items = array();
$items['ds-build'] = array(
'description' => 'Create a basic template and configuration file for a new Display Suite layout.',
'arguments' => array(
'name' => 'Name for your layout.',
'options' => array(
'name' => 'Name for your layout.',
'regions' => 'Regions for your layout, comma-separated.',
'css' => 'Set this to true if you want to include a CSS file for your layout.',
'image' => 'Set this to true if you want to include a preview image for your layout.',
'examples' => array(
'drush ds-build "My layout name"' => 'Create a layout with a few example regions.',
'drush ds-build "My layout name" --regions="Region 1, Region 2"' => 'Create a layout with custom regions.',
'drush ds-build "My layout name" --css' => 'Create a layout with an included CSS file.',
return $items;
* Create a basic template and configuration file for a new Display Suite layout.
function drush_ds_build($name = NULL) {
// Determine the layout name.
if (!isset($name)) {
$name = drush_get_option('name');
if (!$name) {
drush_die(dt('You need to set a name for your layout. Type "drush help ds-build" for help.'));
// Determine the machine name.
$machine_name = ds_prepare_machine_name($name);
// Determine the path to our example layout templates.
$ds_layout_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/example_layout';
// We create files in the current working directory.
$layout_path = drush_cwd() . '/' . $machine_name;
drush_op('mkdir', $layout_path);
// Determine regions.
$regions = drush_get_option('regions');
if ($regions) {
$regions = preg_split('/,(\\ )?/', $regions);
// Copy the example templates.
$tpl_machine_name = strtr($machine_name, '_', '-');
drush_op('copy', $ds_layout_path . '/example-layout.tpl.php', $layout_path . "/{$tpl_machine_name}.tpl.php");
drush_op('copy', $ds_layout_path . '/example_layout.inc', $layout_path . "/{$machine_name}.inc");
// Prepare an array of things that need to be rewritten in our templates.
$find = array();
$replace = array();
// Replace example name.
$find[] = '/example layout/i';
$replace[] = $name;
$find[] = '/example_layout/';
$replace[] = $machine_name;
// Include a CSS file for this layout.
$css = drush_get_option('css');
if (isset($css)) {
drush_op('copy', $ds_layout_path . '/example_layout.css', $layout_path . "/{$machine_name}.css");
// Replace example styling if we have custom regions.
if ($regions) {
// Separate variables so this won't mess up our other templates.
$css_find = $find;
$css_replace = $replace;
$css_find[] = "/(\\*\\/\n\n).+(\n)\$/s";
$css_replace[] = '$1' . ds_prepare_regions_css($regions) . '$2';
drush_op('ds_file_preg_replace', array(
$layout_path . "/{$machine_name}.css",
), $css_find, $css_replace);
// Uncomment the CSS rule in our configuration.
$find[] = "/\\/\\/ ('css' => TRUE,)/";
$replace[] = '$1';
// Check on form option.
$image = drush_get_option('image');
if (isset($image)) {
// Uncomment the Form rule in our configuration.
$find[] = "/\\/\\/ ('image' => TRUE,)/";
$replace[] = '$1';
// Replace example region PHP/HTML code.
if ($regions) {
$find[] = '/ <!-- regions -->.+<!-- \\/regions -->/s';
$replace[] = ds_prepare_regions_html($regions);
$find[] = "/( \\* Regions:\n).+(\n \\*\\/)/s";
$replace[] = '$1' . ds_prepare_regions_variable_documentation($regions) . '$2';
$find[] = "/( 'regions' => array\\(\n).+(\n \\),)/s";
$replace[] = '$1' . ds_prepare_regions_configuration($regions) . '$2';
// Rewrite templates.
drush_op('ds_file_preg_replace', array(
$layout_path . "/{$tpl_machine_name}.tpl.php",
$layout_path . "/{$machine_name}.inc",
), $find, $replace);
// Notify user of the newly created templates.
drush_print(dt('Templates for "!name" created in: !path', array(
'!name' => $name,
'!path' => $layout_path,
* Prepare a string for use as a valid machine name.
function ds_prepare_machine_name($string) {
$machine_name = str_replace(' ', '_', drupal_strtolower($string));
// Remove characters not valid in function names.
$machine_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]/', '', $machine_name);
return $machine_name;
* Perform preg_replace() on the contents of an array of files.
function ds_file_preg_replace($file_paths, $find, $replace) {
foreach ($file_paths as $path) {
$file_contents = file_get_contents($path);
$file_contents = preg_replace($find, $replace, $file_contents);
file_put_contents($path, $file_contents);
* Prepare HTML structure for an array of regions.
function ds_prepare_regions_html($region_names) {
$output = array();
foreach ($region_names as $name) {
$machine_name = ds_prepare_machine_name($name);
$html_class = drupal_html_class($name);
$output[] = <<<END
<<?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}_wrapper; ?> class="ds-{<span class="php-variable">$html_class</span>}<?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}_classes; ?>">
<?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}; ?>
</<?php print \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}_wrapper; ?>>
return implode("\n\n", $output);
* Prepare variable documentation for an array of regions.
function ds_prepare_regions_variable_documentation($region_names) {
$output = array();
foreach ($region_names as $name) {
$machine_name = ds_prepare_machine_name($name);
$output[] = <<<END
* - \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}: Rendered content for the "{<span class="php-variable">$name</span>}" region.
* - \${<span class="php-variable">$machine_name</span>}_classes: String of classes that can be used to style the "{<span class="php-variable">$name</span>}" region.
return implode("\n", $output);
* Prepare configuration for an array of regions.
function ds_prepare_regions_configuration($region_names) {
$output = array();
foreach ($region_names as $name) {
$machine_name = ds_prepare_machine_name($name);
$output[] = " '{$machine_name}' => t('{$name}'),";
return implode("\n", $output);
* Prepare styling for an array of regions.
function ds_prepare_regions_css($region_names) {
$output = array();
foreach ($region_names as $name) {
$machine_name = ds_prepare_machine_name($name);
$html_class = drupal_html_class($name);
$output[] = <<<END
.ds-{<span class="php-variable">$html_class</span>} {
/* Styles for the "{<span class="php-variable">$html_class</span>}" region go here */
return implode("\n\n", $output);
Name | Description |
drush_ds_build | Create a basic template and configuration file for a new Display Suite layout. |
ds_drush_command | Implements hook_drush_command(). |
ds_file_preg_replace | Perform preg_replace() on the contents of an array of files. |
ds_prepare_machine_name | Prepare a string for use as a valid machine name. |
ds_prepare_regions_configuration | Prepare configuration for an array of regions. |
ds_prepare_regions_css | Prepare styling for an array of regions. |
ds_prepare_regions_html | Prepare HTML structure for an array of regions. |
ds_prepare_regions_variable_documentation | Prepare variable documentation for an array of regions. |